Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/108

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ARROWTHORNK. 93 AKTMH.I. ARROWTHORNE, Yorkshire. See AXKATIIOI:N>-. ARSSCOTT, a tn>hp. in the par. of Pontesbury, l'..n- tosbury div. of the hund. of Ford, in the co. of Salop, 6 mil.', tn t!- S.V. i.t Shrcwsbury. A 1: 1 A I N 1 :. i Ai; IAN K, a pur. in the bar. of Corlock. in the co. of Dublin, prov. of 1. in-t. r. Ireland, Smiles to tli. N.K. dt Dublin. A ex-ale formerly tood here, the scat of the Doncllans, in which John Alan, Archbiiihop of Dublin, was brought before Lord Fitzgerald, as a prisoner, and slain on the spot (1634). During th" v. :ir this castle was taken and garrisoned by the royalists. It was pulled down in 182.3, and a modem mansion was built on its site. The living is a porpet. cur. united with tho rect. of Finglas, in the dioc. of Dublin, Glcn- dalogh, and Kildare. The church is an ivy-, ruin. In tho churchyard are tombs of tho Hollywoods, who held the manor of Artaine for ages, and one of whom was John Hollywood, a mathematician and philo- sopher of tho 13th century. The principal seats are Artaine Castle, Elm Park, Art-line House, &c. ARTHIXUTON, a tn.ihp. in tho par. of Addle, wap. of Skyrack, iu the West Killing of tho co. of York, 4 miles to the . of Otley. It is situated in the beautiful valley of tin- Wharfe, and is a station on the North Eastern railway. Early in the reign of Henry II. Piers do Ardyngton founded in this place a small Cluuiac nunnery. Its value at tho Dissolution was 19. No re- mains of it exist It was granted in 1.512 to Archbishop . filer. The hall, built on tho site of the nunnery in the 17th century, is now a farmhouse. Arthington Hall is tho principal i< *i.lencc. ART 1 1 IX U WORTH, a par. in the hund. of Roth well, in the co. of Northampton, 4 miles to tho W. of liotli- woll. Xorthampton is its post town. It is water. a branch of tho river Xen. The living U a rect. in tho dioc. of Peterborough, val. 323, in tho patron, of the Rev. H. R. Rokeby. The church is dedicated to St. Andrew. Tho parochial charities, including Man Sou's endowed school, amount to 39. Arthur-worth Hall i thu seat of L. Rokeby, Esq. This village is a meet for the Pytchely hounds. All TH'rUET, a par. in Eskdale ward, in tho co. of Cumberland, 1 mile to the 3. of Longtown, and 9 N. of Carlisle. Tho par., which is 7 miles long by 4 broud, is situated on th" 1 rmr Iv-k, on tho borders of Sec; and comprises the tnshps. of Longtown, ]!iad:i -nhill, Lynedde, and Xctherby. It was at a small chap. 1 in this parish that a commission of the two nations in. ; in 1343 to fix their boundary line. Solway Moss was tin 1 scene of abattle between the Scots and English in 1542, in which the former were defeated. The Scots were led by Oliver Sinclair, and the English by Sir Thomas Whar- ton, Warden of tho Marches. The living is a i in tho dioc. of Carlisle, val. 847, in the patron, of Sir The church, rebuilt in 1809, is dedicated to St. Michael, and is in the Gothic sty!. ..| architecture. Among the graves in the churchyard is that of Archibald Armstrong, court jester to Jan: I and Charles I. It is marked by a small cross. Tin -re is an endowed school, founded in 1754, by Lady Wid- drington, and h DM of no. Xctln -rhy was the sent of tin- la 1 - .hum, Bart. Kirk-Andrews formed part of this parish till the reign of Cli . t of Easton is still included in it. AKIIiriM.l ; ->d A!:TII1-|!I.I i th. oo. of !; : mil, I mil. Al.TIIUi'S CIIAII!. S kMina.

i. mil iii.H.

