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Thornton Romances, the Early English Metrical Romances of Perceval, Isumbras, Eglamour, and Degrevant. Ed. J. O. Halliwelˡ. London, 1844.
Tristrem, Tristan, [a] Le Roman de Tristan, par Béroul, poème du xiiᵉ siècle. Ed. E. Muret. Paris, 1903. [SdATF]
———[b] Le Roman de Tristan, par Thomas, poème du xiiᵉ siecle. Ed. J. Bedier. 2 vols. Paris, 1902–05. [SdATF]
———[c] Sir Tristrem (attributed to Thomas the Rhymer). Ed. G. P. MacNeill. London, 1886. [STS]
———[d] Le Roman en prose de Tristan, etc., analyse critique d'après les manuscrits de Paris. By E. Loseth. Paris, 1890.
See also Eilhart von Oberge; Gottfried von Strassburg.
Ulrich von Zatzighoven, Lanzelet. Ed. K. A. Hahn. Frankfort, 1845.
See also Arthur, [a], iii; Lancelot.
Wace, Le Roman de Brut. Ed. Le Roux de Liney. 2 vols. Rouen, 1836–38.
See also Layamon and Section VI, Bruts.
Wauchier de Denain. See Chrétien de Troyes, [b], and Section VIII, Weston, [f].
Wolfram von Eschenbach, [a] Parzifal, etc. Ed. A. Leitzmann. 5 vols. Halle, 1902–06.
———[b] Parzival. Tr. into verse by J. L. Weston. 2 vols. London, 1894.
See also Chrétien de Troyes, [b]; Perceval.
For works on the Arthurian cycle see Section VIII.


Allen, J. R., Celtic Art in Pagan and Christian Times. London, 1904.
Anderson, J., [a] Scotland in Pagan Times. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1883–86. (i. Bronze and Stone Ages; ii. Iron Age.)
———[a] Scotland in Early Christian Times. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1881.
Anwyl, Sir E., [a] Celtic Religion in Pre-Christian Times. London, 1906.
———[b] "The Four Branches of the Mabinogi," in ZCP i. 277–93, ii. 124–33, iii. 123–34 (1897–1901).
———[c] "Ancient Celtic Deities," in TGSInv xxvi. 411 ff. (1906).
———[d] "Celtic Goddesses," in CR iii. 26–51 (1907).