Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/130

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AST VKI.r.. 120 AT I! BOY. covered in 16G4, and became a popular remedy for dis- eases of the skin. Anton Hall, the M at of the Willca, waa erected about 1750. AST WELL, " limit, chiefly in tin- par. of Wapjicn- ham, but partly in tin; par. nt Syresham, in tin- liund. of Sutton, and fa. of Northampton, 6 miles to tin- S.W. of Toweestcr At Astwi-ll Farm there arc ruins of tho old manorial residence and tho chapel. The' manor h asbeen hrld successively by tho Billing, Lovett, and Finer families, and now belongs to the l)uk<> ..| Buckingham. This hamlet i^ a meet for I/ird Southampton's hood*, ASTWICK, a par. in the hand, of Bigglecwiidt, in the co. of Bedford, 4 miles to the SI. ..| ];u .-! svvade, iU post town. It ia situattd mi it branch ot the river Ivel, on the borders of Hertfordshire. An ancient Koman road, entering the county from Hertfordshire, puses near this place. The living is a rect. united with the vie. of Arlscy, in the dioc. of Kly. The church is dedicated to St. Guthlac. ASTWICK, Yorkshire. See APSTWICXE. ASTWOOD-BANK is a large and pleasant vil. in the par. of Feckcnham, in the co. of V on-estcr, 2 miles N.E. of Feckcnham, 3 S. from Redditch railway station, and 1" N.E. from Worcester. There are sevnal r factories in the village, affording employment to a large portion of the inhabitants. The Baptists have a spacious chapel here, erected at the cost of 1,200. The i- is extremely rich and varied. ASTWOOD-BI KY, a pur. in the hund. of New- port, in the eo. of Buckingham, Smiles to the N.E. ol Newport I'amiell. It In son the borders of Bedford- shire. The living is a vie. in the cli >. "i (>iord, of the val. of 230, in the patron, of the lord cham-ellor. The church contains monuments of the Cruniners and Lowndcs, and is dedicated to St. Peter. ASWAKBY, a par. in the wap. of Aswardhurn, parts of Kesteven, in Uie co. of Lincoln, 3 miles to the S. of Sleaford. Folkingham is its post town. It is situated in tho Fens. The living is a rect.* in tho dioc. of Lin- coln, of tho value of 286, in the patron, of Sir T. Whichcute, Hart. Tho church is dedicated to St. Dennis. It has a fine tower, surmounted with a spire, and contains a very ancient lout. There are some small charities. Aswarby Hall, situated in a large park, is the seat of Sir T. Whichcote, to whom the manor be- longs. Bans, tho maritime discoverer, after whom was named the Strait separating Tasmania from Australia, was born at Aswarby. This place is a meet for the Bel- voir hounds. ASWAHDBY, a par. in tho hund. of Hill, parts of Lindsey, in the co. of Lincoln, 3 miles to the N.V. of Spilsby, its post town. It is situated on the river St.-ep- ing in the Wolds. The living is a rcct. in the dioc. of Lincoln, val. 266, in tho patron, of R. Brackenbury, 'Esq. The church is dedicated to St . II ASWARDHTUN WAPENTAKE, one of the sub- divisions of the parts of Kesteven, in the co. of Lincoln, bounded on Uie N. by Flaxwell and Langoe waps., on the E. by the wap. of Kirton, on the S. by the wnp. of Aveland, and on the V. by the wap. of Winnil and Threo. It contains the jiai,. of Asgarby, Aswarl.y, Aunsby, Burton-rMlwanline. Evcdon, Ewerby, Cnut Hal., Euydor, lle.kington, Hi Ipringham, Howe]], In- goldshv, Kirkby-lo-Thorpe, Quarrington, Scnidington, Silk Willouirhl.y, old Sleaford, South Kymo, and Swarby. This v.-ap. comprises an area of 45,280 acres. ATi'll. I .!-:NI II. a nmlt. in the par. of Church i. ii). ]M T div. of the hund. of llalfohire, in the eo. of Worcester, I miles fn.m Kvesham. ATI HAM. 0> ATTINCIIAM, a par. in the Welling- ton div. of the Inind. of S. Bradford, in the co. of Salop, 3^ mil. s to the S.E. of Shrewsbury. It is situated in a pleasant country on tho banks of the nlhicncc of the Tern with that river. The turnpike road from Shrewsbury to Wellington paases through this village, and, until the days of rail- roods, was the gi. .it r n and

