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De verborum Significatione.

per præentes. In cuius vet testimonium sigillim officij nostri appendi curravimus.

All thay persons quha cummis in will, and drawen furth of the rolles, and also they quha ar clenged be ane assife, can na waies in ony time there- after be called or accused for that crime, for the quhilk Aey cum in will; for anis quit and cjenged,ay quit and clenged. Zit nevertheles,gif ony per- fGn be accufed criminallie of life & lim, at the inftancc of ane uther pri- • vate man allanerlie, and isclenged and maid quite : the Kingis juStice &his deputes, be reafon of their office, may thereafter tak inquifition anent the ftrid cnme;& in the Kingis name accufe the committer thereof, conforme to the Law- Notwithstanding that of before, he was clenged thereof be aneaffife- Lib.4.c.St querela. 58. Becaufe the action or perfuteof ane privy partie, prejudgisnotthe King in his iricht or rentes, competent to him, be reafon of his royal power. And therefor the Thefaurar, and the Kings Advocate, may perfew ail malefaftoures : Albeit the parties defift, or pri- vatlie agreeamangft themfelves.Ia. 6, par. u,ca.76. Perftnes filed fljihen trefpaffours and malefaftoures at convift, as breakers of the fta- micanviS. tuts, and ads conteinand dittay ; they audit and fuld be punifhed accord- ing to juStice, and conforme to the tenour and paines conteined in the acts broken and contraveened be them. la .4.p.+.c.4 5 And fa gif the paine con- teined in the act be pecunial, they fuld pay the famin. And gifit be capital, they fuld underly and Suffer the famin, except the King give them remif- lion, and fpeciall grace therc-anent- As for example, landed men, lauch- fullie and ordourlie convift of common thieft, ree'ept of thieft, Stouth, or riefe, incurris the paine of treafon.and therefore fuld be punifhed be tinfell of life, and confiscation o! landes and gudes. Ia.6. p. 1 i.e. 50. Al- waiesthe Crowner may not intromet with ony gudes or aeare pertei- ningtoonytrefpaSfour, convift and condemned to the death, as his aw in hand, until! the Scherift'e or his deputes, paflc, or fend with him, and vi- fle aU the haill gudes; and deliver to the Crowner fa-meikle, ashefulde have be reafon, and asperteinistohis office, and bring the remanent to our Soveraiue Lord, and his Thefaurar- 1. 3 par. 14.C 102. Tin endcof The juftice aire beand ended; the juStice fall deliver the extraft thereof, the aire. fubferived be him to the Thefaurar- quha fall caufe take up the foumes conteined thereintill, and make compt thereof in the nixt Checker, in the quhilkcompt falbe allowed the expenfes and charges of thejuftice, 6c his deputes and Clerkes, asthe famin falbe modified be theLordes, Audi- touresoftheChecker.Ia.6,p 11 c.81. LAST Ofgudes, hon> meikle itcontei'vs.W. Serplaith., LET Lands to borgh, dimittere terras ad pleg.zid.plegiits- vide Recog- LEX ^4pparens tib.4-.cap .4. dew.dic, c. 2+. Leg. Fore!}, cap. Item in pla- cito. 16. fignifies the law concerning lingular battel!. And/;6.4-M^.i it iignifies ane inquifition, maid, or taken be ane inqueft or affile. And in the Law of 10 . It is called Loj apparifant. And /2&.8.03. All quarrelles of pofleffiones or moveables, quhilkis are called Chat- tell, or of landes and immoveable gudes, fuld be decided be commoun and limple quarrelles, conforme to ordour of lawe.or be lawes ^4pparifantes-, quhilkis at determiriat, ather be lingular battell, or be ane inqueft of of the cuntrie, uiherwaies called, Loyrecognoiffant- Itislike- waies called, lex panbilis,a parium pitgna,vel cancer tatiane, from the com bat of peeres and Campionis, or lex duellomtm, quhilk law isungodlie, and not to be ufed among Cluiltiancs. Cuialib- 1 .defend. L1BEKATIO, ane fee given to ane fervand, or officiar, quhilkis called ane liverie. Leg.Malcolm. Mackenneih.c.4. Feodum, or fee, iscom- monlie of Silver and money, and ane liverie is of mcate or deithes. Bot this diftinftionor difference, isnocht perpetual!. I2BEKVM Tenemeittum, iscommonlie, and properlie called, franck tenement.or life-rent: In Latine,t>/t j/W(fft!j,coniorm to the dailie prafti- cqueof thisRealme. And neverthelefle, Liberum tenementum, Signifies, the propertie, fee or heritage. Donatio liberi tenementi, C conceflio htered- itatis, isbaithane. Lib.z.c. poxefl.zi. Tenementttm Regium, iscalledthe Kingis heretage. Lib.z.c. Dicitur.y 4. Jn the quhilk Signification, Minor dicitttr effe in tenemento. lib%.c. Generalia. 