Page:The Mythology of All Races Vol 12 (Egyptian and Indo-Chinese).djvu/438

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"Here do I come, radiant with flowing girdle and satin loincloth of foreign manufacture, with white muslin cloak and ample sleeves. In my right hand I hold a fan, and my helmet is made of palm-leaf gilt with pure gold. Aforetime I lived my life in Tagaung, whose ruler causelessly suspected me of harbouring evil designs against him. He commanded his Ministers to arrest me and put me to death; therefore I was forced to leave and take refuge in the jungle. Then the King bethought him of a stratagem. He made my sister, Saw Mèya, his Chief Queen and tempted me back by the promise of the office of Governor of the capital. When I came back, he caused me to be tied to a sanga-tree, and there I was burned alive, for sword and spear were alike powerless to do me harm. Thus did I become a spirit. My sister, whom I dearly loved, was named Saw Mèya, or Shindwe Hla, and now I am known as Maung Tin Dè, or Mahāgiri. I pray you of your courtesy, let your love for a man of the upper country be as sweet as honey in the court. [Here instructions are introduced to the band to strike up appropriate music.]

"The Lady of the Golden Palace is worthy of love for her grace and beauty. The glory of His Majesty is as that of the sun in all his splendour and effulgence, yet though he thus shines gloriously, he beams on the people with a fragrance and a cooling breath like unto a fresh breeze laden with the odours of the wild jasmine. Hence it is that the countries which own his Royal sway are many and varied, and therefore is his capital happy and prosperous. The great mountains of rock covered with sāl- and malla-trees are now the dwelling-place of the Nāts. Their retreat is gorgeous with gems and responds to the prosperity of the country. There lives Her Majesty, the Chief Queen, the Lady of the Golden Palace, and there also lives her mighty brother, renowned for his valour and the strength of his body. These two are by Royal Decree rulers over a vast stretch of country over which they keep watch and ward. By Royal Command, issued at the desire of a high-placed Queen, the