Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/873

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  • De verborum Jign'ificatione.

Th; cr-rwners expenfes. jKoveablc, to remaine under fure pledges, and to be furth cummand to the King : In cafe he be nocht anfwerable to the law . before the juftice, Leg. Mttc. Mak cap. i. The Cro wner fall ajrreift at all times, alfweil before the crye of the aire, as after the famin, all them quha are given to him in portuous, be the ju- stice Clerke,and nane uthers. James i . Parliament 1 3 . cap. 1 39. Bot all arreiftmentes, fulde bee maid before the time of the beginning of the juftice aire. and feate of juftice,and na-waies after the famin. j8wAli perfones charged to compeir, in the juftice air, fuld be attached and fummoned be the auld law of this Realme.upon the fpace of fourtie daies at the Ieaft- aJf.Reg. Da. c. adSummonitiones. 19. And albeit na man fuld be attached or arreifted, except dittay be given up upon him. Stat- ~4lex. c. 2. Neverthelefle, in attachementes, orarreiftmentsofony perton indi- ted, na mention fuld be maid of the caufe or crime, for the quhilk he fuld be indited; bot the fame fuld be concealed be the clerke,and na waies revealed be him, Stat. Wilh. ofiatuit etiam 6. leg. foreft c. Si $z. quoniam attach, c. Si aliquis 49. ~4ff. reg. Da. c. 6. All the indwellers within the towne or village, fuld concurre and Urreiffmg of affift the crowner, in attachement or arreifting ony malefattour to com- tUfabcdiini peir in the juftice aire, to underly the law. Stat.~4lex.c.z. Andfik-like, perfonci. quhen the crowner receivis his portuous , conteinand the name of ony perfon indited, quha will not obey him, or quhom he dare not, nor is it of power to arreift ; he fall pafle to the Lord of the Barronnie, quhairin that perfon dwellis : Utherwaiesgifhedwellis not within ane Barronnie, he fall pafle to the Schireffe of the Schire, and require them to be borgh andfovertie, to enter the faid perfon to the juftice aire ; quhilk gif the Barrone or Schireffe refufis ; the Crowner fall require them to fend their officiates, and fufficient number with them, to fortiffe and fupplie him, in making of his arreiftment, taking and keiping of the faid difobedient perfon, quhill he be brocht to the Schireffe, tobekeiped be him, until] the time of the Juftice aire. Jam. 3. p. 14. c. 99. Mair-over the crowner fall bring all perfones arreifted be him, quha hes not, or may not find bor- rowes to-the Schireffe of the Schire, quha fall receive him in furetie, and firmance, upon the Kingis expenfes ; and quhair it tailzies, on their awin gudes, quhillthenixt jufticeaire, and there prefent them to the juftice. Ja. 3. p- 14- c. 102. The Crowner, or makers of the attachements and arreiftments, fuld notintromet, orcarieawaieonygudesorgeare, perteining to the per- fones attached : Bot the Lord, or ofEciar of the towne, fall fufteinethem reafonablie.upon the expenfes of the faide perfon,be the fpace of ane day, andanenicht. Stat- And gif the (aid perfon cannot be perfon- ally apprehended : The crowner may remaine in his dwelling-houfe ane day and ane nicht, and fuld be fufteinedwith twa feryandes, and uther twa as witneffes, and his derke fuld have twa fchillings, and fa may nocht take any mair of the gudes and geare, perteining to the faid perfon attach- ed, albeit he be abfent. leg-Male. Mak. c i. Troitt'M of Attachements and arreiftments maid be Crowners and ferjandes , may

  • rreijtmenti. beprovin be themand witnes. la.i.p.y.c. 52 Thatis, betheaithofthe

Crowner, Sc ane witnes, conforme to the auld con! uetude. 1. 5.p.4.cap. 3 3 . The crowner fall have for his fee, for ilk man amerciat or componand, anecolpindach, or threttie pennies. For him that isclenged be ane af- fife, the crowner fall have na thing. For ane man filed or condemned, the crowner fall have all the dantoned horfe not fchod. Leg.Mal. Mac. c. i, fiuhilk is to beunderftand, of dantoned Horfe,deputeto wark, and not to thefadle; that was never fchod, nor ufed to fchoone. J. 3. p. 14. cap. 113. The crowner fuld have all the comes lyand in binges and mowes, ca- ftenand broken, all the in- fight.utenfile, and domicile, within the inner part of the houfe : That is,within the crui* hingand upon the fire. And all and findrie fcheip within twentie : And all the fwine andGaites within ten. Leg. Mai Mak- c.z. Attachementsandarreiftmentesbeingmaid, or