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134 The fecond Seffion of the fecond Parliament of caufes and things whatfoever, as upon mature deliberation, the greateft part of thefaids Coamiffioners aflembled, as faid is, and the Commiffioners authorized by the Parliament of England, acording to the tenor and purport of the Commiffion in that behalf, ihall in their wifdoms think convnient and neceiTary for the Honour of His Majefty , and the Well and Common-good of both Kingdcns during His Majefties Life, (which Almighty God make long and profperous) and of His Heirs pd lawful Succeffors for ever. Which Commiffioners of both Kingdoms mall, according to the tenor ad purport of the Commiffions in that behalf, reduce their Doings and Proceedings therein into Writiigs or In- ftruments tripartie , every part to be fubfcribed and fealed by them ; To the end , that one prt there of may in all humblenefs be prefented to the Kings moft Excellent Majefty , another part thetof offer- ed to the confideration of the Parliament of Scotland, and another part to be offered to theconfide- rationof the Parliament of England, at their next Seffions to be held in either Kingdoms refeclive , after fuch Writings or Inftruments fhall be fubfcribed and fealed by the faids Commiffioners, tht there- upon fuch further proceedings may be had, as by his Majefty and both the faids Parliaments ,mall be thought fit and neceiTary for the Well and Common-good of both the faid Kingdoms; To wbm the entire confideration of the whole , and the allowing or dif-allowing thereof, or any part thcreofts they fhall think fit, is wholly referved. Likeas , his Majefty , with advice and confent forefakl , dot here- by Statute and Declare, that no matter or thing to be propofed, treated of, or agreed by th faids Commiffioners, by vertue of this Act, fhall have any force or efte<3, or be put in execution, until it e con- firmed and eftabliflied by Aft of the Parliament oiScotland. I I. ACT againH ftich whajhall refuje to depone against 'Delinquents. Edinburgh, 3. of Auguft. 1670. FOrafmuch as it is the duty of all good Subjects , to give their beft concurrence and affiftance as they jail be. thereunto required by publick Authority, fordifcoveryandpunifhmentofall crimes againft thebifl blick Laws, or which may tend to the breach or difturbance of the publick Peace of the Kingdom ; And tiat it is an high contempt of Authority , and a fignal evidence of difloyalty and inclination to rebellion , toreife or fhift the fame when required thereunto. Therefore , His Majefty , with advice and confent of his Efta-s: in Parliament , doth hereby Statute and Ordain , That all and every Subject of this Kingdom , of what detrre, fex or quality foever, who hereafter fhall be called by His Majefties Privy Council, or any others havte Authority from His Majefty, to declare and depone upon Oath, their knowlege of any crimes againft te publick Laws and Peace of the Kingdom ; and particularly, of any Conventicles or other unlawful Meeting, andofthefeveralcircumftancesoftheperfonsprefent, and things done therein, or of the refletting and ll tercommuning with perfons who are , or hereafter fhall be declared Fugitives or Rebels: Are obliegedl confcience,duty, and by the alledgiance of Subjects, to declare and depone their knowlege thereof, andc all the particulars relating thereunto. And if any fhall happen to be fo perverfly wicked and difloyal , to refuf or delay to declare or depone, being thereunto required, as faid is ; His Majefty, with advice and confen forefaid, appoints their punifhment to be fining and clofe imprifonment , or baniihment, by fending then to His Majefties plantations in the Indies , or elfewhere , as His Majefties Council fhall think, fit. Likeas His Majefty , with advice forefaid , doth require His Privy Council to be careful in tryal of the crimes above written, and in the fpeedy and due execution of the pains forefaids, upon all fuch, without exception, a fhall refufe or delay to declare or depone thereupon , as faid is. It is alwayes hereby provided , that n mans declaration or depofition againft any other perfon, fhall infer againft himfelf the pain of loisof Life or Member, or Banimment. I II. kA C T for the raifing a Supply of three hundred andfixty thoufand potmds offered to His CHajeHy. Edinburgh, 9. of Auguft, 1670. TH E Eftates of Parliament taking to their confideration , that His Majefty , from His Prince ly Zeal , and Fatherly care of the good and wel-f are of His Subjects , doth imbrace and improv every opportunity which may tend to the further fecuring of their peace and happinefs; They in a du acknowledgment of His Majefties unparalelPd grace and goodnefs, and for defraying the expenc which the extraordinary occafions of His Royal Service and Government will at this time require : D with all humble duty and thanktulnefs, for themfelves , and in name of this His Majefties moft anciei Kingdom , whom they reprefent , make offer to His Majefty of a new Supply of three hundred and fixt thoufan