Page:The Mythology of All Races Vol 3 (Celtic and Slavic).djvu/52

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Tuatha Dé Danann. Finally the Milesians, the ancestors of the Irish, arrived and conquered the Tuatha De Danann, as these had defeated the Fomorlans.1

Little of this Is actual history, but how much of It is invention, and how much Is based on mythic traditions floating down from the past, is uncertain. What Is certain is that the annalists, partly as a result of the euhemerlzing process, partly through misunderstanding, mingled groups of gods with tribes or races of men and regarded them as more or less human. These various traditions are Introductory to the story of the two battles of Mag-Tured, enlarged from an earlier tale of a single conflict. An Interval of twenty-seven years elapsed between the two battles, and they were fought in diiferent parts of Ireland bearing the same name, one In Mayo and the other in Sligo, the first battle being fought against the Flrbolgs, and the second against the Fomorlans, by the Tuatha Dé Danann.

Having reached Ireland, the Tuatha Dé Danann established themselves at Mag-Rein In Connaught. The Flrbolgs sent a huge warrior, Sreng, to parley with them, and to him approached Bres, son of Elatha, of the Tuatha Dé Danann. The warriors gazed long upon each other; then they mutually admired their weapons, and finally exchanged them, Bres receiving the heavy, broad-pointed spears of the Firbolg, and Sreng the light, sharp-pointed lances of Bres. The demand of the invaders was surrender of the half of Ireland, but to this the Flrbolgs would not agree. Meanwhile the Tuatha Dé Danann, terrified at the heavy Firbolg spears, retreated to Mag-Tured, Badb, Morrígan, and Macha, three of their women, producing frogs, rain of fire, and streams of blood against the Flrbolgs, By mutual agreement an armistice was arranged for preparation, and some from each side even engaged In a hurling match. Such were the tactics of the time! Each party prepared a healing well for the wounded. In which medicinal herbs were placed. Dagda led the forces on the first day, when the Tuatha Dé Danann were defeated; but under the command of Ogma,