directed to be maid ; or in the time of the making thereo' : The juftice general!, dire&is ane charge, called preeceptum itineris lufiitiariee, to the Schireffe and his deputes, in maner and forme following. Wilhelmus lu- flitiarius domini regis generaliter conftitutus, Vicecomiti C Eallivis fuis de trtceptum E.falutem. Qjtia ordinamus iter jufiitiarU domini nofiri regit, Deo duce,te- ftinerU j H JH- tola ballia veftra,apud. E. Decimo die menfis. N- proximhfuturi, cum ft*n*. continuatione dierum- Vobis pnecipimus C mandamus, quatenus fttmmone- tttis; feu fummonerifaciatis, legitime &• coram teflibus legalibus, omnes Epifcopos, ~4bbates , Vriores , Comites , Barones , cs" ceteros libere-te- tientes, t otitis ballia iieflr<s qui fellas debent. -4c etiam omnes illos, qui nihil nififuas debent pr&fentias, qui de domino nofiro regetenent incapite. (Ipod compareant coram nobis feu deputatis no fir is, pluribusaut uno, diBis die c loco, cum continuatione dierum, ad per ficiendum, fubeundum, C determinandum, id quod in hac parte, juris ordo poflulat- Iramoneatis etiam, omnes indiBatos, tarn de novo, quant de veteri, <y ftiosplegios, qui nondum coram nobis comparuerunt, c judicium fubierunt, ac etiam illos, qui profequi habent, vel defendere in diBo itinere, [ecundum formam juris, duodcompareant coram nobis, feudeputatis no fir is, pluribus, aut uno, diBis die c loco, cum diBa continuatione dierum, ad perficiendum ty fubeundum, id quod in hac parte juris ordo requirit. Et(itis-vos Vice- tomes, C Ballivivefiri, ibidem, diBis die V loco, cum diBa continua- tione die unii habenvobifcumfutnmonitionis, ac pnemonitionis vejlra te- fiimonium, choc breve. Provideatis in-fuper pro expenfis noflris, beni C competenter. Quas vobis, in veflrisprimiscomputis, de exitibus Jufii- tiarite reddendis, iiobisfaciemus plenius allocati. Et hoc nullatenus omit- tatis, fubomni poena, que competit in hac parte. Datum fubfigillo noflri officii Iuflitiarit. Quhilk precept and command, is conforme to the Lawes of this realme * Becaufe all free-halders, haldand lands in chiefcof the King, within the ZAfltfittrs s c hiveffdome,quhair the juftice aire is halden, fuld compeir and be prefent " r , " ' all excufe fet afide, except the fame be of fkknes,the Kings feryice, or tin- The crowner 1 t)f 'per font muha fUld eomfeir in jttflicc aire. the fell of landesnnd.heiitage; Tocerrifieand informe the juftice and his de- putes, in fik queftion and doubtes, quhilk incidentlie arifis, as emergent, and of before could nocht be fore feenc, nor knawen. ~4ff.reg.Dac. fiat. 18. quottiam attach- c. fiat. yy. Sik as Bifchops, Abbots, Priors, Earls, Barones, and uther free tennents, being fummoned and warned to that cffe'A,quon- attach, c. ad fummonitionesyS. I. 4. c. Stat. 19: and they being lauchiully warned and not compeirand,incurris,the paine of the un- law otthe court. Li.e,, c.fiatutum- c. 19. And may be punifhed as favour- ers of therranfgrefIours>and airtand part with them, la.^.p. 3. c. 29. And they and all uihcr the Kingis lieges, fuld cum to the juftice aire, and to all uther courtes, in feber and quiet maner; and fuld not bring with them, maa perfones, thenar dailie in their houfhald and families. And being cum to their imics and ludgcing, fuld laye their armour and weapones from them, and utena weapons, bot their knife. Ia.2,p.i2. c- S3. Mair- over, allLordes, Spiritual! and Temporal!, Barronesanduthers> cum- mand to the juftice aire, fuldna-waiesmainteine, fortifie, fupplie, de- fend, norbeAdvo<plttes, norftandat the Bar, wilh nianifefttraitoures, men-flayers, thieve*, rievers, n-jr uther rrefpafl. .tires, nor perfones per- teining to themfelves, or utheris : Saifand, it falbe lcafiim to them in fo- ber waies, toftande with their kin, and ffiendess indelenfeof them, iri their honeft aftiones. la. 3. p ; 14. c 98. fiuhenthe juftice aire is to be balden upon the Bordoures ; The Wairdaines, within their Wairdainries> and their deputes, with the tree-halders of the Schireffdome , being war- ned ihereto be the Schireffe, be open proclamation, fuld convoy the ju- ftice and his deputes, to the place appoynted for balding of the Court.