Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/861

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<De verborum fignificat'ione. 'ilUnie. tenfleilt to the Baftardes immcdiat fuperiour , be his letter, under the quarter feale, bearand: Thatfor-fa-meikle, as K borne Baftard, and dc- ceafeand Baftard, without ony aires, lauchfulliegottenofhisbodie,and nalauchful difpofitionmaid be him in his life-time, hadthelandes cal- led B.perteining to him, in heritage, halden immediatlie of the (aid fuperiour : And his Hieneffe being willing not to prejudge the fuperiour, anent his fuperiorkie: Therefore prefentisto him, file ane man, charg- ing the fuperiour to receive him, and give him fik infeftment of the landes, as the umquhile Baftard had of him of before. B E R T H I N S E K, Or Birditifek. Be the £a'w o( Birdiniik, na man fuld die, or be hanged for the thieft of anefcheepe, aneveale: Or for fa-meikle meate as he may beare upon his back in ane feck: Botall fik thieves, fuld pay ane fcheepe, or anecow, tohiminquhaislande hee is taken : And mair-over, fuld be fcurged. Lib.. c. De Tburpaitanfeca. 14. quoniam attach, c.per confinutionem.%. A/?. Reg. Da.c.i.Infine. Stat. Al- ex, c. de Berthinfek. 19. fi,uhilkisconformetothcCivil, and Cannon law. Nam omnia deliBa C malcficia efiimantur voluntate,ey propofito delin- quentis. L. qui injuria, n .In prin.ff.deJ'urtis.L.x Var,C extr. Crim.ld- eoquefi quis necejsitatejamis fedande, egeftate, ant paupertate coaBus,rem alienam contreBat, quia non adefi animus jurandi cupidus, excufari poteft. c. fiquis. Extr. de Furt. non enimfaBum, fed caufafacitndi infpicuur. l.Ve- rum.39Jf. defurti. Etvuglo dici folet,neceffaatem nonhabere legem.L.Non folum § Vlt, de e'xeufatiomb. Tutor. B L U D U E 1 T, UYTEIn Englifh is called Injuria, vel miferi. tordxa. Aneun-lawforwrangorinjurie, fikasbloud: For they quhaar infeft with Bludueit , hesfreelibertie to take up all vnlawesor amercia- iftentesofCourtjforefrufionof bloud : And to hald Courtes thereupon, and to apply the faminto their awinutilitie and profite. BONA PATRIA, Lib. 1. c.fivero. 29. Ane affife of cuntrie-men, or of good nichtboures : Some-times it is cnWcd^jfifa bona patrice,cuhen twelve, or maa men ar chofen furth ofopypartoftheCuntrie, topallc upon A(fife,quha ar called Juratores, becaufe they fuld fwcare judiciallie, in prefencc of the partie, anefolemneaith. Lib. i.e. Pofihoc. 14. lam 1. P.13.C 13 8 : In this manner following. We fall leill fuith fay.and nafuith conceale, for na-thing be may, (afar as we are charged upon this Afllfe, beGodhimfelf, and be our part of Paradife, and as we will anfwereto God upon the dreadfull day of judgement. B O N D A G I U M, or Villcnagium, flaverie, or fcrvitude : For bottdi, tiativi, and Vd'ani, iigru fies ane thing. Lib.z.e. Coufequenter ii.cumfeqq. Bondi, bereafon of their band and obligation, as bound andoblifhcd men. Nativi, bereafon of their nativitie and birth, as borne men within the land, Qjtafiafcriptitij gleba, That is depute, deftinate. or ordained be their mafter, to dwel and remaine upon the land, for keiping and labou- ring thereof. Lib. 2. c.Pluribus 1 4 And therefore utherwaiesar called FiU lani, be reafon of their office : in fa faras they have the cure of Villages, and landwarthusbandrie committed to them. Bondagium per anteriores crines capitis, quoniam attach, c. de brevibus. 31.15. quhen ony free man, renuncis his libertie, and makis himfelfe ane bond, or (lave to ane gieate man in hisCourte.and makis tradition, & delivering of him-felfe, be gi- ving ane grip ofthehaireof his forehead : to the effeft he may be main- teined and defended be him thereafter. The fiuhilk bond-men, gif they reclaime to their libertie, or happen to be fugitive fra their maiftcr.may be drawen back againe be the Nofe, to fervitudc : Fra the quhilk the Stottifh faying cummis, quhen ane boaftis and menacisto takaneu her be the Nofe. And it is leafum to ony man to fell his libertie ; bot git hee dois, he may never recover the famin. ~4fiif. Reg. Va.c. Qjt'dibet 12. quoniam attach, c. qndibet, 56. To this the Civil Law is conforme. Nam his qui ad preaum particidandum fe vanundari pafii funt,ad libertaiem pro- tlamart non licet. L. 1 .ff. lib. Vetrus Vithieus. li. 1 . 