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neuter." Indeed, if one of these genders predominates over another in the triune Principle, it is the feminine, for "We have not," said Mrs. Glover, "as much authority in science, for calling God masculine as feminine, the latter being the last, therefore the highest idea given of him." Also: "Woman was a higher idea of God than man, insomuch as she was the final one in the scale of being; but because our beliefs reverse every position of Truth, we name supreme being masculine instead of feminine."[1]

This creation of man, as recorded in the first chapter of Genesis, and explained by Science and Health, was, according to Mrs. Glover, the only real creation of man. This man is not given a name in the Bible. He was mankind, the immortal Idea of the First Principle, and he inhabited the inanimate universe, and was given dominion over it. "All blessings and power," said Science and Health, "came with the creations of Spirit and as such they were to multiply and replenish the earth on this basis of being, and subdue it, making matter subservient to spirit, and all would be harmonious and immortal." That is, that as intended in the beginning, this spiritual universe was to continue its existence, and Idea or man was to "multiply and replenish the earth" solely by the will of the Spirit. The products of the earth were to come forth when and how original man dictated. "In this science of being the herb bore seed and the tree fruit, not because of root, seed or blossom, but because their Principle sustained these ideas."

There were no laws of nature, or of man, for none was

  1. In more recent years Christian Scientists have declared their belief that Mrs. Eddy is the "feminine principle of Deity," and much has been written by her followers in defence of this position.