Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/769

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Of the Printed ACTS.

  1. Act Ratifying former Laws ſecuring the Proteſtant Religion.
  2. Act aſſerting the Right of Succeſſion to the Imperial Crown of this Kingdom.
  3. Act for a voluntary offer of a new Supply to His Majeſty.
  4. Act for ſecuring the Peace of the Country.
  5. Act concerning Probative Witneſſes in Writs and Executions.
  6. Act anent Religion , and the Teſt.
  7. Act diſcharging the Summer Seſſion.
  8. Act for continuation of the Exciſe.
  9. Act againſt Perſonal Proteſtions.
  10. Act concerning Wives Terces.
  11. Act concerning the Regiſtration of Seiſings, and Reverſions, of Tenements within Burgh.
  12. Act for encouraging of Trade and Manufacturies.
  13. Act anent Declinatvurs.
  14. Act for refraining the exorbitant expence of Marriages , Baptiſms, and Burials.
  15. Act againſt Aſſaſinations.
  16. Act concerning the Juriſdiction of the Admiral Court.
  17. Act concerning the Sale of Bankrupts-lands.
  18. Act aſſerting his Majeſties Prerogative in point of Juriſdiction.
  19. Act concerning the Oaths of Minors.
  20. Act concerning Bils of Exchange.
  21. Act Concerning the Election of Commiſſioners for Shires..
  22. Act appointing the Quorum of the Juſtice Court, in time of Vacance.
  23. Act in favours of the Univerſity of St.Andrewes, appointing halfe a Moneths Ceſs to be raiſed for their uſe.
  24. Act ordaining Bread, and Butcher-Fleſh, to be ſold by Weight.
  25. Additional Act concerning the Teſt.
  26. Act concerning Publick Debts.
  27. Act anent the prices of French, and Spaniſh Salt.
  28. Act Salvojure Cujuſlibet.
  29. Act of Adjournment.