Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (1884).djvu/144

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unto Narayana these words:—I shall be immortal and free from disease without (drinking) amrita.' And Vishnu said unto the son of Vinata, 'Be it so.' And Gadura, receiving those two boons, told Vishnu, 'I also shall grant thee a boon; therefore, let the possessor of the six attributes ask of me.' And Vishnu asked the mighty carrier of great weights to become his vehicle. And he made the bird sit on the flag staff of his car, saying, 'Even thus thou shalt stay above me.' And the ranger of the skies, of great speed, saying unto Narayana, 'Be it so,' swiftly wended on his way, mocking the wind with his fleetness.

"And while that foremost of all rangers of the skies, that first of winged creatures, Gadura, was coursing through the air after robbing the amrita, Indra hurled at him his thunder-bold. And Gadura, the lords of birds, struck with the thunder bold, spake laughingly unto Indra engaged in the encounter, in sweet words, saying, 'I shall respect the Rishi (Dadhichi) of whose bone the Vajra hath been made. I shall also respect the Vajra, and thee also of a thousand sacrifices. I cast this feather of mine whose end thou shalt not attain. Struck with thy thunder I have not felt the slightest pain.' And having said this, the king of birds cast a feather of his. And all creatures became exceeding glad, beholding that excellent feather of Gadura so cast off by himself. And seeing that the feather was very beautiful, they said, 'Let this bird be called Suparna (having fair feathers.)' And Purana of a thousand eyes witnessing this wonderful incident thought that bird to be some great being and addressed him thus.

"And Indra said, 'O thou best of birds, I desire to know the limit of thy great strength, and I desire also eternal friendship with thee.'"

And so ends the thirty-third Section in the Astika of the Adi Para.