.. tnshps. ol I'., i

Cronkill, Emstr. y, und I'ckington, and tho hmlt. of Chilton. The living is a vie. in the. dioc. of Li. tin- al. of i.')4U, in the patron, of K. Burton, Esq. Tho church, dedicated to St. Katta, is l.nilt <.n the bunki of the Severn, und has a very picturesque apiarance; it is remarkable as being the church where Ordcricus Vitalis, the great historian of the Norman period, re- ceived the rite of baptism. The charitable endowments of the parish amount to 84 per annum, of which sum 60 is the revenue of tho free school. There are two bridges, a handsome one of stone across the Severn, de- signed by Gwyn, and another, with a s]n of 100 feet, across tho Tern, both <-n .-ti .1 l.y Sir K. Hill. Atting- ham Hall, formerly called Tern flail, i the scut of Lord Berwick, the present representative of the Hill family. It is a noble mansion, seated in a fine spot near the vil- lage, overlooking the Tern, which flows through the jwrk and unites with tin S, vein within sight. It was built after a design by Stuart. In the picture gallery is an interesting model of Mount Vesuvius, constructed of rock from the mountain itself by the eminent traveller, Dr. Clarke. Longnor Hall is the seat of the Burtons. William Burton, who distinguished himself as an an- tiquary and topographer in the 17th century, and wroM a Commentary on those passages of tho Itinerary ' Antoninus which relate to Oroat Britain, was a memb of this family ; he died in 1667. Near this place ; Wmxeter, the Koman Vrieonium, the recent inv. lions and discoveries in which have excited so much in- terest, that they have gained for it the designation of the British Pompeii. Atcham is the scat of a Poor-law Vm. ATHAN,ST.,apar. in the hund. of Oowbridge, in t co. of Glamorgan, South Wales, 4 miles to the S. K. . Cow-bridge, its post town. It is situated on the coast of t 1 Channel, in u fertile district of the vale of morgan, abounding in striking and picturesque scen The people are chiefly employed in agriculture, some in working tho lime-stone, which is abundant, of good quality. The small port of Al<- ithan is this parish. The living is a rect.* in the dioc. of F daff, of tho val. of 367, in the patron, of the llev. Rarer. The church is dedicated to St. Athan, who said to have resided here in the b'th century, built the church, in which he wus afteruai The Weslevan Methodists have a chapel here. At th Conquest, Fitzhamon, the Norman, became lord of thil place, and a castle was erected here by Roger Bcrkrollcs, one of his comrades. Remains of it, now with ivy, still exist on a bold hill at East Orchard. It is pleasant to hear that the bravo knight IVrkn.llet rcstoredhalf the land to its former owm -i -, and on the oth half maintained several lamilies who had been deprive of their all bv the Norman invaders. ATHBO Y, a par. and market town with a vie. in the of Lunc, in the co. of Meath, prov. of Leinster, Jr containing the vils. of Castleton and Athboy-Com 7 miles to the N.W. of Trim, and 34 miles to the of Dublin. It is situated on a stream bearing the name, which, after a course of 15 mil. s from I 'r when- it ri>e,. joins the Boyne not far from Trim. district i-. i. -rtile and the land chic-tly laid down as j tui. . Limestone is obtained in abundance. Aih

i- formerly tt municipal and jmrliaini'iitary bor

It received a charter Henry IV in 1407, which wasconnrmcd and extended by Henry VI., Henry VII., and James I. Tho borough returned two membori t tin- lrish]xirliament from the second year of the rei .>t <Ju. . n I'.h.Ml .-th till the 1'nion, when it was dis&MM| tativcs "I the Earl of Darnley, to whom tho manor belonged, and to whom it gives tin- title of iseoiint, ri'i-iving tin- e,iin|., -nsation of 15,OtX). Here is a chii I ] i. ami petty sessions for county .1. in id once a fortnight. The living is a in the dioc. of Meatb, ..I the val., with the i. . of Garly, and the reuis. of .Moyairher, Katlimoie, and K> lilalky. of 132, in the patron, of th. ir, ,n. the j.iini.ti. , and the Bish. -p ! M .Hi ,il:i ly. The ( liurch ill i nniililj . <lili. e, with an aiii-ient tower. Ti ' and a dispensary, A!mshous< s l..r f. ui..|. d l.y the Earl of Darnley. J-ladi inmate reofjl