Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/682

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THE PARLIAMENT' S ANSWER, To His Majeftie's Gracious LETT E R, of the 4* of fane, 1 6 6 3. Mofl Sacred Saver aign, HE DESIRE Wee have had to return to your Majefty a fatisfactory account, of what by your mofl; Gracious Letter, of the fourth o{]une, was entrufted to Us for trying of the contrivance , and carrying on of that defign of Billeting, (with which Your Majefty with fomuchreafon declared Your felf mofl unfatsfied) Hath occasioned that Wee have not fooner made thefe humble , and thankfull ac- knowledgments , which the gracious expreffions in the former part of Your Let- ter call for ; Being defirous that the account of Our dutifull , and hearty obedience, to thefe Your Majefties juft commands , might acompany Our due acknowledg- ments of your Majeftie's grace and goodnefs, and that Our return might not divide what your Majefty by your Royall Letter Joined. Wee doe with all humble duty , and thankfulnefs- acknowledge the great blelfings which this Your Anci- ent Kingdom doth now enjoy , under your Royall Authoritie. The Church being reftored to its right Go- vernment; The Kingdom to its former peace; The Laws to their free courfe; And the Subjects to their Juft Liberties; And all thefe flowing to Us , as the happy fruits and effects of your Majeftie's blefled reltitution. Wee conceive our felves oblidged in a due refcntment thereof , and of the often, and renewed expreffions of your Majeftie's Royall care and tendernefs of this.Kingdom , To return the humble offer of our Lives, and Fortunes, and all that is deareft to Us , for the advancement of your Majeftie's Honour , Authority, and Greatnefs: And that it fhall be Our care, that the expreffions of Our obedience to your Majeftie's com- mands, fhall be futable to thefe unparalell'd Ads of grace, and favour your Majefty hath vouchafed upon Vs. By your Majeftie's Letter , it appears that by a Gentleman imployed laft year, with a letter of Credit fromtheEarleofcJ7//^7(?^w«, itwasreprefentedtoyour Majefty, that it was the defire of Your Parlia- ment here , That the Act of Indemnity mould carry an exception of incapacitating from Publick truft ; And thatheearneftlypreftinnameofYour Parliament yeur Majeftie's confent to the incapacitating fome few of the mofl Guilty , not exceeding twelve, And your Majefty dcfiring to know the truth thereof from Us. IN OBEDIENCE to your Majeftie's commands , this being taken into the confideration of Your Parlia- ment , and every member of Parliament'particularly asked thereupon : Wee Find by the unanimous opini- ons, and votes of theHoufe, That the Parliament gave no warrand to defire of your Majefty , that the Act of Indemnity fhould carry an exception of incapacitating from Publick Truft , And that the Parliament gave no warrand at all to defire in their names your Majeftie's confent to the incapacitating a few : Yet Wee have feen the enclofed double of an inftruction given by the Earle of zJMiddletoun in the contrary to SitGeorge Mckenzie figned , and owned by him, in prefence of your Parliament , to be a Juft double , bearing that it was much defired by Your Parliament , that fome fhould be excepted from Publick Truft. Wee alfo find no other ground in the Act of Parliament concerning Billeting , neither doe Wee remember of any other ground made ufe of before the Articles, or in the Parliament, for incapacitating ; But that it was your Majeftie's pleafure to have it fo ; And that this was the rife of bringing in the Act of Billeting, as the mofl expedient way of voting the Act for incapacity. And in obedience to your Majeftie's commands , for the farther trial of the manner of contrivance , and carrying on of this defign of Billeting; And your Majefties,fufpition that your Name was abufed therein;Some Commilfioners authorized by your Majefties Parliament , having taken the Depofitions of diverfe Members of Parliament , and two Knights thereupon ; And having delivered the principal depofitions to your Majefties Commifioner, to be by his Grace , communicated to your Majefty ; Have offered to Us this particular ac- count thereof under their hand- writings , which Wee (without prefuming at all to give any Judgment there- upon) offer hereby to your Majefties Royall confideration. And when your Majefty fhall bepleafed to make Your farther pleafure therein known to Us , Wee fhall give fuch obedience thereto , And to the other particulars in your Royall Letter , as fhall Witnefs to the World , that your Majefties Royall Judgment is the rule of Our actions ; And that your Majefties commands fhall alwayes receive that obedience from Us, which futes with the Duty of good Subjects , and the relation wee now ferve your Majefty in; As your Ma- jefties moft Loyal and Faithful Parliament . In whofe Name , and by whofe Command , thefe are figned by Edmburoh ^ our Majeftie's moft Humble , moft Dutiful, moft 28. ]uly, 1663. Obedient, Subject, and Servant. GLENC JIRNE Cancellarius. J. T. D. Tar. ACT