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Books Printed For, and Sold by (illegible text) at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge.

The excellent Hiſtory of the deſtruction of Troy in three parts, containing all the wars of the Greeks and Trojans.

The Hiſt. of Pariſmus and Pariſmonus ſhewing the Love and Valour of theſe excellent Princes.

The pleaſant Hiſt. of D(illegible text) of Greece, in 3 parts, containing the valiant exploits of that Magnanimous Prince, son to the Emp. of Greece.

The Famous Hiſt. of M(illegible text), Knight of the Oracle, Son to the Emperour of Perſia.

The delightful Hiſt. of Valentine and Orſon, Sons to the Emperour of Greece, containing the love and fortune of thoſe moſt Excellent Princes.

The Hiſt. of Jack of Newberry, the famous Hiſtorian of England.

The Jovial Garland, containing variety of New Songs, very delightful.

Robin Hood’s Garland, containing ſeveral (illegible text) Songs.

The Hiſtory of Reynardine the Fox, Song of old Reynard.

Wits Academy, conſiſting of divers ſorts of new Songs ſung at Court, and both the T(illegible text) and likewiſe Complements and (illegible text) ſeveral Occaſions.

The Compleat Academy.

The Compleat Servant Maid.