Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/719

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King CHARLES the I I. 14* The Tenor of the Bond above-mentioned. I in obedience of ', and conform to , the AB of Parliament again ft Import ation of Victual from Ireland, T)o hereby bind and oblidge me , that I, nor myTennents , nor atiy other 'Per/on dwelling upon any Lands belonging to me , Jhallnot import nor reffetany Victual from Ireland, tyind if any Victual, Jo imported, jball be Livered in any Bounds belonging to me , by any per fan not living within my bounds, I oblidge me to feife and detain the Victual , Goods , Vejfels and 'Per Jons therein , if they can be apprehended : <_y4nd to give fpeedy notice thereof to His Majefties Coun- cil or Exchequer, under the pam of Twelve hundred pounds , as oft as 1 or they Jhall failzie in any of the premiffes ; To be payed to t^tnd for the more fecurity, &c The like Bond to be given by the Magistrates of the Burrows above-mentioned for their Inhabitants. I V. t^f C T for raifmg of a New Supply of Eight Hundred and Sixty Four Thoufand Pounds Scots , Offered to His Majefty. "Edinburgh, 5. oijuly, 1672. TH E Eftates of Parliament being fenfible of the great O':! v-ations lying on them to imbrace every Occa- fion whereby they may renew the Exprefiions uf their Duty , Loyalty and Gratitude to His Majefty, for the many and conftant Proofs they have had of His Affection to , and Care of, the Concerns of this His Ancient Kingdom ; And confidering that His Majefty is now engaged in a mod Juft and Neceflary Waragainft the States General of the United Provinces , They conceive themfelves oblidged to take fuch courfes, and provide fuch remedies, as may evidence the ienfe and refenrments this Kingdom hath of His Majefties Honour and Interefts , as well as what may concern their own fecurity, againft all Acci- dents which either from without or within the Kingdom may fall out upon thisoccafion : And therefore They do hereby Declare, that, as the Kingdom of Scotland will cheerfully hazard their lives and fortunes in this or any other caufe wherein His Majefties Safety, Honour or Interefts may be concern'd ; So, in order thereunto, They have fo fettled the Militia, as the Forces of the Kingdom may be in readinefs, when ever His Majefty fhuil be pleafed for thofe ends to make ufe of them. And conceiving it neceflary , for the rendering of this Humble Tender of their Dut^ die more effectual for His Majefties Set vice, That His Majefty be provided with a ftock of money toward the encouragement and maintenance of the Forces of the Kingdom, and fuch other neceflary occafions as concern His Majefties Honour, or the fublick Peace ; They do thetefore , with all humble Duy and Cheerfulnefs, for Themfelves , and in name of this Kingdome which They reprefent, Make offer to His Majefty of a new Supply of Eight hundred, fixty four thoufand pounds Scots , to be payed andraifed out of the Land-rent of the Kingdom, according to the prefent Valuations, in the fame maner , and conform to the proportions contained in the Aft of the Convention of Eftates , for.raifmg of the Supply granted to His Majefty in the Year, One thou- fand, fix hundred, fixty feven, and to be payed in four parts at the Terms following, each fourth part an- fwering to three MonedisCefs; viz. Two hundred, and fixteen thoufand pounds, as being one fourdt part thereof, and anfwering to three MonethsCefs, to be payed at the Term of Lambas next to come in this prefent Year, One thoufand, fix hundred, feventytwo-. Another I wo hundred, and fixteen thou- fand pounds, at the Term of Candlemas , One thoufand, fix hundred, feventy three ; And the diird Two hundred , and fixteen thoufand pounds , at the Term ofLambas , One thoufand, fix hundred, feventy three; A nd the fourth and laft Two hundred , and fixteen thoufand pounds, to be payed at the Term oi Candlemas, On- thoufand , fix hundred, feventy four. Likeas the Kings Majefty , with advice and confent of HisE- flates of Parliament , Doth hereby Ordain the forefaid fumme of Eight hundred, fixty four thoufand pounds Scots to be raifed and payed at the Terms of payment particularly above-mentioned : And that the Com- jtniffioners tor the Valuations take care , and be anfwerable , that the fame : e accordingly raifed and payed in to fuch ai ihall be warranted by 1 :is Majefty to receive the fame ; And that all maner of diligence and execution contained in the forefaid Aft of Convention, One thoufand, fix hundred, fixty feven, be made ufeofior raifmg of this Supply above-mentioned, at the feveral Terms of payment thereof , as fully as if the fame were exprefly repeated in this Act. And as His Majefty with Advice forefaid , Ordains that exacl- .nefs, diligence and execution be ufedforrhe fpeedy bringing in of this Supply asaforefaid ; So, for the encouragement of fuch as /hall make due payment , as f aid is , It is alfo hereby Declared, That no per- fon liable in any part of this Supply, fhall be holden to produce their Difcharges or Receipts of the fame after the fecond oi February , in the Year One thoufand , fix hundred , and eighty one. And farther, the Kings Majefty, confidering that the whole burden of this Supply lieth upon the Land-rent; And conceiving it T juft,