4dverfario*um, makir mention of ane kind of adoption,/>er comamfivecepillos, quhen ony perfon tuikeanegripof ane urhermannishaire, and did cut it : (iuhairby the ane, became the Father adoptive, and the uther, the Sonne adop- tive. BORCH, ane Cautioner, pledge, or fovertie, lam. sPar. 14.C. 99. In Latine,F/de-/K/?oi'. We Free Borgh. vid. Plegius. Borgh ofHam-hald. deMaritag. c. Sciendum. 17. Ane Caution or fovertie ufed in byeing and felling, quhilkthe feller findisto thebyer, to make the gudes furth - cummand, as his awin proper gudes, and to warrand the famin to him. For it is Statute, that na man fall bye ony geare, except the feller thereof finde him ane lauchfull pledge : quhilk is called Borgh of Ham-halde. And gif it fall happen the gudes fauld and bocht,to be challenged bee ane uther, and the faide pledge cannot finde him, for quhome he is pledge, tore- lieve him of the faid challenge : He fall pay to the Challenger, the triple of the thing challenged : And aucht Kye to the King, as ane un-law. And gif he quha faunde the faid pledge, relievis him not from the faid damnage, he he fallbe banifhed the realme. Lib. t .c .Statuit etiam 19. St. *4lex. c. Sta- tuit etiam 1 3 .For generally the Cautioner hes gud aftion,contrair the prin- cipall, for his relief. Lib. 3. ca. 1, In fine. And fiklikc within Burgh, the like caution fuld be found in byeirtg & felling of all merchandice.except meate and drinke, and uiher thinges offmall confequence. Leg. Eorefl.c. Nullus. 48. Et de jure civili venditor per eviBionis praftatior.em , cogitur fervare tmptorem indemnem, eodem modo acfidomimium naBus effet.L. ex empto. N. inprin.ff. de aBionibus emp. -vid. Hamhaldare. vid. Hamfuken. Mair-o- ver, gif ony manbecummis ane furth-cummand borgh for ane uther, to make him furth cummand as ane haill man, it isfufficient, gif he produce him perfonallie, hail & founde before the judge,in lauchfull time Sc place. Bot oif he be pledge for ane uther, that he falbe anfwerable as law will, he man fatisfie for him in court,and to the partie, to quhom he is all thinges, as the principall fuld have done. Quoniam attach .c. vbi all quis 1 1. BOTHNA, Buthna, Bothena.L..c.Si quis names. 30. appearis to be ane Parke, quhair cattelarfed andinclufed, vtin Libra M. ^flexandri Skene,fratris meigermani, quondam infupremo Senatu ^idvocati. guhlk is confirmed be HeBor Boetius.l.y.c.iZ3.Nu.i i.Cumfcribit maritimam The/. faliie partem a veBigali, quod Regiis procurator.bus ab incolis in annospen- difolitum erat, cum gregum multitudine abundarent, Buthquhaniam appel- lata,e(ienim,quhain, idc quod veBigal ,prifca Scotorum lingua:et Puth,ovia colleBto : b<ec tile. And it is manifeft,that the place in the quhilk the zowes arinclofed quhen they ar milked, is commonlie called an Bncht. Sicklike -JulusGelUusl. 11 .c. i,,w'ritts that Italy is fo called a Bubus, becaufelM- ta Ue. loi in the auld Greek language, fignifies Oxen, of the quhilk there was great aboundance and multitude in Italy, quhilk js confirmed be Paulns Vaxefridus lib.z.e 24. it alia linqu.t) ab [talo,Siculori<m itnce, qui earn anti- quitus in-vajitjive ob hoc Italia dtcitur ,quia magni in ea boves,h.e. talt ha. bentur,ab eo namque quod eftltalus ,per dimitiutio>:e,una litera addita,altera immutata,vitulusappellatur.ltem Bothena.StatJ'.'ilh.c. 1 1. Signifies ane Bar- ronnie,Lordfhip, orSehirefFdome, as is mzmUd, Ex Libro 99. ~4jpf. Regis David : Et Dominus T.otheme, is the lord of the Barronie,land, or ground: Libra M.Willielmi Skene, fratrismvi, Commi- (farij SanBi^4ndre<e. Pag. 149. c 79. item, It is ftatute and ordained, that the Kingis Mute, that is, the Kingis Court or ilk Bothene, that is, of ilk Schi- reffedome, falbe halden within fburtiedaies.^/^iieg. Da. ca.d.inLibr. quondam M. Roberti Carbraith. l.C.DoBjfiimi. BOTE, Ane auld Saxon worde, fignifies, Compenfation, orSarif- faftion : Asman-bote, thei't-bote ; And in all excambk.n, orcofling of landes or geare moveable : The ane part that gettis the better, givis ane Bote, or compenfation to the uther. Quhairol there is ane example in § Si famili*, OfficTudiccr id § qutdam aBtones. Inllit. de aBionibus Man-Uate' Ane man-boteisaffithment tortheflauchter ol ane man. Km-bote, for Y^n-boMt. the flauchter of ane Kinf-man. Thieft-bote, is quhen ony man agries with Thieft-luttc* ane thiefe, 5c puttishim fra the Law.Ls.iz.Iji/.Pd/.i.c^.Orquhen ony fellisane thiefe, or finis with him, tor thiett-dome done, ortobeedone. la.i.Par. 13.C. 137. BOVATA TERR JE, ane oxen-gate of land.Li.4.r. Si quisfede. rit.Zi . Quhilk in fum buikes, is wrangeouflie written, Davata terra. The Lordes of'the ieflion be their decreete, 1 8. Tulij. 