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The Kings of Scotland.

XXXV Fincormachus, father brother ſonne to Crathilimhus, began his reign, in the zeir of the warld 4271. In the zeir of Chriſt 301. A godly King and valiant. He was a worthy promover of the kingdome of Chriſt in Scotland. He died in peace in the 47. zeir of his reigne.

XXXVI. Romachus brothers ſonne to Crathtlinthus, began to reigne in the zeir of the warld 4318. In the zeire of Chriſt 348. A cruell tyrant, ſlaine be his Nobles, and his head ſtriken off, in the third zeire of his reigne.

XXXVII Anguſianus, Crathilinthus brothers ſonne, ſucceeded to Romachus in the zeire of the warld 4321. In the zeire of Chriſt 351. A gud King, ſlaine in battell be the Pictes, in the 3 zeire of his reigne.

XXXVIII Fethelmachus, another brothers ſonne of Crathilinthus, he began to reigne in the zeir of the warld 4324. In the zeir of Chriſt 354. He was a valiant King, for he overcame the Pictes, and ſlewe their King. He was betrayed to the Pictes be ane Harper, and ſlaine be them in his owne chalmer in the 3. zeire of his reigne.

XXXIX Eugenius 1. 'Fincormachus ſonne, began to reigne in the zeir of the warlde 4327. In the zeire of Chriſte 357. A valiant, juſt and gud King. He was ſlaine in battell be the Pictes and Romaines in the 3. zeir of his reigne. And the whole Scottiſh nation was utterly expelled the Ile be the Pictes and Romaines and remained in exile, about the ſpace of 44 zeires.

XL Fergus. 2 Erthus ſonne, ſonne to Ethodius, Eugenius the firſte his brother, returning into Scotland, with the help of the Danes and Gotthes and his owne cuntrie-men who were gathered to him out of all cuntries where they were diſperſed, conquered his kingdome of Scotland againe out of the Romaines and Pictes handes. He began his reigne, In the zeire of the warld 4374. In thezeire of Chriſt 404. He was a wiſe, valiant and gud King. He was ſlaine be the Romaines in the 16. zeire of his reigne.

XLI. Eugenius 2. Fergus 2. ſonne, ſucceeded to his father, In the zeir of the warld 4390. In the zeir of Chriſt 420. He was a valiant and a gud prince. He ſubdewed the Brittones, and died in the threttie twa zeire of his reigne.

XLII Dongardus ſucceeded to his brother Eugenius 2. In the zeir of the warlde 4421. In the zeire of Chriſt 451. A godly, wiſe and a valiant prince. He died in the 5. zeire of his reigne.

XLIII Conſtantine 1. ſucceeded to his brother Vortgardus, In the zeire of the warld 4427. In the zeire of Chriſt 457. A wicked prince. He was ſlaine be a noble man in the Iles, whoſe daughter he had defiled, in the 22. zeire of hiſ reigne.

XLIIII Congallus 1. Dongardus ſonne, began to reigne, in the zeire of the warld 4449. In the zeir of Chriſt 479. A gud and quiet prince. He died in peace in the 22. zeir of his reigne.

XLV Coranus, or Conranus, ſucceeded his brother Congallus 1. In the zeire of the warld 4471. In the zeire of Chriſt 501. A gud and a wiſe prince, he died in the 34. zeire of his reigne.

XLVI Eugenius' 3. Congallus ſonne ſucceeded to his father: In the zeire of the warld 4505. In the zeire of Chriſt 535. A wiſe King, and a gud juſtitiar. He died in the 23. zeire of his reigne.

XLVII Congallus 2. or Convallus, ſucceeded to his brother Eugenius 3. in the zeire of the warld 4528. In the zeire of Chriſt 558. A verie gud prince. He died in peace the 11. zeire of his reigne.

XLVIII Kinnallus ſucceeded to his brother Congallus 2. in the zeire of the warld, 4539. In the zeire of Chriſt 569. A gud Prince. He died in the firſt zeir of his reigne.

XLIX. Aidanus Conranus Sonne, began to reigne, in the zeir of the warld 4540. In the zeir of Christ 570. A Godlie and gud Prince. He died in the 35. zeire of his reigne.