24-c- Remanere zC.Et placitum de reB.o CS^liberis tenement is per breve dominiRegis de reBo debet terminari. Lib. 1 ,c.6. And King Alexander gave and difponed to Duncan Forbeys, te- nementttm de Forbejs. That is, the landes and heretage of Forbeys: quhilk Charter is zit extant, vid. Tenementttm. L1GEANTM, Lib,z.c.Yieri.6. From the Italian word Liga, ane league, band or obligation : as homo lights, ane man, quha is oblifhed and bound fra the quhilk cummis, ^tlodiumjnlibris !'ef.dori'.m,quafi poffeffio fi- ne Tueode : Cuius pofl'epor nemini e(l kodesfive ligw.s. And ligeantia, is the rnutuall band or obligation, betuixtthemaifter and the fervand. Lifi.z-c. pIurib-i4lib,4.c-Siquisfitper.36.1'id.^f]fidatio. Item, the rnutuall band and obligation, betwixt the King and his fubjeftes, quhairby wee ar cal- led his lieges, becaufe we are bound and cbhfhed to obey and Serve him. And he is called our liege King, becaufe he fuld maintaine, and defend us. Andthe doctors of the law writis:2.K0if imperator dicitttr domino toti'J mttn- di, eodem modo q no vex regnil.bene a Zenone.Cde qUddr.prdfcript. Jluhilk fuld be understand, concerning the defence and maintenance, and nota- nentthe propertie. <luia reges nenfunt domini privatum poJfefiomtm.Glof. in.L. Barbarius de Ojfic. prstor. Homagium ligittm, vel cum ligeantia fact- um, Is quhen the vallall, abfolutlie makis homage to his fuperioiir, againft all, and quhat-fum-ever perfones, without exception ofonieman. quhil/tfuld be done to na uther, bot to the King allanerlie. Homagium non ligium, vel fine ligeantia, is that quhilk the v.iflall makis to his Over- Lord, excepting and tefetving the fidelitie, quhflfc he auchtto the King, or his elder Over-lord, or maiiter. Lfi. z.c. fieri.6.<~hePan< Confue- tud.Burgiind.Rttbric.3.%.i.Vt;rb.c-'h')mxge.Nu.G. rw«./e^.Q.uhilk vaflall is C3.ed;vaffallus uoa bomoXogv.s. Likeas the uther is vaffttlltis homologus,a quhais aith na pcrfon is excepted. Cuia. lib. z , defiutt. M Jniicium Dei Pitr*Mig)ier irnem. Vxrgatio v»lga'tif. A C H A M I TT M, lAechamium, from the auld French worde i_v_Mebaigne, quhilk we call,Manzie, hurt, mutilation, demembration, or the lofle or tinfell of ony member ol ane mannis bodie: Or • he breakintr of ane bane;,- or quhen ane mannisharn-pan, or ony part thereof, is cut- ted away, or dung in. L/. 4. c-4. Res cum mahamio dicitttr res minus [ana. Lib. i.e. ex caufa.%. Be the auld Law ofthisrealme, he quha is mainzied* hes ane juft caufe to excule himfelfe fra Singular battell, and zit he will bee compelled to purge, clenge, and defend himfelfe, Per igntm C" 4-C4-.cap.Si quis pro l-atrocinio 15. Huoniam: attach. c. 6iqnis ii.hib.^.c. affifa zo.Stat. ^ilex.c. quicunque 31. fijlhaitofthe power pertcinis not to ony Barronne; For na fubjeftmay compell ane uther to purge himfelfe be fire or water. Stat.^lex.c. prtterea 3 2. This kinde of purgation was ane maift fcharp and extream kind of purgation and tryall.-Likc as we dai- lie ufe in commoun proverb; quhen we fay be way of menacing, & boa- fting, that we fall gar ony perfon pasf er ignem e^ aquatn-, That is, to fuf- fer and underly that kinde of tryall that is maift Severe andextreame. It is called, judicium Dei, the judgement knawin to him allanerly. Iter. Camer.c .cum hoc. 25. And was in great ufe aman^ft the l-ongobardes, as is exponed be Hotomannusdefeud.c.44.1nthz auid Saxon toung, and zit in dutch, it is called Ordeil,ordalium, from, or,qnhilk they ufe aspriva- tiva pariicula, and Del, quhilk Signifies ane p^rtor portion: quhilk OrinXi-im. word we ufe in the fame Signification : and fwa Ordeil Iignifies innocent, quha hes na part, or is not participant of the crime, quhairot heisaccu- Sed. Purgation be the fire, is quhen ony man w it h bair feete, paflis throw the Sire, without onyharmcor hurte, or quhen ony man dois carry and bear in his bare hand hoat burnand iron, without ony hurt of hishand, quhilk is called ferri