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Reinach, S., [d] Numerous articles in RCel and RA.
See also Bertrand.
Renan, E., "De la poésie des races celtiques," in his Essais de morale et de critique. 4th ed. Paris, 1890.
Renel, C, Religions de la Gaule. Paris, 1906.
Rhŷs, Sir J., [a] Origin and Grozvth of Religion as Illustrated by Celtic Heathendom. London, 1888.
———[b] " Mythographical Treatment of Celtic Ethnology," in Scottish Review, xvi. 240–56 (1890).
———[c] Studies in the Arthurian Legend. Oxford, 1891.
———[d] Celtic Folklore, Welsh and Manx. 2 vols. Oxford, 1901.
———[e] Celtic Britain. 4th ed. London, 1908.
———[f] "The Nine Witches of Gloucester," in Anthropological Essays Presented to E. B. Tylor, pp. 285-93. Oxford, 1907.
———[g] President's Address to Section 7, Religions of the Germans, Celts, and Slavs, International Congress for the History of Religions, 1908, in TCHR ii. 201–25.
———[h] Celtae and Galli. Oxford, 1905.
———[i] The Celtic Inscriptions of France and Italy. Oxford, 1906.
———[j] Celtic Inscriptions of Gaul. Oxford, 1911.
———[k] Celtic Inscriptions of Cisalpine Gaul. Oxford, 1913.
———[l] Gleanings in the Italian Field of Celtic Epigraphy. Oxford, 1914.
Rhys, Sir J., and Brynmor-Jones, D., The Welsh People. London, 1900.
Ridgeway, W., The Date of the First Shaping of the Cuchulain Saga. London, 1905.
Rolleston, T. W., Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race. London, 1911.
{Smallcaps|San Marte}} [pseudonym of A. Schulz], [a] Sagen von Merlin. Halle, 1853.
———[b] Die Arthursage. Halle, 1842.
———[c] Parzifal-Studien. 3 vols. Halle, 1861–62.
Schroder, L. von, "Dcr Himmelsgott bei den Kelten, Littauern und Letten, Slaven und Phrygern," in his Arische Religion, i. 524–54. Leipzig, 1914.
Scott, Sir W., [a] Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. London, 1830.
———[b] Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. London, 1839. Ed. T. F. Henderson. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1902.