AKTIIU/S MI INK i i:>. inoiiiil-. of th" myt! i h. TO anil king, whii-li will ' they i.. ,111. MVi'S HAY] a vil. in tin 1 ii-ltiimie, in tin 1 i ". nl 1 Wi x- ' New ROM. It i '."low B irrow, Sui:

I) built by Artli, more, ita proprietor, from whom it takes its name. It is tho port to Waterford, and has a convenient quay. inhabitants are employed in fishing and the coasting trade, exporting com, pigs, butler, i-c., nnd imjiorting coal and slates. ART1' . Hertfordshire. Scr HAVLTWICK. ARTICLAVi;, a vil. in the bar. of Coleraine, in the co. of Londonderry, prov. of Ulster, Ireland, 6 miles from Coleraino. Downhill, the principal r the seat of Sir H. H. Bruce, Bart. ARTINGTOX, a lying, in the par. of St. XL hund. of Woking, in the co. of Surrey, 1 mil, (itiildford. It is silualed on Ihc rivi r Yy. ARTLEBURY, a Inshp. in the par. of Wonfield, in tho CO. of Salop, not far from Bridunortli. ARTOMIS11, a cnstle on tho west coasl of JI Argvleshire, Scotland. It is now in ruins, and was for- i fortress belonging to tho Macdonolds. AETRAMOXT, or ARDTRAMONT, a par. in tho bar. of Shelnialicr, in the co. of Wexforu, r, Ireland, 4 miles to tho N. of Wexlonl. It situated on Ihe bank of the river Slancy, v i small stream Sow falls into it. The scenery of tho neifl^ bourhood is very pleasant and diversified. The t- fertile, and there are quarries of sandstone. The living is a rect. included in the union of Ardcolme, i.i the dlfll of Ossory, Ferns, and Leighlin. The church is a ruin. Artramont House, tho seat of G. le Hunt, I situated on a wooded hill, with views over tl and tho harbour. On the north side of the grounds Eden Vale, a beautiful glen. There an- M-MTA! pict resquo cascades. The parish contains the ruins of castle, and some Iraces of a Danish fort. ARTKEA, or AKDTREA, a par. partly in the 1 Loughiushnlin, in tho co. of Londonderry, and partly in the bar. of Dungannon, in Ihe i Ulster, Ireland, 3 miles to the S.E. of I is situated on tho western shores of Lough Lough Beg, near the foot of the lofty in .SBJB Gullion, and is intersected by the liv.i 1 comprises the chplrics. of Moneymore and Goodscl. tho former being a town of considerable impor: The Drapers' and Sailers' Companies hold lnrir> i states in Ihe parish. Many conflicls look place here during Ike lion in tho reign of Queen Eli/ahcth. It was also the scene of some of t~ >ns in the civil war in the reign of Charles I. In 1688 a battle was faadt near Ardtrea Bridge, belwc.n th" forces of .l.,n.. -. II. and those of Willi.nn 1 1 1., in whii-h the latter, hdidul by Lonl ]'<'. ined the victory. The c untry ia for the most part fertile and well cultivated, with . derable tracts of bog. There is abundance of lim. nnd good building ston". I.inen weaving an.i form a large part of tie- . . ' upations of the jx-ople. The living is a net. in the dioc. of Armagh nnd ('! val. r:!2, in th" palrm. of the Provost an.i Trinit- Dublin. The church, which stands near tin.- t-iti of a form- r one, w.'s built in IS.'iU. It i* in tie ilecture. The d ii is Woodschapcl. The J'i have two several Keh,.ols. Th. nces are Sprin;,' Hill, th.- sent of W. I House, sent of th' v, nnd Warwick Lodge. The par. hi*

of 20,963 acres, of which aboul 2,400 :n

with wi AIM'XHr.1, liAI'l'. 01 .- of the six divs. of the . , bounded on the X. by the oo. of Surrey, on the K. by lirambcr rap. , on the S. by tin- English I le.- and on the W. by ('hi.)i.ster rape. H contains the following six hunds: Arundcl, Avisfonl, Bury, Polin Itotln Thridge, and West Kanwrith. It covers an area ( AKTMU.I. IirNUKKIi. one of the six hunds.. Anmil"! rape, in 1h co. of Sussex, hiiving tho i tin- same : AKIMil.l.. a par. in, nnd co-extensive wit! bund, of Aiundel, in Arundcl rai>e. in tli" co. of Si It is a market-town, nnd municipal and parliamentary v. nr. ,i h.,- ' CO. Of rathe is the ,.,",