candentis judicium. In the quhilk cafe, he was decer- ned to beOrdeil, orna waies participant of the crime. Uthefwaies', gifhis fute or hand was hurt be the fire, or hoate iron: he was condemned, as participant and fowle of the crime. And (iklikc, Vuvgatio p erdqudm, is quhen ony man fufpeft or accufed of arte crime, wascaftcn in hoate or Pitrgatiepct cauld water. And gif he paiTcd to the bottome, without ony hurt of his bo* '■tf' die:he was decerned or<j'e;7&innocen:. Bot gif he did not falro the ground, bot did fwimme abone; he was condemned as fowle of the crime ; as is written in the auld laws of the Brittones. Verb Ordalittm. And be fend. Vurgatio -Vulgaris, zsdifcharged be the Canon Law. c, dileBi. purgatione vulgari.e . extv.arvm.%. depttrgat. canonical Andhke- waiesbe the lawes of this realme it is forbidden as unleafu. ~^(f. Reg. Da.c. Stat, etiam-30. In fine ubi pro foffam, lege aqtiam. Stat. ^4lex. c. Statuit Do- mintts6. And be the law of God it is Commanded, that nane fuffer theirfonneor dauchter to go throw the fire. Deur.18.10. MANELETA, Ane kinde of evil and Peftilent herbe, quhilkgrowes amangft the cornes, called tudic, c-7-Thelawof mtneleta, or of theGnld, was fir it inttitute be King Kenneth, quha ordained that he .„ quha throw his fault or negligence, fufferisfawen lands to be filed with noyfiim herbes: For the firlt fault, fitll pay ane Oxe ; for the Second fail!*, ten Oxen ; and for the third fault, fall be remooved fra the poiliffion and laboring of the land. HeBor Boetittsl-ib. 10- And "if ane mailer, or tenncnt, filis the land with guld, Sc will not clenge the famin, he may be punifhed as ane feducer, quha bringis, orconvovisane armie within his maifters land, to wrackand deftroyit. Si r.ativis.zi. dt ludic. c.6. And gif thy awin native man, or hondman( nativits tuus)hes guld within thy lande; For ilk Stock or plant thereof, he fuld pay ane Mutton, as ane unlaw. Leg. Foreft.d.c.z%. de ludic. c. 27. The quhilk lawe, and constitution is keiped and obferved, within certaine partes f ln i s Realmejquhere the tennent fufferand the guld to grow amajigft his corns, payis ane wedder or fcheipe, to his maifter. MANERIUM, landes laboured with hand warkc, qvafi manuritm, a manu. ^ne mainnes, or domaine landes; Or terrx dormvicales : Becaufe Tern J ■ ■■ they are laboured and inhabited be the Lord, and proptietar of the nietla. famin, gif there betwa mainnes, perteining to ony man that isdeceafed, the principal maines fuld not be divided; bot fuld remaine with his aire and fucceflbur, without-divifion; togidderwith tneprincipalf mefluagft ^nd full Satisfaction fuld be maid to his wife, or relift therefore, furth of thefecond mainnes, or utherwife. 'Lib.z-.cap. ludic. cap. 112. M-4NSUS, ^imanendo, ane habitation or dwelling place, fpeciallie quhair husband-men, labourers o,f the ground dwcllisa-landwart; to the effeft they may labour their land mair commodiouflie. L. Si. plttres . Nn. 9.C.(ie. condit. injertis. Molinieusin Still, cur- part- 3.c 8 5. Bot BartoL in I. Si ita. Nu. 10. de ^ur.C argent, legat. affirmis, ane Manfe to be als mei- kle lande, as may be gudlie tilled be twaoxeninthe zeiKC-uidi.lib.i- de feud, writtis, that manfus, is fa-meikle lande, quhairby ane man may fuft- einehoneftlie himfelfe, andhisfamilie, and pay the dewtie to his Mai- fter, quhilkis called H^redium. Bot in the prafticque of this realme, it is* rather called G/eAn; That is, ane certaine portion of arable lande. In La- ^ .,., tineTerra cidta: Or terra velv.ti nativi venditi cum ?leba h.e. terra, Qjii na- GlebU tiv afcriptitij vocant:tr.Lib:z.c.Pluribus- 14. And the four aickers of land, quhilk is graunted tothe Minilters of the Evangell, within this Lande, is called ane gleebe, the quhilk mid be free fra payment of ony teindes. I.6.p. 5.062. ~4ndCaroh.s Magnus, to the effect, that the Mini iters of the word of God, fuld not perifh be hunger or povertie, gave to iikKirit ane manfe. For the quhilk they fuld paye na dewtie or ferviee. Cttiac.Lib,i. de Feud. MA NITS Mortm, dimittere terras ad manttm mortuam,hoceff,ad multitudinemfive univerfitatem , nunqnam moritur. Qtihilk utherwaies is called Mortificare terras ■ That is , to give and difpone landes,
