Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/101

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of CORNWALL. ^^ first giving at least one month's notice there- of in ,writing to such person or persons to whom he is bounder or keeper, that he will be no longer his, her, or their bounder or keeper of his, her, or their tin bounds. Or <»' "egiectiag or .-* r^»i_j t /•• refusing to shew if any such tin bounder, or keeper of tin the comcn: bounds, shall at any time, upon reasonable notice, refuse or neglect to shew the cor- ners or limits of such tin bounds, of which he is bounder or keeper, to such person oi* persons to whom he is bounder or keeper, or to any other person or persons duly autho- ** rized by him, her, or them, to inspect the corners and limits of the said bounds, or shall deface any comer, or comers, limit, or side- bounds, any keeper so ofiending, shall for- feit the sum of fifty pounds, to be recovered as a foresaid. And if any bounds being void ^«ny for want of renewing, as aforesaid, shall be S^^e^^h. cut by fraud to the use of the said keeper, or keeper, gme to -, . , r 1^' enure to%e use . •^ in trust for him, or any person or persons oftheoidlfcnerr V ^ concerned with him, such cutting shall be, *"fy,^'^^7^ and is hereby enacted to be to the use of the fraud to fo^ saijl old owners, and every person party of ^'^ p**""*^' privy to such fraud, shall forfeit the sum of ^fty pounds, to be recovered as aforesaid. Sect. 3 . And whereas tin bounds, or tin works ^^^f ; J^^" in bounds, lie often unwronght for the spacQ of wrought'forT^ many years, to the great prejudice of the stan- ^Hcslro^^'" naries, be it declared and enacted, that If any working » give tin bounds, or tin work, or tin works in bounds ownc«r4cnt» shall remain unwrought for the space of^ twelve «>' bounders, and ^* J ^ * 1, i« i_ enter of record in months, and any person or persons shall be the stannary- desirous to work for tin within such tin bounds^ wtt^^^ be, or they shallsignify such his or their purpose bounds, the , to the owner or ownenr of the said tin bound "*°^" «^*«  M 2 or ..-•»j