Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/868

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T)e verborum Jigmficatiom. part of the heretage quhilk perteined to the defunct, accrefcis to all them that vemainis on liie,and fuld be divided ama'ngis them all. Lib. 2. c. Ma- rtins. judic. Cap. Jtemnota. 115. Laft of all, gifony man gotten and borne in lauchfull manage, de- ceafis without anclauchfull aire, and it cannot be Anawin, quha (ulde fucceede to him : Or gif it bein queftion or doubt, quha is his richte- ousaire: Be the auld law of this realme, theKing, or ony uther fuperi- our, veteined the landes in his awinhandes, untill the pley was ended, in favouresof the juft aire : Or untill it was knawin, quha was the lauch- f)i aire. Lib. 2.Cap.ult. $3. Botnow,gif there be nalauchfullaire, toen- ter to the heritage: the King> as ultimus b&res, recognofcis, and reteinis the famln as efcheitte,^ perpetuam remanentiam,and may fell and difpone theraipon, at his pleafure, as his awin proper landes and heritage, vide T.a- ffardus. ERECTARE Effonia ab aliquo faBa, to reckon, efteeme, or judge Eflbnzies, or excufationes, maidbeony perfon. Qjioniam attach. Cap. de brevibus ;t. ESSONKJM, anEffoinzieorexcufation. Lib. 7. Cap. 10. Jam. 2. 13, Oftob.p. 1 1 . c. 5 5. Jam. 1 . par- 9. c- 114. From the French worde Exoin, quhairof mention is maid in the Lawes of Normandie. Lib.g.Cap. 10. And be Molina us in Stil.fuprem. cur. part. 1. cap. 6. de contumacia, And be D. The: Smith, lib. 2. cap. 14. of thecommounweillof England. ESTOVER1UM, Ite r- Camer. Cap. Si quit captus 25. deludic. Cap. 1 56- Suftentation, Nurifhment: for the fuperiour, during the time ol the warde, fuld fuftaine the aire honourablie, conforme to the quantitie of the heretage,Lib.2.c. l'lenam 42, Jam.4 p. 3 . cap. 2 5. Quhilk is conforme to the Englijh Law in Magna Carta, quhair it-is ftatute, That the warder fall give the aire his reafonableEftovuerie, Anno 9. Hen. ;.c. 12. quhair alfo it is written,that the relift or ony man, fall have his reafonable eftove- rium, ofthecommoun gudesof herhusbandethacisdeceafed, untill her dowrie be payed to her, Vid. Quarentena viduarum. EVE EtTrevc, dicuntur nativi de avo zsr triavo, quorum majeres fer- vitutem fervierunt : That is,fik (laves or fervandes, quhais father, gud- fchir, grand-fchir, and for- bears, lies been fervandes to ony man, and his predecefloures. Quoniam atttach. ca. de brevibus 31. vid. Bondagi- wn. EXITUS TeiT<e,The rentes.fruites, and profites of the land. Lib. 2,Cap. Si quis liberum 24- libw.c: cum autem 6. quoniam attach, cap.fecus, 28. leg. Foreft.c: Trobata 87. Exitus jufiitiari*, The profite or commodities of the juftice aire, Iterjufiic: c. 3,4. Exitus curix, the commeditie and profite of the court, fik as unlawes and fummes of money, payed be them quha are amerciat,or convift of ony crime.or comes in will therefore, as is manifeft be the forme of the precept, direct be the Chalmerlane, to the Schireffe, to take up, and intromet with exitus camerarim, or the profites of the Chalmerlane aire- Exitus hmreditatis deaBorn- cap- 1- is called the fruites, rentes,profites,and emoluments of the heretage, quhilk in the Englifh law is called the iflues of the heritage. Mag: Cart: ~4nno $-Hen: 3: cap:ij. And fiklike Exitus tenementi, fignifies the mailles and dewties thereof, Qjtoniam attach, c: Secus -29: Mod: ten: cur: c: 30. EXTENT of landes, fignifies the rents, profites, and iflues of the fa- min, quhairof there is twakindes- The auld extent, and the new ex- tent; For it appearis, that the rentall and valour of landes, hes been tax- ed, and liquidat to ane certaine fumme of filver , conforme to the profites and dewties, quhilk the landes payed at that time : Quhilk is called the auld and firft cxtent,tempore p acts. Bot becaufe the revenues and dewties of landes be progrefle of time, did increfle and grow mair and mair: ane uther taxation and extent was maid