Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/702

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ml The fecond Tarliament of Then and in that cafe , fuch Shires , Burghs and Perfons therein fo deficient , fhall be lyable in payment of the double of the whole years Annuity of Excife, toties qmties , and all execution perfonal and real (hall be ufed asjainfl them therefore. And His Majefty and Eftates of Parliament doth hereby Declare , That this prcfcnt Aft or any thing therein contained , fhall no wife liberate the Commiffioners of Excife for the faid re- fpeftive Shires and Burghs , from being lyable in the fingle payment allanerly of the faid Annuity of Excife ; but that they fliall ftill ftand oblieged therefore as formerly , in manner contained in the Aft of Parliament made thereanent. XXfc ACT Salvo jure cujuflibet. 'December 13. 1669. OUR Soveraign Lord taking to confederation, that there be many Afts of Ratifications and others, paft and made in this Seffion of Parliament, in favours of particular perfons , without calling or hearing of fuch as may be thereby concerned and prejudged: Therefore, His Majefty, with advice and confent of die Eftates of Parliament, Statutes and Ordains, That all fuch particular Afts and Afts of Ratification paft in manner forefaid, mail not prejudge any third party of their lawful Rights , nor of their Aftions and Defen- ces competent thereupon , before the making of the faid particular Afts and Afts of Ratifications ; And that the Lords ofSeflion and all other judges within this Kingdom, man be oblieged to judge betwixt Parties, ac- cording to their feveral Rights ftanding in their perfons before the making of the faids Acts : All which are hereby exponed , and Declared to have been made. Salvo jure cujuflibet. XXII. ACT of Adjournment. 'December %$. 1669. THE King's Majefty Declares this Parliament current, and Adjourns the fame to the eight of June next to come ; Ordaining all the Members of ^Parliament to attend that day , And that there be no new E- leftion of Commifiioners from Shires or Burroughs , except upon the death of feme of the prefent Commiffi- oners. P I .N I S, 4 LIS%