Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/877

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T>e verborum figmficatwie, nd of the mother Ci- •laceand decree- is competent to the bairnes borne of the Father lifter; quhilk is manifeft. be judicib. c. hceredttm. 1 1 3.c. Item Nota. 1 1 5. Vbi exprejfei Matertera di- And be the Law' of this Realme,:he bairnes defcendand of the mother li- fter hcsnarichtoffuccetfion : Quhilk in the a win place and degree, is Vej iititr effe ^miut. vid. JIvwkum. MELLETCJM, Medletum.lib.i.c.z. Ane French word,Me.'/e, diflenti- on ftrife, debate, as we fiye.that a ne lies melled or tailzied wth .ine uther; And in the aftes of Parliament, and prafticque ofthis realme , Chaud- mdla is ane faalte or trefpafTe . quhilk is committed be ane hoate fuddai t> tie, and nocht of fet purpofe, or pr<ecagiiaut<md!itia. I«mj. i.n.Mar.c. < 1! And in Librt M. Willielmi Skene fialris met, Comtmffarii SanBi An- drea. Fol. 121. It is written, that Flycht-vyt is libertie to hald courts, and take up the un-lawe pro melletis. Becaufe Flycht, is called flyting , In French, melle, quhilk fome times is conjoyned with hand-ftraikes. And in fumme buikes Vlacitum de melletis, is called the Mute, or pley of beat- ing or ftricking. Lib. 1 . c. 2. MENETUM, Leg. Foreft. c. 2. Arte Mock home. In the quhilk place, it is wrantreouflie written Cormre minutim, pro Cornare blaw ane ftock home, quhilk commounlie is made of Timmer , wood, or tree, with circles and girds of the fame, quhilk is zet ufed in the Hic-landes and lies ofthis realme: quhairof I havefeene the like in the Cuntrie of Helvetia, inthezeiroi God, ane thoufand, five hundreth, fcxtieaucht, amangft the Zuiters MEREMIUM, muremium , The timmer o f ane houfe. Lib. 4- c. Si quis a. IntheEnglifhLawes, Carta de Forefta- It is called maremium. And ane charter given be Jacobus Seitefcallus Scotice ( king lames the llrft, before his Fathers deceafe ) To Thomas Browfter, of the landes of Sacer- land, befidePtf/kv; now perteininghererablie to Matthew Steward of Sarfcttbe, conteinis poteftatem incidendi meremium; That is . licence and power to cutte fa meikle greene woodde in the Kingis Foreft of Raife, as fuld be neceflar to the faid Thomas, to big houfes to his awne life. MESE Of Herring, conteinis five hundreth, for thecommoun ufe of numeration, and telling of Herring, be reafon of their greate multitude, is ufed be thoufandes; And therefore aiK Mefe, comprehendis five hun- dreth, quhilk isthe halfeol ane thoufand. From the Greek word Mefon, In Latine medium. MESSUAGIUM, Lib- z.c. Vosantem ig.c. Si quis pll&es 30. cumfeqq. Ane principall dwelling place, or houfe within ane Barronnie, quhilk in the laws of England, is called Manour, ane hall,place, or court, ludge, or Manour houfe! Albeit Valentine Ltigh,in hisbuik offurveyingof lands affirmis me(fnagiHm to be the tenement or lands arable, And the dwelling houfe or place, or Courte hall thereof, to be called Sit, from the Latine Situs: quhilk wee call the feate, or on-fette. And it is not leafum to give the principall meffuage, to the wife within burgh, in life rent. Leg. Burg. c- Nullus. 107. MIL1TES, Leg. Male. Mdk.c. 2. And generally in the auldlawesot this realm, ar calied free-halders, haldand their lands of barons in chief; quha hesna power to hald courts of life and lim : bot onely of injuries, wrang- and unlaw. Bot m'ditare fervitium, Knichtes fervice,is that man- ner of balding of lands, quhilk is called, fervice of ward and relieve. £t miles opponiw Soccomdnno, andhequhahaldis his landes, Per milttxre fervitium, lib. 2. c- Si quis 30. MISERICORDIA, Ane merciment, amerciament or unlaw. Leg. foreft. c. 5. de judic. c. 40. Mifericordld domini regis, or the Kingis merci- ment in purprefture. Lib. 2 dp- dicilttr.jS. vtd-Forisfaftum vide ^i- werciamentum. MOTE, Mute, pley, aition, quarrell. Quhen King Malcolme the Second, gave all his landes to the Barrones ofthis realme; he reteined to WimCd^nontem pldciii deScona, The mute hill of Scone: quhair he ftiicht hald his courtes, anddojufticc to his fubjects, in deciding their pleyes.and