Page:The Manifesto of the Moscow International - tr. Henry James Stenning (1919).djvu/12

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Communists in the Third International feel ourselves to be the direct inheritors of the heroic endeavours and martyrdoms of a long line of revolutionary generations, from Babœuf to Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg. While the First International foresaw the future development and prescribed its course; while the Second International gathered together and organised millions of proletarians, so the Third International is the International of open mass action, of revolutionary realisation, the International of deed. Socialist critics have sufficiently branded the bourgeois world order. The task of the International Communist Party consists in overturning this order, to erect in its place the structure of the Socialist order. We summon the working men and women of all countries to unite under the Communist banner, under whose sign the first great victory has already been won.

Proletarians of all countries! Unite in the fight against Imperialist barbarity, against the monarchies, against the privileged orders, against the bourgeois State and bourgeois property, against all forms and kinds of social or national oppression.

Under the banner of the Workers' Councils, of the revolutionary struggle for power and the dictatorship of the proletariat, under the banner of the Third International, proletarians of all countries, unite!

2–6 March, 1919.

The National Labour Press, Ltd., Manchester and London. 30271