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  1. Mannhardt, no. 56, and p. 308.
  2. ib. nos. 52–54, 56, 29.
  3. ib. nos. 42, 63. Occasionally "God's sons " are themselves the moon's horses (ib. no. 46).
  4. ib. nos. 50, 67, 15.
  5. ib. nos. 70, 36, 59, 60, 80, and pp. 299–300.
  6. Nesselmann, no. 5; Rhesa, no. 48; Schleicher, no. 12; Mannhardt, no. 80.
  7. See supra, p. 324.
  8. Mannhardt, nos. 51 (cf. also nos. 16, 72, 75, 78, 79, and p. 219)) 57> 81–82, 65–66, 68–69, and pp. 299, 302.
  9. See infra, p. 329.
  10. Mannhardt, no. 64, and p. 302.
  11. ib. nos. 34–35, 39–40, and p. 101.
  12. ib. nos. 33–34, and p. 308.
  13. ib. nos. 35, 15.
  14. ib. no. 55.
  15. ib. no. 57, and p. 102.
  16. See supra, p. 323, and Mannhardt, nos. 79, 82, and pp. 302–03 (cf. ib. no. 74, where an orphan maid, with none to give her in marriage, calls the sun her mother, the moon her father, the star her sister, and the Pleiades [literally "sieve-star," sė͂tas] her brother; cf. also ib. no. 81).
  17. See supra, p. 323 and Note 11.
  18. See supra, p. 323.
  19. Cf. supra, pp. 321, 327.
  20. Cf. Mythology of All Races, Boston, 1917, vi. i, 25, 36–37, 43, 48, 263, 267. A similar idea occurs elsewhere, as in Egyptian mythology; cf. ib. xii. 25, 34, 113, 194.
  21. Mannhardt, pp. 98-99. He also compares the Lettish riddles "A brother and a sister go daily through the sea " (sun and moon) and "A casket at the bottom of a spring " (the moon).
  22. ib. p. 324, and no. 86. In similar fashion a child implores the setting sun to give his mother a hundred greetings (ib. no. 90).
  23. ib. no. 84; Stender, pp. 233, 269.
  24. Mannhardt, no. 89, and p. 324.
  25. ib.
  26. This report is edited by K. Lohmeyer, In MlilG iii. 389–95 (1893); for the text and translation of the dáinos see Wissendorff de Wissukuok, in RTP vii. 265 ff. (1892).
  27. Mannhardt, nos. 36–38.
  28. ib. pp. 319–24.
  29. See Mythology of All Races, Boston, 1917, vi. 50, 93. In this connexion we may recall the conclusions reached by Mannhardt