L Kennethus 1 ſur-named Keir, Congallus 2, ſonne, began to reigne in the zeir of the warld 4575. In the zeir of Chriſt 605. A peaceable prince. He died in the 1. zeire of his reigne.

LI Eugenius 4. Aidanus ſonne, began to reigne in the zeire of the warld 4576. In the zeire of Chriſt 606. A valiant and a gud King. He died in the 16. zeire of his reigne.

LII Ferquhard 1. ſucceeded to his father Eugenius 4. In the zeire of the warld 4591. In the zeire of Chriſt 621. a bluidie tyrant. He ſlew himſelfe in priſon in the 12. yeire of his reigne.

LIII. Donald 4. ſucceeded to his brother Ferquhard 1. in the zeire of the warld 4602. In the zeire of Chriſt 632. He was a gud and religious King, he was drowned in the water of Tay, quhill he waſ a fiſhing in the 14. zeire of his reigne.

LIIII Ferquhard 2. ſucceeded to his brother Donald 4. in the zeir of the warld 4616. in the yeir of Chriſt 646. A verie wicked man. He was bitten by a wolfe in hunting, of the quhilk inſewed a fever whereof he died in the 18, yeere of his reigne.

LV Malduine Donald 4. his Son began to reigne in the zeire of the warld 4634. In the zeire of Chriſt 664. a gad prince ſtrangled be his wife who ſuſpected him of Adulterie, in the 20. zeire of his reigne.

LVI Eugenius 5. Malduine his brothers ſonne, began to reigne in the zeire of the warld 4654. In the zeire of Chriſt 684. A falſe prince, ſlayne by the Pictes in battell in the fourth zeire of his reigne.

LVII Eugenius 6. Ferquhard 2. his ſonne began to reigne in the zeire of the warld 4658. In the zeire of Chriſt 688. A gud prince, hee died in peace in the 10. yere of his reigne.

LVIII Ambirkelethus Findanus ſonne, Eugenius 5. ſonne, began to reigne in the zeire of the warld 4667. In the zeire of Christ 697. He was ſlaine be the ſhot of ane arrow, by quhom it was ſhot it is unknawin, (a vicious prince) in the ſecond zeire of his reigne.

LIX Eugenius7 ſucceeded to his brother Ambirkelethus, in the yeir of the warld 4669. In the zeire of Chriſt 699. He died in peace in the 17. yeire of his reigne. a gud prince.

LX Mordacus Amhirkelethus ſonne began to reigne in the zeire of the warld 4685. In the yeire of Chriſt 715. A gud prince. He died in the 16. zeire of his reigne.

LXI Etsinus Eugenius 7. his ſonne, began to reigne in the yeire of the warld 4751. In the yeire of Chriſt 730. He died in peace in the 31. yeir of his reigne.

LXII Eugenius 8. Mordacus ſonne, began to reigne in the yeire of the warld 4751. In the yeire of Chriſt 761. a gud prince in the beginning of his reigne, and thereafter degenerating from his gud life, he is ſlaine by his Nobles in the 3. yeire of his reigne.

LX1II Fergus 3. Etſinus ſonne, began to reigne in the zeire of the warld 4734. In the yeire of Chriſt 764. A lecherous prince, poyſoned by his wife in the 3. yeire of his reigne.

LXIIII Solvathius Eugenius 8. ſonne, began to reigne in the yeire of the warld 4737. In the yeire of Chriſt 767. A good prince, he died in peace in the 20. yeire of his reigne.

LXV Achaius, Etsinus ſonne began to reigne in the yeire of the warld foure thouſand 757. In the yeire of Chriſt 787. A peaceable, gud and godlie prince. He maid a league with Charles le maigne Emperour and King of France, quhilk remained inviolable keiped to this day. He died in the 32 zeire of his reigne.

LXVI Congallus or Convallus, Achaius fathers brothers ſonne began to reigne in the yeire of the warld 4794. In the zeire of Chriſt 819. A gud prince, he died in the 5. yeire of his reigne.

LXVII Dongallus, Solvathius ſonne ſucceeded in the zeire of the warld 4794. In the yeire of Chriſt 824. A valiant and gud prince. He was drowned cumming over the river of Spey to war againſt the Pictes, in the ſeventh zeire of his reigne.

