Page:The Mysterious Warning - Parsons (1796, volume 1).djvu/71

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cried) again that voice, sure it is, it must be, more than human!" He opened the door that led into the next apartment; the room was empty, and universal silence reigned:—Again he reseated himself, in trembling expectation of the same sounds, but he heard no more. Extremely agitated, though he endeavoured to assume a composed air, he feebly crept to the dressing room of Claudina, where he found the Count. His blood grew chill at the sight; both started, and exclaimed at his appearance; with difficulty he supported himself till assisted by his wife to a chair; she blamed him for attempting to leave his apartment: "You are too weak (said she) to walk as yet; I was coming to you."

"I shall soon recover (replied he) and gain strength by the change of air; I already feel better."

Indeed, the first shock being over, though the voice still vibrated on his ear, he viewed Rhodophil with a scrutinizing eye, and traced,