Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/82

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f^ LAWS OF TH£ STANNARIES «4. Wimmti & 24, Item. Whereas the Vice-Wariien hjatk S^S^To^*^ heretofore signed the common Warrants or Sud**^^ '"" capias, and likewise blank executions in thp "^ margent of them, and hath fees for the ^ame; we do order, constitute and appoint that the IB^d warrants, and blank executions shall be Jeft in the hand of the respective stewardp> and not delivered over to the bailiff till the same be filled^ that it may be known wh^ puch warrants are used, which may be ipat^r rial in real causes depending in the courts. »5. •vriMror 25. Item. Wc agrcc, constitute, and err S!a™to1^7 dain that no person except a barrister ^t law,

    • ^- or a sworn attorney of one of his JfA&jesty^fi

courts at Westminster, be admitted to plead pr practice as counsel or attorney in ^py of the stannary-courts.

  • 6. Convocttor 26. Item. We do agree, constitute, an^

^m^nlus^ ordain that no person being a member of thip juryman. couvocatiou, shall at any time hereafter be returned or summoned to serve, or be in any jury whatsoever, in the stannary-courts ; nor be amerced for, or in relation to ^uch ' service. »7. Number of 27. Itcm. We agTcc, constitute, and ar- kwidineach' daiu that thcrc shall be allowed for public •ttanary- bailiffs in every stannary as followeth (that is to say) for the stannary of Blackmore, twelve bailiffs; for the stannary of Penwith and Kirrier, twelve bailiffs ; for the stannary of Tywamhaile, ten bailiffs ; and for the stan- nary of Foymore, four bailiffs and no more; ana that the names of the bailiffs of the said stannaries may be set up in the court of each stannary.