Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/884

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T)e verbomm Jignificatione. Saijitigcs«p>n fuld be direct to the Schireffe, and uthev judges ordinar, with the claufe, precepts of ;be Capiendo feenritatem. Iam.6.p.i2.c. 124. And all failings palling upon fik chanceRane. precepts fuld be given be them, their deputes and Clerkcs. Mar.p. 6.0 34. Quhairofthey fuld write the day and zeir of the giving of ilk failing; and bring thefarnin, togidderwith alluther faifinges, given be private Noatars zcirly, to the checker. Ia.4- p.6.c. 89- Ma.p.6.c.47.I.6.p.u.c. 65. EjeSiones Sik-like actiones of ejection and fpuilze, perteinis to the Schireffe, tndfpuiliSe. and his jurifdiction- And therefore, gifony man is wrangeuflie ejected furth of his land, or violentlie fpuilzied ol his guds and geare: The Schi- reffe fuld take cognition there-anent. And the ejection orfpuiliziebeand proven, fall caufe him quha is ejected orfpuilzkd.tobeereftoredto his awin landes, gudej and geare, with the prcfites thereof, and damnage and skaith fufteined be the partie. ^i(f. Reg.Da.c.flat. 3 1 • Speciallie gif the per- fbnes quha ar ejected and fpuilzied beieligious men, clerks, widdowes, aged perfones, or fik uthers, quha be the law, ar excufed fra Angular bat- tell. ~4$. Reg. Va.c.flat. s%.Stat.^lex-c. 5. flat. Ro. Br. i.c 6. And in ejectiones, quhen ony man is ejected furth of his landes, fee, or EjtBionei. I iere tage ; The Schireffe at command of the Lordes of Stflion, fall furth-with gar reftorethe ground, without prejudice of ony partie, and recognofce the landes in the Kings handes, untillthey be lowfed be the King. And in the mean time, inquifition is taken be the Schireffe, quha was lauchfull poffeffour of the landes : And the famin beand rerouted to the King, the landesar lettento borghetothe faidperfon.I.2.p.i4. 062 And geneiallie, the Schireffe fuld arreift, and put in the Kingis ward, all maifterfull and wrangeous occupiers or uther mennis landes, and fall caufe the ground to he maid voyde of them and their gudes la. 2. p. 14.C.7S. .. . Concerning fpuilzie, the Schireffe fuld compell fpuilziers, and their ° ' ve ' icceipters (the fpuilzie being proven) to reftore their gudes fpuilzied, and charge them toanfwer therefore, as law will. Andin-cafe they dif- obey, he fuld denunce them rebelles, and put them to the Kingis home, fijthairin, gif he be negligent or partiall, he falbe punifhedasthe prin- cipal! fpuilzier. lam. 2. parlia- 5. cap. 10. The like reftitution fuld be maid be the Lordes of regalities, quhilk gif they doe not; the Schireffe fuld caufe the famin be done within the regalitie. Jam.2.p.5-c- n- Laft of all, actiones of recent fpuilzie, may be perfewed before the Lordes, or the Schireffe, within xv. daiesnixt after the committing of the fpuilzie. lam. 4.p.6.c.65. Exeitttktuf Execution not onely of decreetes of ejection and fpuilzie, asfaidis> dtcrcttcs. botalfoof all uther decreetes perteinis to the Schireffe, be reafon of his office and jurifdiction. Forane decreet beand given againft ony man; let- ters are direct to the SchirefFof the Schire, fteward,or Baillies to burgh, or to land, chargeing them to put thefaid decreete to execution: quhilk fuld be done be ilk ane of them, within their awin jurifdiction, and fuld receive for their office and fee xij.d- for ilk li. recovered or conteined in the decreet, to be taken of him,againft quhom the decreit is given. And »gif the Schireffe or uther officiar tailzies to do the fame, he fal tine his office for iij. zeirs, gif it be heretable: and perpetually, gif he hes it in life-rent, or for ane certaine time; & fal pay the principal fume recovered, to the partie, with the coafts and expenfes fuftained be him. I.4,p.3 .c. 3°-Ia.4.p.6.c.67. Likewaies>all fentences and decreetes given be the Lords of the feffion fuld be execute be the Schireffe of the Schire, or his deputes, quhair the party dwellis, againft quhom the decreete is giv.en.OrelsbeHerauldes, purfe- vantes, or Maifers: And for execution thereof, nane fall take mair nor is prefcribed be the act of Parliament forefaid ; except be liberalise of the partie, under the paine of deprivation oftheir office. la. 5- p. 5.C. jg. For the better and mair reddie execution of decreetes: It is leafumto Ti)niing. tne fchireff, to poynd the gudes