in the time of peace, as the former extent, conforme to the profites augmented, asfaidis; quhilk therefore is called the new, or fecond extent : And properlie is the verie availe that the land is worth, andgivisthe daye of ferving of the brieve- Ja-s-p^. cap. 5 5- To the quhilk, the worde Nunc, conteined in the brieve and re- tour, fuld be referred. For tempore belli, ov in time ofweirc, there is na ordinal' or certain extent of landes.prefcrived be ony law : for in fik time, either the lands are waft, and are not laboured ; or the lands-lordes fervis in proper perfone : ^nd it is na reafon,that they fuld baith make perfonal fervice, and alfo pay extent or taxation. The lordes of the Seffion e- fteemisane markeland, of auld extent, tofourmarke land of new ex- tent. 2t. Mart- 1541- fluhilk commounlie is called,the fourth maillj and fuld be generallie ufed in retouring of landes to the Kingis Chancellarie, anduthersChappelles: Albeit the famin is nocht perpetuallie obferved. This diftinftion of the auld extent, and new extent, is neceffar ; For taxa- tion of landes are raifed, conformetothe auld extent, and the relief of lands, is the rerouted mail!, according to the new extent- Andfik-Iike, quhen landes are fallen in the f uperioures handes, be reafon of none-en- tres, he fuld have allanerlie, the retouredmaill thereof, conforme to the new extent, vide None-entres- FALSING ofdoomes, Reduction of decreets. videSok. FARANDMAN. Ve ]udic. c.47. Ane ftranger or Pilgrimer, to quhome juftice fuld be done with all expedition ; That his peregrination be not flayed or flopped. Teregrini mercatores, dicuntur Earandman. lib. 4. c. 30. in lib. sconenfi. FELONIA, fignifies nocht onelie the falfed, orthecontumacieofthe vafiall toward his over-lord,or of the over-lord toward his valla!!. Bot al- fo all and quhatfumever capitall crime in Latine, fcelus, inDutch, Schel- merie, or ony uther fault or trefpafle. Iter Camer. c. Si quis captus 25. Stat: ^lex: ca. 2: lib: 2: cap: ttltim. 54- ~4s to hurt or aflailzie ony man, with fword, either edge or ure. Ja: 1: par: 6: c: 97. Or ony lefli or private crime, as fufpition of theift, orquhatfumeverfraud, deceate.common- lie ufed in contraftes, paftiones, and uther conventiones. Lib- 3. cap. ex caufa. 8, in fine- Cuia-Hb. 1. defend. Wnftis that fcllcnie is not onelie rebellion: bot alfo perfidie, fraud, or ony kinde of fault- p'irfidia,'fiay.{, culpa, improbitas- FEODUM, Feudum, fignifies nocht ("as fomeaffirmis) life- rent, in La- tine, ufusfruBus- For he that is faifed in the life-rent of landes, is nocht un- dcrftand to be faifed infeodo,or in the fee thereof ; For the ane is different from the uther- 7 Man: 1 56 1. The Countcffe ot Craivfurd, contrairthe Earlc of Cratvfurd. .^nd fik-Iike, Feodum fignifies nocht the iuperioritic of landes. For gif onymaried man happenisto deceafe, veftand faifed in the fuperioririe of landes, his wife fuld not have ane terce,or third thereof. Bot .Feoitow commonlie fignifies. the herctable fee, and prorertieof ony thing.and fpeciallie of lands, asiscemmenlie conteined in brievesand retoures. Cum aliquis dicitur obiijfe [afitus C? term, ui dejeodo. Lib: 3: Cap. Cum verb 2%.c.fequens. 33.Stat:Rob:3: cap:i: Qfrhe-quhiik landes,the juft thrid> and reafonable terce, will perteine to the wife, fra the time of her husbandes deceafe, induring her MieamtMi.Qjiarentena vidu- ar. Vom: feoii or fendi : Is called the Lord of the ground, or land: /;': 2:c. Vjurarii 53. duhair feodum cr hxreditas, ar baith ane, C kxreditas dam- nati propter crimen, dicitur pertinere ad dominumjeodi, tar.quam efcheta. ltem,fiquis condemnatusjuerit defurto, res ejus mobiles, C catalla folent vicecomiti remanere : Terrain autem fi quam habuerit, dominus fev.di babe- bit. Lib: 2: ca: EoriffaSum 55. He is called urhcrwife , Dominus fundi. Lib.zc. VefunBo: 69. Et feudumidem eft quod fundus.