Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/691

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King CHARLES&I1. 117 at all the Ports or Precincts within this Kingdom , ihail give in yearly in Exchequer the exact account of the feveral quantities of the Commodities, whereupon Bullion is hereby impbfed , and that upon Oath , at the feaft and term oiMartimas yearly : As alfo to exhibit and produce the fubferibed Entries by the Merchants of the forefaids Goods imported; And for that effect , that Letters of Horning be directed againfl: the faid general Collectors , Tackf-men and their Deputies , by the Lords of His Majefties Exchequer , upon a charge of fix dayes: And it is hereby Declared, That the faids Tackf-men, Collectors or their Deputies mall be holden and aftricted to deliver to the importer , Certificates of the forefaid Bullion infpecie, or of the Money payed therefore at the rate forefaid, gratis. And whereas, by the meaning of this Act, it is left in the option of the importer , either to pay Bullion infpecie or to pay Money for the fame, at the rate of twelve Shillings /£r ounce , and that the Money fo payed is to be delivered to the General andMaftec of the Mint, by the faids Tackf-men, Collectors and their Deputies, and thereby the faid General and Matter are oblieged to import the flock of the Bullion themfelves: Therefore it is hereby Statute and Ordained, that the faids Officers fhall be oblieged to Coin the faid Bullion fo imported by them, and to make the farrie pafs His Majefties Irons , and that the faids Officers be controled by their Letters of receipt of the faids fums of money granted by them, to the faids Tackf-men, Collectors and their Deputies. And it is hereby De- clared, That the forefaids whole Commodities imported after the forefaid day, fhallbe lyable to the feveral proportions of Bullion above fpecified, notwithftanding of any Act or Atfts of Parliament formerly made, or to be made in this prefent Parliament , in favours of any Manufactories , Companies of Fifhing, or Trade, or other Acts whatfoever, which are hereby Declared not to impede the payment of Bullion im- pofed upon the imported Goods forefaids, in manner abovementioned. i x. i^A C T concerning Trefcrifitioiis-. 'December 8. 1669. OUR Soveraign Lord, with advice & confent of the Eftates of Parliament, Statutes and Ordains.T hat all Arreaftmentstobeufed hereafter upon Decreets,regiftrate Bonds,Difpofitions orContracts,not purfued and infilled on within five years after the laying on thereof, fhall after that time prefcrive ; And that allArreft- ments already ufed upon the ground aforefaid ,fhall prefcrive within five years after the date hereof. And that all Arreflments,ufed or to be ufed upon dependance of Actions,fhall likewayes prefcrive within five years after Sentence is obtained in the faids Actions, if the faids Arreftments be not purfued or infilled on within that time. And likewayes, HisMajefty, with advice forefaid, Statutes and Ordains, That Minifters Stip- ends and Multars not purfued for within five years after the fame are due. And likewayes Mails and Duties ofTennents, not being purfued within five years after the Tennents fhall remove from the Lands for which the Mails and Duties are craved, fhall prefcrive in all time coming : Except the faids Minifters Stipends, Multars, Mails and Duties fhall be offered to be proven tobedueandreftingowing, by the defenders their Oaths; or by a fpecial Writ under their hands, acknowledging what is refting owing; And that all Bargains concerning moveables or fums of money , probable by Witneffes, fhall only be probable by Writ or Oath of Party, if the fame be not purfued for within five years after the making of the Bargain. And futther , His Majefly with advice and confent forefaid , Statutes and Ordains, That all actions proceeding upon warnings, Spuilzies, Ejections, arreaftments, or for minifters Stipends and others forefaid , fhall prefcrive within ten years, except the faid actions be wakened every five years : But ptejudice al wayes of any of the faids ac ^j°" s » which by former acts of Parliament are appointed to prefcrive in a fhorter time. And alfo Statutes and Or- dains, That Holograph miilive Letters, and Holograph Bonds, and Subfcriptions in Compt-books without Witneffes, not being purfued for within twenty years, fhall prefcrive in all time thereafter; Except the . purfuer offer to prove, by the defenders Oath , the verity of the faids Holograph Bonds and Letters, and

Subfcriptions in the Compt-books. It is alwayes hereby Declared , That preferiptions fhall not run in any

of the Cafes forefaid, againfl minors during the years of their Minority. X. ACT concerning Interruptions-. "December 8. 1669. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD, with advice and confent of the Eftates of par- liament, Statutes and Ordains, That all Interruptions, as to the Rights of Lands be citati- ons, fall in time hereafter be execut by Meffengers at arms, and againft the defenders perfonally or at their dwelling place and at the Paroch Churches in the time of Divine Service .or immediatly after; And in cafe the parties be forth of the Kingdom, at the mercatcrofs of Edinburgh, and Peer and Shore