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Weston, Jessie L., [b] The Legend of Sir Lancelot du Lac: Studies upon its Origin, Development, and Position in the Arthurian Romantic Cycle. London, 1901.
———[c] The Three Days^ Tournament: A Study in Romance and Folklore. London, 1903.
———[d] King Arthur and his Knights, London, 1905.
———[e] The Quest of the Holy Grail. London, 1913.
———[f] The Legend of Sir Perceval: Studies upon its Origin, Development, and Position in the Arthurian Cycle. 2 vols. London, 1906–09. (i. Chrétien de Troyes and Wauchier de Denain; ii. Prose Perceval According to the Modena Manuscript.)
———[g] "The Grail and the Rites of Adonis," in FL xviii. 283—305 (1907).
See also Section VII.
Wilde, Lady, Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms, and Superstitions of Ireland. 2 vols. London, 1887.
Windisch, E., Kurzgefasste irische Grammatik. Leipzig, 1879.
See also Section V. (b),Irische Texte; Táin Bó Cúlalnge, [a].
Wise, T. A., Paganism in Caledonia. London, 1884.
{{smallcaps|Wood-Martin, W. G., [a] Pagan Ireland. London, 1895.
———[b] Traces of the Elder Faiths of Ireland. 2 vols. London, 1902.
Wright, T., The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon. London, 1852.
Yeats, W. B., [a] "Prisoners of the Gods," in Nineteenth Century, xliii. 91–104 (1898).
———[b] "Ireland Bewitched," in Contemporary Review, lxxvi. 388–404 (1899).
Zimmer, H., [a] Keltische Studien. 2 vols. Berlin, 1881–84.
———[b] Nennius Vindicatus. Berlin, 1893.
———[c] "Keltische Beitrage; i. Germanen, germanische Lehnwörter und germanische Sagenelemente in der ältesten Ueberlieferung der irischen Heldensage; ii. Brendan's Meerfahrt," in ZDA xxxii. 196–334, xxxiii. 257–338 (1888–89).
———[d] "Ueber dem compilatorischen Charakter der irischen Sagentexte in sogenannten Lebor na h-Uidhre," in ZVS xxviii. 417–689 (1887).
———[e] "Bretonische Elemente in der Arthursage des Gottfried von Monmouth," in Zeitschrift für franzosische Sprache und Litteratur, xii. 231–56 (1890).
———[f] "Beitrage zur Erklärung irischer Sagentexte," in ZCPi. 74-101, iii. 285–303 (1897–99).