>.MHttia.6is. And ^iBiofeudi, isaneaftionor pley of landes or heretage- Lib- i:cap-2. Feodum militare, fignifies landes halden be fervice of warde, and relief : Lib: 2: cap: Maritagium, 56. Feudum laicale,ls landes perteining to Laicks and Temporall men. lib: 2. cap: 59. As feodum Ecclefiafticum, fignifies, - - landes perteining to the Kirk, or Kirk-men. Lib: 3: cap: fequitur 31. Cum feqq. Swa be the lawes of this Realrne, all glides and geare ar moveable, and called Catalla : Or immoveable, andar called feodum, h^rcditat, terra,fimdus,teitemeiuum- Fee or &im,dominium, cannot per- tein to maa perfons nor ane- Quia dominvm unius rei una eoiemque tem- pore non potefteffe in folidum penes plures. And therefore, giftwa or maa perfons happenis to be infeft, con junftlie in ony landes, the propertie per- teinis to him'in quhais aires and fucceffours.the infeftment refolvis. As for example, The husband and the wife ar infeft in certeine landes the langeff. liver of them twa,and the aires gotten,or to be gotten betuixt tkem, quhilk failzieing to his aires: Inthiscafethe-husbandis proprietar, ?nd the wife isconjunftfear, orliferentar- Bot gif it befaid ( quhilks filzieing to her aires-) In that cafe the wife is proprietar, and the husband s conjunct; feare or liferentar. Feodum, is taken for the fee, wage, or ftipend, given to ane ervand for his in the Laws of K.Ma/: Mak: c:*,-:defeod:offic:dom:veg:cuhik utherwaies is called liberatio, ane livery- vid. Liberatio- Cuhaiiaient the L. ot fecreit Councel, and checker, made thir ordinances, as follof es. i_At Edinburgh the third of June, 1 5 9 7 FOr-fameikle as the Lords of his Ma jefties fecreit Councel, anchecker, according to the fpeciall power and commiffion. given to hem be his hienefle, and his eftaites, quhilks conveened at Vundie, in thenonetb of Maij laft by-paft ; Hes thochtmeete and convenient, to fet own the prices of his Majefties fignet,privie and great fealles, of all infeftrrnts, and p r»«* tftbt uther fignatures, quhilks ordinarlie fuld pafle throw tliem : Ail of the f'* 1 "* chalmer fees, quhilkisfall be received hereafter, fra his hienefle eges, in manner following : That is to fay ; That the fignet,accordtngtcheaun- cientcuftome, falbetheruletotheprivieand greate feales, in 1 infeft- ments, and uther fignatures, quhilks ordinarlie fuld patle thrcthe hail three: And that the privie feale, fall receive na mair, nor the Dubleof the price, fet downe hereafter : for the fignet, nor the greate fee, mair nor the quadruple of the faid fignettis price, under the paine of 'privati- on of the contraveeners, fra the office andfeale, quhilk he pofiiis. Trices fet downe to the fignet, for letters and uthersterittes, qbilkis paffis throtp -na uther feale- Firft, for all forts of fummondes of quhat-fum-ever qualitie. Vf fhillinges, viij pennies- For letters conteining, baith inhibition, andarreiftment. xj fhillhgi'iij dr For letters of law-borrowes, and uther criminal letters ; how vara pcr- fones foever be infert. vj milling A yn. For minifters letters zeirlie raifed vj fhilling^pn. For all letters of horning of quhatfumever qualitie, except letters iflV' borrowes, and criminall letters xxj fliillingviii. For an relaxation <■ vjiliillingesviil. And gifmaa nor ane be infert, the like price of everie perfone to le relaxed, or compofitione for them, at the difcrction of the keiper of e fignet. Trices fet dorvne to the fignet, for fignatoures pafiing the privie and great feales. For ane Legitimation y j fhillinges viij p. For fignatoures of infeftmentes of landes, .within five marke lande ofld extent vj (hilling, viij n. For ane remiffion to ane perfon onelie vj milling, viij n. And gif it be to maa nor ane, als mony halfe markes, as they ar:r- fones, or compofition therefore, at the difcretion of the keiper oihe fignet. For ane infeftment ofane.five marke land of auld extent xiij fhil. d. And for fa mony maa marke landes , as the fignatoure connis proportionallie : Providing , that quhat ever be the extent crhe laes,