1 541. Elfeemed and mo- dified ane Oxen-gate of land, to twentiefhillinges in alldewtieszeirly. Bot in this I finde na certaine rule ; For foire land is mair fertill, and uthef mair barren : Alwaies, ane Oxen-gate of land, fuld conteine threttene ac- ker : And four Oxen gate, extendis to ane pound land of auld extent, con- forme to the decrcetes given be theLirdesot the Checker. 11. Mar. 1585. Patrik Mony-penny ofVilng, and uthers, contrair ~4dam Bifhop of Orknay. And at the inftanceotjo/;;; Criechtour.e of Bruntfloun, contrail: lohn Ircntom. BREVE, Ane commoun worde in the Lawesand pracVicque of- this Realme: ^/nd alfo in the Civil Law.Lr'i.i.C. Deexa&orib. Tribut. hi. 10. leg.ult.c de convemend.fifci.Debitorib.' Quhair,in the Glofle, it is called Sch.edula, ane fchort compendious write : Like as all brieves ar conceived in few words, and ar alfwa called Trevicida. And in Rubr.C. de fentent.ex/imCK/o recitand.^tleiatus Lib.i.DifpunB.cap. z. Et Jacobus Cuiacius, Antonio Conttorepugnante, heguntex Prevculo, tdeft,ex fcripto b-eviori formula concepio. Becaufe the fentences and decreetes of Ordinal - judges, fuld be red and pronuunced in writ. Treve teftatum, is ane writ or inltrument,fubfcnved be ane publiik Notar: Or be twa witnefles, quha ar called, pares c.rftis, vel curia. h.c Convaffalli: P.tiha baith halds their land of ane fuperiour. Cuiacius Lib. i.c "Lib.z.Tit. i. Defend, in the auld Lawes of this realme,diverfe and findri. Brieves hes bene ufed and wonte, quhairof mention is maid Qjuon. brevibus 31. And in findrie uther places. Botfeven formes of Brieves allanerlie, are nowe com- monlieufed. The firft, the Brieve of Mortanceftrie. Thefeconde, the Brieve ottutorie. The third the brieve of Idiotry. The fourth the brieve otTeree. The filth the brieve ol line, -or lineation of landes, and tene- mentes within Burgh. The fext the brieve of divifion. The feventh, the brieve of perambulation, fiuhairof the three firft brieves are anfwe- red, and retoured againe to the Chancellarie. And the uther foure re- ceivis na retoured anfwer. The caufe ofthediverfitie depend is upon the forme of the brieves direft furth of the Chancellarie. Becaufe the three firft brieves in the end of ilk ane of them conteinis an command to the judge, to quhome they aredireft, to fend back againe his a nfwere to ilke point of the brieve. And the remnant foure brieves hes na fik command j And theirfore requiris na anfwer. BREVE de divifis faciendis , Is the brieve or fummonds of cognition,' or moleftation anent the propertie and commontie of Landes, anent the bounds, meithes and marches theirof, betuixt Neighbour, and Neigh- bour. Cuhilk be the new aft of Parliament, fuld be decided be ane affife, before the SchirefFe, and his deputes. Ja. 6. p. n.c. 42. Itmaiebelike- waies called the brieve of divifion, or of perambulation, or onie uther; concerning the marches of landes, lib.z . c, dicitur. 74. BREVE de nova diffafiha, quo. attach, Isthebrievc orfummondesofejeftion, orfpuilzic. For difpifttoT, is he quha ejeftis onie man furth of the pofieffion of his landis, without ordour of the law, as wriris John Raftel. ve rb. diffafitor. ^tnd nova difiafina^ fignifies alfwa fpuilzie,mnifterfuWrangous,or violent fpoliatio Seaway taking ofmove- ablegudsand gear.2z.Warch.i ^.William Lindfay contrair Jilcx.Chene. Molinxus infiilo curia parliament'. part. i.e. 10. r. 1 S. afErmis that nana dif* fafinajs that quhilk in the civil law, is called interd Bum unde vi. ^nd co- prehends alfo interdiBam uti poftidetis. ^tnd in fh; Law of Normandy,^. 8. c. 3. it is called interdiBum recup'rande poffeffia-nk . vid. diffafi'na. BREVES pleadable, breve plaatabi'e, are all fik brieves, quhilkis are perfewed and defended be ane ordinal- forme of proces before ane corii- C pejenif Breve tifta* turn. Brieves mtti in afe.