Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/752

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! g The Third 'Parliament of in blood,which cannot be interrupted, fufpended or diverted by any Aft or Statute whatfoever , And that nolle can attempt to alter or divert the laid SuccefTion , without involving the fubjefts of this Kingdom in Perjurie and Rebellion , and without expofwg them to all the fatal and dreadful confequences of a Civil vyarr , D O E therefore from a hearty and fmcete fence of their duty, Recognize, acknowledge and declare, that the right to the Imperial Crown of this Realm, is by the inherent right and the nature of the Monarchic, afwelas by the fundamental and unalterableLawsol this Realm, tranfmitted and devolved by a lineal SuccefTion, accord- ing to the proximitie of blood. And that upon the death of the King or Queen , who actually Reignes , The fubjefts of this Kingdom are bound by Law, duty and allegiance , to obey the next Immediat and Lawful Heir either Male or Female , Upon whom the right and adminiftration of the Government is imnlediatly de- volved. And that no difference in Religion % nor no Law nor Aft of Parliament made , ortobemade, can alter or divert the right of Succefliori and lineal defcent of die Crown-to the Neareft and LawfulHeirs , accor- ding to the degrees torefaids : nor can flop or hinder them in the full, free and Aftual adminiftration of the Government according to the Lawsof the Kingdom. Likeas O UR- "S G V E R A I G N E L O R D , With advice and confenc of the faids Eftates of Parliament, Do declare it is high Treafon in any of the fubjefts of this Kingdom , by writing , fpeaking , or any other manner of way to endeavour the alteration , fufpenfion or diverfion of thefaici right of Succeffion , or the debarring the Next Lawful Succeffbr frbm the immediat, Aftual, full and free adminiftration of the Government, conform to the Laws of the Kingdom. And that all fuch attempts or^iefignes mall inferr againft them the paine of Treafon.

J£'Q' T Tor a voluntary ofer of a new Supplie to the King's Majefite. Auguft, 20. 1 68 1. DURSOVERAIGNELORD, and Eftates of Parliament taking to cohfideratiofl , That the Convention of Eftates , holden at Edinburgh , in the Moiieth of Jtsly ', 1078. upon the weighty con- siderations therein fpecified , and particularly the great danger the Kingdom was under, byfeditious and re- bellious Conventicles , and the neceffitie which then appeared to encieafe the forces , forfecuring the Go- vernment , and fuppreffing thefe Rebellious commotions , which were fomented by feditiOus principles and praftifes. DID THEREFORE humbly , and dutifully offer a chearfu.1 and unanimous fupplie of Eighteen hundred thoufand pounds Scots, to be raifed and payed forth of the Shires and Burghsofthis His Majefties ancient Kingdom , inthefpace of five years, according to the prefent valuations; Ariel that as Twentie five Moneths cefs in the whole , beingtive Moneths yearly , amounting to Three hundred and fixty thoufand pounds Scots each year, at two terms in the year be equal portions, at the terms mentioned in the faid Aft , being two Moneths , and an halfe Moneths cefs for every term ; according to the proportions im- pofed on each refpeftive Shire , and Burgh by the faid Aft of Convention. AND the Eftates of Parliament now conveened,having taken to confrderation,how the dangers from the forefaids caufes doe much encreafe , in fo far as fucih as are feditioufly , and rebellioufly inclined, doe ftill propogat their pernicious principles, andgo on from onedegree of rebellion to another; till now at laft the horrid vilianies of murthe'r, aflaffinati- on, and avowed rebellion are t)wned, not only as things Lawful, but as Obligations from their Religion, to the difhonour of God, the fcandal of Religion thedanger of His Majeftfe's Sacred Perfon , the overthrow- ing of all Government Ecclefiaftical and Civil , and the Imminent and apparent mine of the Subjefts lives and fortuns. DOE THEREFORE, In a due fenceof their duty to God , To their Sacred Soveraigne , and to the prefervation of themfelves , and their pofteritie, Of new make ane humble , unanimous , cheariul, and hearty offer, for themfelves , and in name of, and as reprefenting this His Majeftie's ancient Kingdom , of a continuation of the forefaid fupply granted by the Convention of Eftates ; and that for the fpate of five years, or Ten terms fucceffive* Beginningthe firft term's payment, at the fermof Martinmas 1683. being the next immediat term, after the expyring of the laft term of the fupply granted by the faid Aft of Convention , being two Moneth's, and an halfe Moneth's cefs, for each term of the faids Ten terms , and fo forth to continue in manner forefaid, yearly, andtermly, during the faids five years; HUMBLY be- feeching His Majeftie , gracioufly to accept this their unanimous offer , and tender forefaid. WHICH fup- ply is to be uplifted, levied and collected in the fariie way, and manner, as is prefcribed, and appointed by the faid Aft of Convention , with the alterations and additions following , viz. That the Commander of the forces fhall give , and allow fuch parties , and no more , to the Receiver General, for quartering on deficients* as he fhail require from time to time, for inbringing of the faid fupply ; As alio that the faid Receiver General fllall fend parties to each Shire j, in fuch number , arid no greater , and at ftich times, as the Commiflioners of Excife and Cefs , or any two or more of them , or their Colleftor within the refpeftive Shires , mall require^ to be imployed for inbringing the fupplie; and that all parties fent to quarter in any Shire upon the accompc forefaid , fhall be direfted in their quartering , by the Commifiioners of Excife and Cefs , within each Shire, according , and in the manner prefcribed by the forefaid Aft of Convention. IT IS ALWAIES HEREBY DECLARED, That although the Commiffioners , or their Colleftors fhould not require any