Page:The Mythology of All Races Vol 9 (Oceanic).djvu/434

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  1. Bastian, 1881, p. 70.
  2. Perhaps a trace of this sequence of life-forms may be seen in the Maori order of creation; see Smith, 1913, p. 136.
  3. Fornander, i. 61 ff,
  4. The more or less detailed creation-myth given by Fornander is not to be taken seriously, for it bears too many clear evidences of missionary teaching to have any value in this connexion.
  5. Stuebel, p. 59; cf. von Biilow, 1899, pp. 60 fF.
  6. Cf. Marquesas, supra, p. 10, and see also Christian, p. 187.
  7. Turner, 1884, p. 4.
  8. Stuebel, p. 60. For other similar versions see Kramer, 1906, p. 515; Turner, 1884, p. 6.
  9. Mariner, passim; Reiter, pp. 236 ff.
  10. Stuebel, pp. 59 ff. For other versions see Turner, 1861, pp. 244-45; id. 1884, pp. 7 ff.
  11. Cf. the Heaven Father and Earth Mother theme in New Zealand.
  12. Turner, 1884, p. 7.
  13. Reiter, pp. 444 ff.
  14. Bovis, p. 45.
  15. Cf. the Maori "Io," and see Smith, 1913, pp. no ff.
  16. Radiguet, pp. 228 ff.
  17. Fraser, 1891, p. 264; also Kramer, 1906, p. 514.
  18. Ellis, i. 251.
  19. Fison, pp. 139 ff.
  20. For discussion of this episode of the fishing up of the land see infra, p. 44.
  21. Henry, pp. 51 ff.
  22. Ellis, i. 100; cf. Society Group, Tyerman and Bennett, ii. 175.
  23. Polack, i. 17. This author has, however, been regarded as unreliable, so that this statement must be accepted with caution.
  24. For this type in Samoa see Turner, 1884, p. 7; Society Group, Ellis, i. 96, 249; Marquesas, Radiguet, p. 228; Cook Group, Williams, p. 81; Hawaii, Fornander, i. 62, 211.
  25. Von den Steinen, p. 507.
  26. White, i. 149, 155.
  27. Another very brief version merely states that Tiki was the first man, and Ma-riko-riko ("Glimmer") the first woman, the latter being created by Arohi-rohi ("Mirage") from the warmth of the Sun and Echo; see White, i. 151.
  28. White, i. 155.
  29. Fornander, i. 62.
  30. Ellis, i. 96.
  31. Shortland, p. 20.