controverllcs. Leg Mal.Mak inprin. Mute in theLawes of this realme is called placitum. And like as in the civil law, aftionesar di- vided in civill and crimtnall : Swa placitorum, aliud eft civile, aliud crimi. »ri/e.Z J leyesar civill or criminalhCivillar called aftiones of injuries, wrang, and unlaw. Leg. Male. Muk. c. 2. And concernis pecuniall paines, or lands and heretage. Criminal! pleyes, touchis life or lim, or capitall paines, csd pecnafanguinis. Lib. i-c. 2„c 3. MORT-GAGE, mortuum v.idiitm,diciiiirpignt:s.cujusfrt:Rus, vel redi- tus perception nidlo fe is Ane French word, figniries ane deede wed, fik as ane certane fumme of diver, given upon landes in wed-fet, and under reverfion; quhilk is called ane deede wed; Becaufe be the auld law of this realm, the profit thereof : that is. the annual of the diver, is reckoned as ane part of the ftock and principall fumme. And therefore the faid ftock is dead, without ony profite, as ane barren and dead tree, quhilk producis na fruit. Lib. 3. c. 4. c.6. Contrair the commoun forme of alie- nation of landes under reverfion, dailie ufed within this realme, called pd- flum de, quhair be the annuel], is zeirlie payed, untill the redemption of the landes. At the quhilk time, the principall fumme fuld be likewaies compleatlie payed. And fwa baith the annuell, and the ftock beincpaved, the profites are not reckoned in the ftock, bot ilk ane of them arfeverallie reckoned, and feverally payed, fa-meiklefor the pro- fite, and fa-meikle for the principall fumme. vide Vadium. MULIERATUS Films, isanelauchfullfonne, gotten with ane laurh- full wife. Lib.z.c.Siautem 22. Ex legitima muliere feu ttxore, quiamulie- rii dppelldtione uxor continetur. L. Mulieris- 13- V ibiGl. deverb.jignif. MURTHURUM, Lib.i.e. z.lib..c.j. Quhairof fum is called, privat, that is mannis flauchter, quhairof the author is unknawin : Quhairof the inquifition perteinis to the crowner; As quhen ane perfon is found flaine, or drowned, in ony place or water. Uther is publick committed before- thocht-fellanie , Quia non debet mur thrum adjudicari infortuni- um inservenit: fed hcum hetbeat wurthrim, in interfettis pw fehniam : And fwa murther is committed be fore-thocht.felonie, arid riot be fuddaimic, Chaud-mella, or infortunium : That is, be chaunce or for- tune- Leg. Male Mak. cap. z- And in the lawes of England. ^4nno 13. Edward. 2. cap. 1. Murther is quhen ony man be ane propenfed malice; lyisinwaite to flay ane uther man. And according to his malicious in- tent,flayishim. Mblineusinftil, Cttr.Parl.part.i. cap. 13. Conformetd thihw ot Normandie Lib.iz. cap. 1. Arnrmis, that, murther is different from (Imple (laughter: Becaufe murther is committed wittinglie,and wil- linglie, be ane quhaoffet purpofe lyis quietly in awaite tor that effect. And (laughter is committed without ony fore-thoucht-fellonie, upon ane haiftie fuddaintie, quhilk in Latine is Rixi; And in French, Chaud-mel- %ixi; la, In the quhilk place he writtis, that three crimes perteinis to the high juftice; wiHull fire,ravifhing of weemen,& murtlier.Bot be the law ofthis p!e y es °ftfii Realme, foure crimes ar called the foure pointes of the Crownc; wil- cro ' u "'- full-fire, ravifliingofweemen, murther, and robberie or ricfe : Becaufe the jurifdiftiori, or cognition thereof',perteinis allanerlie to the King, and to nafubjeft Spiritual!, nor Temporal^ except the famin be fpeciallie granted to him be the King. Lib. 1 , c, 2. leg. Male. Mak. c- 4; lib ■; 4. cap; Die lunte. ts.aff. reft. Da. c. 1. N NAMARE, Nanioscapere, to take ane poynd, oranediftixfie. ane auld Saxon word : For Naman, Numt: It is in Latine Vignorari jive pignus auferre- ^ndNamatio, fignifies the taking of ane poynd. Leg.Britonum. verb. Vignorari. In the law ofNormandie, Nami commotmlie fignifies ony gudes or geare moveable- orun-moveable, taken for execution of ane decreet- I'ignora capta, C bona captapignori. utin L a Divo Vio. 1 s.ff. de n judical. Be the laws of this realm, na poynd fuld be taken, bot for ane confeffed or proven debt, ^nd the famin fuld be publicAlie fchawin, and maid manifeft toallpaflengersbethe