Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/791

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Of the Kingdom of SCOTLAND,

Holden at Edinburgh, from the 26. day of June, to the 11 of July, 1678.

By His Grace John Duke of Lauderdale, Marqueſs of March, Earl of Lauderdail. Viscount Maitland, Lord Thirlestane, Muſſelburgh and Boltoun, &c,

His MAJESTIES Commiſſioner, &c.

For a new and voluntar offer to His MAJESTY, of Eighteen Hundred Thouſand Pounds Scots.

At Edinburgh, the tenth day of July, 1678.

THE CONVENTION of Eſtates of the Kingdom of Scotland, by His Majeſties Authority and Command, at this time aſſembled, Conſidering the great happineſs, peace, and tranquility they enjoy under His Majeſties Royal Government; and His Fatherly Care for this His Ancient Kingdom, in being ſo watchful over all its Concerns; And that as all Kings and Eſtates do at preſent carefully ſecure themſelves and their people, by providing againſt all ſuch forraign Invaſions and Inteſtine Commotions, as may make them a prey to their enemies: So it is not fit that this Kingdom ſhould only of ail others, remain without Defence, in a time wherein theſe dangerous Field-conventicles, declared by Law, Rendezvouſes of Rebellion do ſtill grow in their numbers and inſolencies, againſt all which the preſent Forces cannot in reaſon be thought a ſuitable Security. And conſidering the many frequent and renewed profeſſions this Kingdom hath made, with their lives and fortunes to ſerve His Majeſty, in the maintenance of His Honour, and Greatneſs; And that there is a new opportunity offered to them to make good the profeſſions of their zeal, duty, and affection. In recogniſance whereof, and in humble acknowledgement of the ſame,& that His Majeſty may be the better enabled to raiſe more Forces for ſecuring this His Ancient Kingdom, againſt all forraign Invaſions & Inteſtine Commotions; And to the end they may be maintained by equal & regular wayes: And to let the world ſee the unanimous affection of this His Maj. Ancient Kingdom, for the maintenance of His Majeſties Royal Greatneſs, Authority, & Government, in Church & State, as it is now aſſerted, & eſtabliſhed by the Laws of the Kingdom,& in order to the entertainment of ſuch forces, as His Majeſty shall raiſe for the defence thereof; The CONVENTION of ESTATES of this Kingdom,for themſelves, and in name of, and as repreſenting this His Majeſties Ancient Kingdom, do humbly beſeech His Majeſty would be graciouſly pleaſed to accept the unanimous, ready,and chearful offer, & humble tenderof a