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Vol. I THE MASSES January, 1911 TAFT BLUNTLY SAYS, in his Report as Secretary of War, 1907, (Page 14) that the best and most desirable class of men do not join the Army. Report quoted in: WAR-WHAT FOR? By GEORGE R. KIRKPATRICK The book explains the slayer, the betrayer and the ruler of the working class. Now in the 3rd edition, 15th thousand. 352 pages, elegant gold-stamped binding, 12 chapters, 13 powerful full page pictures (3 halftones) by John Sloan and Ryan Walker-In Third Edition 560 sold in Greater Pittsburg, Pa.; 220 sold in one fuctory in Schenectady, N. Y. THE CHICAGO EVENING POST: ". ... It is as well calculated to impress its readers as Paine's Rights of Man...." THE LOUISVILLE, KY., HERALD also ranks the book equal to Paine's Rights of Man in power to impress its readers. THE SPRINGFIELD, MASS, REPUBLICAN; .... Much startling information . . . . Crowded with facts .... Whitmanesque epigram and im- passioned appeal .... EUGENE V. DEBS: ".... This wonderful book, the book of an epoch, an immortal achievement...." THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST REVIEW: ".... This book is a denunciation, an exposition, a revelation and a terrible indictment of war.... a wealth of data .... Price, $1.20 postpaid. Three copies, $2.40 postpaid. Address: Publisher of "War-What Forp” West La Fayette, Ohio, c. of. R. R. Box 206. Descriptive circular sent to any addresses furnished IX MY NAME! AFTER NINETEEN HUNDRED YEARS! நம කණි. සිරිධාවෙයන් RAND SCHOOL CORRESPONDENCE COURSES The Rand School of Social Science offers the following Corre- spondence Courses for students living outside of New York City: Course 1 American History. Textbook, McMaster's "School History of the United States." Course II. American Government. Textbook, Ashley's "Ameri- can Government." Course III. Socialism. Textbook, Spargo's "Socialism." Each course will consist of six outlines, sent to the student at in- tervals of one month, giving a synopsis of the subject and directions for reading. After doing the indicated reading, the student will write an essay each month according to directions given in the outline and send it to the Rand School, where it will be read and returned to the student with criticism and advice. The outlines have been prepared by practical educators who are active members of the Socialist party. The essays will be icad and marked by comrades well qualified for such work. Everyone con- cerned in the conduct of the Correspondence Courses will bring to his task, not only technical ability, but also a fraternal interest in the students' progress. The courses now offered are of an elementary nature. Later it is expected that elementary courses in other subjects and also some more advanced courses will be established. No one is advised to undertake more than one course at a time, unless he has abundant leisure for study. It is better to take the three courses in succession and study all thoroughly than to try all at once and do all imperfectly. The fee for either course is $2.50 if paid in advance, or $3.00 if paid in monthly instalments of 50 cents each. Students who so desire may purchase textbooks from the Rand School, at the following prices: McMaster, $1.10: Ashley, $1.00; Spargo, $1.40; postpaid in all cases. Make checks and money orders payable to The Rand School of Social Science. Be sure that your name and address are clearly written at the head of your letter and also on the envelope. Address all communications to Correspondence Department THE RAND SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE 112 East 19th Street, New York