way, and to all parties following thefamin- Lib.q. cap-Si quis namos 30. cumfeqq. Na man may poynde within ane uther mannis boundes or jurifdiction, bot for debt auchtand to him, except the Kingis Baillie be prefent. The poynd or diftrefTe, fuld be conforme to the quantitie and valure of the debt. Na perfon may be poynded, bot thedebtour, or his fovertie or pledge. The poynd fuld remaine within the famin Barrorinie, quhair it is taken, in ane place per- teiningtohim, quha takis the famin, orattheleaft, in the nixt adjacent barronnie, within the famin Schircffdome, andnotin Fortalicesor Ca- ftelles. Stat. 2. Rob. Br. cap. ltemordinamm. %. Curia de namo vetito; that is, of deforcement, be the auld Law, perteinis to the king allanerlie. De Maritag. cap- Sciendum 17. NATIVE, Borneflavesorfervandes, vide Pondagium. NONE-ENTRES, Is quhen ane vaflall, vcftand'faifedinthefeeanrl propertie of the landes deceafis, leavandbehinde him ane aire, quha bc- andollauchfuilage, may enter to the landes, be taking of failing there- of, and zit enters nocht. Incthc quhilk cafe, the landes ar in the handes and power of the immediate fuperiour, be reafon otnone-cntiefle, Vrop- Tvja ^Jj ter negltgentiam hxredis ,jus funm non profequentis- Stat. Rob, 3. Cap. No- ofnane-eti^ ta.2. Mair-over, there is twa kinds of None-emres: The ane fimplc, trcjfe. nocht followand after ane warde, in the qui. ilk, the fuperiour of the Landes, until! they be declared be decreete of ane ordinar judge, to be in None-cmrcfTe, fuld have allanerlie the retoured mail! thereof,confbrme to the new extent, ^/nd after the declaratour, the fuperiour may re- move the tenncntes, oroccupie the!andes,as he pleads, iridu'ring the time of the None-entrclTe. The uther kinde of Njnc entreile, is that quhilk followis after ane wairde: ~4s quhen landes are balden be fervice of warde and relieve; and the aire is Minor, and may nocht enter : The famiri landes perteinis to the fuperiour, be reafon of warde, and nocht of None- cntreffe. For quhair there is warde, diere is na None-entrefle, be' reafon the warde, fa long as it indures, flops the none-entrefle. Bot qiihen the warde expyris, togidder with the twa termes of the relieve; The None-entrefle beginnis , giftheairebcandof perfite age, enteris nocht to the landes, and obteinis faifing thereof The quhilk None- entrefle, requiris na declaratour, bot is of the like nature, with the warde preceidand. ^ndinduring the time thereof, the zeirlymailles and dew- ties of the landes, as they give be tack and afledation, perteinis to the fu- periour; or he may remove the tennentes and pofleflouves therefra, and occupiethefaminashepleafe, likeashemicht do, in the time of the warde. Mair-over, this kinde of None-entrefle, beand given and difpori-' ed be the King, or uther fuperiour, to the appearand aire himfelfe, or to ony uther perfon, isfufficientand valiable to thedonatar, for all zeires and termes preceiding the gift and difpofition, and'three termes after the' perfite age of the aire allanerlie. ^#nd end is and ceafis after the ifchueSt out-running of the faid three termes- *^nd gif the aire enters nocht with- in the faid fpace : It is leafum to the King, or uther (uperiour,to difporic of new, the faid none-entrefle, to quhom he pleads, to be ufed be him^ unto the entrie of the lauchfull aire; as was decerned and ordained,- be the Lordes, and ^uditoures of the Checker! in the Moneth of Juli j. 1 596,' ^nd conforme thereto decided be the Lordes of the Sefdon 9- Julij. 1 597; The Laird ofCapriiigloun, contrair the Laird of Heffilhead, quhilk iS not difconforme to the iaws of the fewes, quhair be the aire of the vaf-' fal, notdedrandinveftiture, or pofleffion fra his fuperiodr, within zeiv anddaye, after the deceafe of the vaffal his predeceifour, tines and fore- faltis his few, and the famin perteinis to his fuperiour. §. Etibi. Gl.qtte temp. miles inveftitur> petere debent.lib.t defeud- NOV^ Diffafait, recent fpuilzie or ejection, vid- Difafinti; HIERN, Ogetharius, Isanenam'e'ofdignitie, and of ane freeV iisjder. Stat-^hx. e mmdaiio.Ki.^-A appeiris to be of equal honor^ q ■ aw