- And accompanie them, in-during their refidence, and until! they be out of the boundes of their Schireffdome, and received be ihe nixt Schireffe. la* 6. p. 11. c- 81. Inthe jufticeaire, fuld compeir all perfones attached, and arreifted, _ - conformeto thedittay given 6c taken up upon them;quhairof,fome were tac /, ei j. arreifted of before, to havecompeired in the juftice Courte preceiding, alreadie ended, and expired, and con peired ni cht in the famin: quhais names ar given to the Crowner, to be o 1 newatrached, and arreifted, to the aire following, as of before: Uthers are of new indited, upon quhom naepoynr of dittav was taken up, in c ny time by-gane, quhais names ar comprehended in ane Catalogue, called porttiou's; All thefbre- faidis perfones indited, baith of auld and of new, fuld be attached and arreifted be the Crowner, to compeir and underly the law, the time of the juftice aire, as is manifeft be the precept torefaide, direft be the juftice general), to the Schireffe. All peifons arreifted, that may be apprehended, the time of the aire, in theTolbuith, or in the town, quhair the juftice is, falbe taken and de- livered to the juftice, tobe juitified for their crimes and trefpaffes. Swa that the arreiftment be maid before the time ul the beginning of the ju- fticeaire, and feat of juftice. Jam.j.par^. cap. 57. And quhair landes lyand in findrie Schireffdomes, arannexed and united in ane Barronnie : Inljdrutiit The inhabitantes thereof, fall anfwer in the juftice C landes lyis, and the Lorde, or pivprietarot the landes annexed, givis |>refence or fervice, in the court of the Schireffdome, Within the quhilk the barronnie lyis, to the quhilk the landes ar annexed. Ja. 4 par. 6. c. 93. For in this cafe, refpjeiand confidderation is had to the naturall fituati- on of the landes, and to the jurifdiction, within the quhilk they lye: ra- ther nor to the imaginar, andcivill forme of lying, oi ihe landes be annexation. Attour, all inhabitantes of ftewardries and baillieries, fall cum to the sttwdririssj head burgh oftheSchireffdomes.qiihairin the) lyerAnd within the quhilk & Eaillieriti headburgh, theKings juftice aires are halden. la. 6. par. 1 i.e. 81. The judge in the Kingis juftice aire, is the Kingis juftice general!, or _. -,i the Kingis baillie, inhisregalles, havandlauchlull power and commiffi- ' ' ' * * on granted to them. Ja. 2 p-3.c..9. For the Kmg.or the juftice general!, may make aucht deputes, quha with ane depute of the Thefaurer, and ane uther of the juftice Clerke, fuld pafle feverallic throw the aucht quar^ ters of the realme, and hald juftice Courtes. 1.6 p. 11. c 81. The juftice generall, fuld have tor his fuftcntation, ilkedayoftheairej fivepound. Like as the juftice Clerke fuld receive for ilk man clenged, thejujiieii beaneafllfe, anddrawenfurthoftherolles, four pennies. And forilk '*?"»/*'» man amerciat,or componand, ij. s. Leg. Mai Mak. c- 2. For ilk Aftorney and commiffion.twa fhillinges For ilk man quha producisane remiffion, twa fhillinges. For ilk man that cummis irt the juftice will, twa fhillinges; Forilk man convift and filed, twa fhillinges. For ilk letter ofwitnefle, fex fhillinges, aucht pennies. The Schireffe fuld be prefent, as he quha is warned be the juftice pre- cept, to anfwere to all the poyntes thereof: And touching the executi- T!>e Schirefff- on of his office, togidderwith the Crowner, quha fuld anfwer for his The e rowneft attachementesand arreiftmentes, and verification thereof: And the Schi- reffe, with the Crowner, fuld thoill ane afllfe, the la ft day of the aire,- anent the ufing and execution of their offices, to quhome juftice fuld be miniftrat, asthey fallbefounde innocent,or culpable. Jam. 3. parlia.14; cap. 103. The day ofcompeirance being cum, to the quhilk the juftice aire is cryed and proclaimed; The juftice and his deputes, fuld compeir Tbefirfiinf with all uther perfones, charged and commanded to concurre and affift ' e c ° r ' with them. At the quhilk time, the futesfuld be firfr called, with their fhejtsti »f Lordes. For albeit the Suiters compeir, neverthelefle, their Lords and court). maiftersar oblifhed Iikewifeto compeir.and give prefence to the juftice in his aire: They being lauchfullie fummoned, and charged to that effect, be open proclamation, and be the juftice precept abone written.' 2. The Commiffion and power given to the juftice, fuld be produced and red: And gif the Commiffion be given and granted to maa per- CttftmiffS- fones nor ane conjunftlie. They fuld be all prefent ; utherwaies it is na lauchfull courte. Bot gif they be conftitute conjunftlie and feveral- J» Jfej ourt, quhair the "f a ™™'<l landisi