and geare perteining to the debtour, be the brieve of diftres: quhilk brieve perteinis to the Schireffs jurifdiction. lib. 1 .c. Vlamumy. fi.uha fuld caufe execute the forme of poynding, 5c taking of diftres. Qjioniam attach. brevibus^i- Bot the Schireff or uther judge may not poynd ony man, or take ane diftres, bot within his awin jurifdi- ction allanerly ; And gif he doisinthecontrair, it is plaine riefe or fpuil- zie.flat.R0b.3-c. Item flat- 13. And it is not leafum to the Schireffe, or ony uther judge, within his awin jurifdiction, to poynd oxen, horfe, or uther guds perteining to the pleuch, or that labouris the ground, the time of the labouring thereof; gif there be uther ftreinzieable gudes, quhilk may be poynded. And gif ony man wil take ane poynd within the Schireffdom, he fall cum to the Schireffe or his deputes, and defire him to concurr and affiftwith him thereintill. And thereafter the Schireffe, or his de- putes, fall pane with him to thehoufe of the debtour, fra quhome the poynd fuld be taken. And gif the debtour confeffis the debt, andprievis payment thereof to bee maid be him , or be uthers in his name : Na poyndfuld be taken. And gifony ista&en, thefaminfuld be delivered againe; utherwaies, gif he grantis the debt, and proovis it not payed: The Schireff fuld take the poynd, and caufe the creditor be payed. And gif the debtor denyis the debt, the poynd fall not be taken fra him, except it be manifeft, that the debt is auchtand to the creditor; becaufe na diftres or poynd fuld be taken bot for debt confefled or provea li.q-.c.Si quis namos. 30. And gif the debtor hes na moveable gudes, or hes not fameikle within the Schire, as is equivalent to the debt recovered againft him. And gif it happenisthat he havefome moveable gudes within ane uther Schireff- dome; The Schireff oftheutherSchire, within the quhilk the faids mo- vable guds lyis, fall caufe the fame to be poynded & comprifed,5c the cre- ditor to be payed, And failzieng of moveable guds, the fchireff fal caufe the lands 6c immoveable guds perteining to the debtour, to be comprifed conforme to the act of Parliament, and caufe the famin to he fauld andannalied, to the availe of tfie debt> and the creditour. Ia.2. p.s.c. 36. Diverfe and findrie criminal actiones perteinis and belangis to the criminal Schireffe, and his jurifdiction, quhairoffome arcapitall; uthers ar pecu- ca»fis p er - niall, as after followis. And firftgenerallie the Schireffe may follow and tetmngto the perfew al trefpafloures, in the Kings name, and caufe his Maires and fer- Sil > ir 'if- jandes arrieft them; albeit na partie perfewer compeir, praffift. la. i.p. 13.C.J1 39. Like astheThefaurar, andadvocat, may perfew flauchter, and uther crimes, albeit the parties keipe filence, or uther-waies privatlie a- gree. la. 6. p. n . c.76. ^ndfwa quhen ony complaint is maid, beonyper- fon to the juftice Generall, or to the Schireffe, or to ony uther officiar of law within burgh, or without the famin. The Schireffe, or uther judge, fall fummond baith the parties. And gif thedeedebedonebe Chaud- melle, the partie fall perfew, as effciris of the law- Bot gif it be done be fore-thoucht-fellonie, the committer thereof, falbe accufed of the brea- king of the Kings peace: He fall fatiffie the partie, and beimprifoned in the kingis prifon. Becaufe his life and gudes ar in the Kingis will. 1. 1. p. 3.c, $1. And gif ony trefpaflor be fugitive for ony crime, the fchireff fuld perfew and follow him: And ilk Gentle-man, not followand the fchowte, or out-home, fal pay xl.s. And ilk zeaman xx s- to the king. I. i.p.6.c.9.8. The Schireffe, Crowner, or Proveft within Burgh, fuld caufe burie him quha ismurthered. Leg, Mai. "Mak.e.v. Mnrthcr. The Scheriffe fuld punifh Witches, Sorcerers, Kecromancers, and ™ itchc r*ft. them quha feekis helpe, refponfe, or confultation of them, unto the death, alfweill the abufer, as the feeker of the refponfe, or confultation. Mar.p.8-c. 78. The Schireffe, and uther ordinar judges, fuld fearch, take, and appre- hend, all them quha not being lauchtullie admitted, dois minifter the M 'fi'- Sacramentes, fayis Meffe, or heads the famin, to bebrochttotheKing to be punifhed conforme to the Law Ia.6.p.i.c.5. . The Schireffe fuld take ftrait inquifition, of them quha ftrikis falfe, or F ^ . . forbidden cuinzie, and fuld caufe them to be broucbt