LXVIII Ailpinus Achaius ſon, began to reigne in the zeire of the warld 4801. In the zeire of Chriſt 831. A gud prince. He was taken in battel and beheaded be the Pictes in the 3. yeire of his reigne.

LXIX Kenneth 2. ſurnamed the Great, ſucceeded to his father Alpinus in the zeire of the warld 4804, in the zeire of Chriſt 834, a gud and a valiant prince. He utterlie overthrew the Pictes in diverſe battelles, expelled them out of the land, & joyned the kingdome of the Pictes to the Crown of Scotland. He died in peace in the 20 zeire of his reigne.

LXX Donald 5 ſucceeded to his brother Kenneth 2. In the zeire of the warld 4824. In the zeire of Chriſt 854. A wicked Prince: he ſlew himſelfe in the 5, zeire of his reigne.

LXXI Conſtantine . Kenneth 2 his ſonne began to reigne in the zeir of the warld 4829. In the zeire of Chriſt 859. A valiant prince. Hee was ſlaine by the Danes in a cruell battel ſtricken at Carrdill in Fife, in the 16. zeire of his reigne.

LXXII Ethus ſurnamed Alpes, Conſtantine' 2. his ſonne, ſucceeded to his father in the yeire of the world 4844. In the zeire of Chriſt 874. A vitious prince, he was impriſoned be his Nobles, where he died in the 2. zeire of his reigne.

LXXIII Gregorie ſurnamed the Great, Dougallus ſonne, 2. began to reigne in the yeire of the warld 4846. In the zeire of Chriſt 876. A valiant, victorious and renowned prince throw the warld in his time: he died in peace in the 18 yeire of his reigne.

LXXIIII Donald 6. Conſtantine the 2. his ſonne, began to reigne in the yeire of the warld 4863 in the yeire of Chriſt 893. a valiant prince. He died in peace being loved of his ſubjects in the 11. yeire of his reigne.

XXV Conſtantine 3 . Ethus Alipes ſonne, began to reigne in the yeire of the warld 4874. In the yeire of Chriſt 904. He was a valiant King, yet he proſpered not in his warres againſt England, and therefore being wearie of his life, he became a Monke, and died after he had reigned 40. yeirs as King.

LXXVI Malcolme 1. Donald 6-His ſonne, began to reigne in the yeire of the warld 4913. In the, yeire of Chriſt 943 a valiant prince and a gude juſticiar: He was ſlaine in Murray by a conſpiracie of his awin ſubjectes,in the 9. yeire of his reigne.

LXXVII. Indulfus Conſtantine 3-his ſonne, began to reigne in the yeare of the warld, 4922. In the yeire of Chriſt, 952. a valiant and a gud Prince. He had manie battelles with the Danes, quhom he overcame, but in the ende he was ſlaine by them in a ſtratageme of weire, in the 9. yeire of his reigne.

LXXVIII. Duffus, Malcolme the firſt his ſonne, began to reigne in the yeire of the warld, 4931. In the yeire of Chriſt, 961. A gud prince and a ſevere juſtitiar. He was ſlaine be one Donald at Forres in Murraie, and was buried ſecretly under the Brig of a river betide Kinloſse, but the mater was revealed, and the murtherer and his wife, that conſented thereto ſeverely puniſhed. He reigned 5. yeire.

LXIX. Culenus, Indulsus Sonne, began to reigne in the yeire of the warld, 4936. In the yeire of Chriſt 966. An vicious & an effeminate prince Hee was ſlaine at Methven by Radardus a Nobleman, whoſe daughter he had defiled in the 4 yeire of his reigne.

LXX. Kenneth 3. Duffus Brother, began to reigne in the yeire of the warld, 4940. In the yeire of Chriſt 970. A valiant and a wife prince: But in the end he became cruell and ſlew Malcolme his brothers Sonne, and in Gods judgement, who ſuffereth not innocent bloud to be unpuniſhed, he was ſlaine by a ſtrange ingine, ane Image fixed in an wall at Fettircarne by the meanes of a Noble woman there, called Fenella, in the 24 yeire of his reigne.

LXXI. Conſtantine 4. ſurnamed Calvus, Culenus Sonne, began to reigne in the zeire of the warld 4964. In the zeire of Christ 994. Ane uſurper of the Crown. He was ſlaine in battell at the towne of Crawmond in Louthian in the 2. zeire of his reigne.