Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/105

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OP CORNWALL. Q^ vided always^ that Jn case the lord or ownef v^pjm of the soil shall neglect, either by himself, or ^t. ■^**"^ toller, or agent, to cut such bounds within three months next after notice given as aforesaid ; in such case the person by or on whose behalf such notice was given shall be entitled to the liberty of cutting such bounds, and shall and may have and enjoy the same to his own use according to the customs of i - the stannaries of Cornwall, any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. And be it further enacted, that if the owner J^*T??^ r 111/* 1 bounds 4«Uftr or owners of any bounds hereafter to be nottoUtinini cut shall not within three years after the ^2,7'*!1*^ • . 1 1 i-i It ' shall not woik proclamations are passed, dehver toll tm to efiectuaii^, the the lord of the soil in which such bounds are ^l^^^"^^ cut, or at least, proceed and continue effec- tually to work the same; that then and in such case, such bounds shall be null and void to all intents and purposes, as if th6 said bounds had never been cut. Sect, 5. And whereas several inconveni- Sect.5.Bovnder, ences arise to the lords of the soil, for want byAeio«iafjjie of knowing the corners and limits of bounds of loikJ 1?^^ cut upon their lands; be it declared and theconimand enacted that every tin bounder, renewer, or ***y <»^ «*»«*«'• keeper of bounds, shall upon request made to him by the lord of the soil, his agent, or toller, acquaint the said lord, his ^gent, or toller, with the day on which the said bounds are renewed, and shall likewise on the day and at the time of renewal, shew to the said lord, his agent, or toller, the comers and limits of the said bounds respectively ; ,and in case any tin bounder, renewer, 6r keeper of tin bounds, shall refuse to acquaint the lord