to the King, to be punifhed to the death. Ia.3.p-3.c. 18. The Schireff beand certified of flauchter, committed within hisSchi- SUuchter. reffedome, and royaltie thereof, he fall incontinent raife and follow the flayer, with found of home, and convocation of the Kingis lieges. And gif hebeis apprehended with reid hand, juftice fall be done within that Sunne- ^nd gif he be taken and apprehended without reid hand , Hee falbe put in prifon,and law falbe done upon him. within 40. daies.And gif he efcaipis, or flyes furth of the Schirqffedome, the Schireffe fallcertifie the nixt Schireffe thereof; quh<t fall perfew and follow the flayer in ma- nerforefaid. And confequentlie, ilk Schireffe fall certifie uther, until the trefpaffour be put furth of the Realme, or elsbrocht to juftice: The like certification fuld be maid be the Schireffe, to the Lord of regalitie, quha fuld perfew the malefactoures, as the Schireffe fuld do. lam. Iam-3-par. 5.C.3 j. Iam.4-par-3.c28. Cuhen the committer offlauchter, cummis to the Girth: The Schireffe fuld advertife the Maifter of the Girthe, and caufe the flayer bee put to the knawledge of ane Affife> quhidder the flauchter committed be him, was done upon fuddaintie, or be fore-thoucht-fellonie. And gif it be found fuddaintie, he falbe re- ftored to the libertic of the Girth, and Santtuarie. And gif it befounde fore-thoucht-fellonie, he falbe punifhed to thedeath.Ia.s.p. 5.c. 35. la. 5. p.4.c-22. The Schireffe fuld not only punifh commiters of flauchter, as faid is; bot alfo fuld after his power, ftay, and ftop the committing thereof: And r,w ' therefore, quhen ony man her doubt of his life, either be ony deede, menacing,or violent prefumption; and verifies the famin be his aith, or u- ther probation, And for that caufe, askis law-fovertie to be given to him be the Schireffe, that he falbe harmeles and skaithles of him, of quhom he dreadis the bodielie harme- The fchireffe fuld grant his petition; 5c gif he refufis the fame, he fal pay 40. pound to the King, 5c aflyith the partie- I.. i.p-9.c.i29.Ia.2.p.6.ci3-Ia 2.p.i4.c.83. And gif the law-borrowes happenis to be broken, the paine thereof, fuld be payed to the Schireffe, for the quhilk he falbe comptablein the Checker. la. 3. p- 1.0 5. It is leafum to the Schireffe and his deputes, to perfew ony perfone for Thieft. theift; Albeit na partie concur and infbrmehim there-anent. Haoniam attach.c. vbi aliquis. 2 5. As likewaies, he is judge competent to thieft and flauchter, quhen ony perfon compsiris and infiftis withhim, intheper- fute. Bot gif the faids crimes be followed be way ofdittay: the juftice ge- nerall is judge thereto./^. 1 .c.2. And quhen ony thief is condemned before the Schireffe, and execute for thieft: Al the moveable guds, quhilk per- teineto him, fuld juftlie perteine to the Schireffe. lib. 2 c- Forisfaftum 55. deludic.c. Praterea- 148. Bot gifony manfindisin ony town, his awin filver ftollen fra him; It is not leafum to him to intromet-there-with: Bot he fuld put and leave the famin, in the keipi'ng and cuftodie of honeft men of the towne, and fall declare the famin to the Schireffe, quha fall com- pell the Proveft or ruler of the town, and three men with him, to mak faith, that he knawis na-thing of that thieft; .^nd thereafter the complei- ner proovand the filver to be his awin, fuld receive the famin to be ufed be hira, as his awin proper geare. Lib.. c. Siquis-zi.ftat. Alex.c-*4(fifa.2o ~4 thieves fuld be punifhed to the death- ^nd it is not leafum to the Schi- reffe, to fell ony thiefe, or to fine with him for thieft done, or to be done, under the paine of life and gudes. la. 1. p. 13. c 13 5- All Sorners, taken and apprehended, fuld be delivered to the Schireffj s„„ ers thatjuftice micht be done upon them, as thieves and rievers'Ia:2.p-n. The Schireffe fuld arrieft and challenge, all for- ners, quha lyis and fojournis upon the Kings lieges, and compel them to aflyith the King,and the partie compleinande-And gif na partie compleinis, he fal inquire at the head courte, anent fik trefpaffbures. And as he ony findis, fuld punifhthem. I. J. p. i.e. 7. Andmairover, the Schireffe and all uther officiares, alfweill to Burgh, astoland, fall punifh fomers, over-lyars, maifterfull Beggars, fuilles, bairdes, vagaboundes, put them in warde, and banifh them the Cuntrie. Jam. 2. Paili, 6. Cap. 22. And