Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/134

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ATIINT;N. 124 ATTKK' LIl-TK-iTM-IIAKNAI,. of Thurlrs, in the di"- . Kinly, Lismorc. There is u church. Tin river Suir flows through llli' palish. ATHNOWEN, -r ST. MA1;V, a j>ar. in the bar. of Kant Muskcrrv, in tin- en. of Cork, prov. of Minister, Inland, 7 mil'- to th.- S.V. of Cork. It it -1 ..II tii,- -.nth bank "I tli" ii.. i- Lea, and is crossed by tli. river r.n-i.-. (in.- part of the parish is hilly and barren ; the noil in the other part in very good. Linn - st<.ne, which underlies the surface in the valleys, ia quarried largely for purposes. The firing in a reck in the dioc. of Cork, Itoss, and Cloyne, of the val., with that of Kilnaglory, of 665, in the patron, of tin bishop. There is an ancient church, with a square tower. An abbey formerly stood in tliis pariah, < : probably in the 7th century; some portion of its walls exist at The Orange, the seat of J. Hawkes, Ksq. There are also ruins of a castle called Castle Inchy. Here are some interesting caves in the limestone rock, of consider- able extent; the entrance is near the bridge over the liridu. The principal residences are The Grange. Sir- mount, Spring Mount, &c. 1'ctty sessions arc held hero onco a fortnight. ATHOLK, or ATHOLL, an extensive tract of country in tho northern part of the co. of Perth, Scotland, being one of the eight ancient divs., or Stewartrios, of the co. It is bounded on the N. by tho Grampian range, branches of which also intersect it. It is almost wholly mountainous, with romantic glens, and a huge extent of woodland. The forest of At hole, which coven an area of 100,000 acres, and is a famous hunting-ground abound- ing in red door and other game, occupies tho v part of tho district. The highest poinU are. at Cairn Gower and Scarsoch, tho former rising to tho height of 3,725 feet, the latter 3,390 feet. Tho approach from tho south is by the pass of Killiocrankio, a wild narrow chasm, through which tho river Garry runs, and which was the scene of the battle between General Mackay and Claverhotue (Viscount Dundee), in July, 1689, in whi< -h the latter was victorious, but fell on the field. The principal lakes in tl> district are Loch Ericht and Loch Kalinin It ; and it is watered by the rivers Tummcl, (lurry, Bruar, and Tilt. Athole House is the seat uf tin 1 Duke of Athole, who takes his title from this district, ami who U proprietor of nearly tho whole of it. Here, in is 14, he had tho honour of receiving her Majesty the "( Jii'.-n as a guest. Tho district of Athole comprises an area of about 450 square mild. ATHY, a post and market town, and decayed borough, in tho several pars, of St. Michael, St. John, and ( 'hiireh- town, in the bar. of West Narragh, in tho co. of Kildarc, and prov. of Loinstcr, Ireland, U inile.s to tho S. of Kil- dare, and 32 from Dublin by road, or 45 by tin ( 'allow branch of tho Great Southern and . ~d in railway. Ii is situat. d in in I.]K-II country on the river Harrow, at the junction with it of the Grand canal. Tho town had a monastic origin ; two monasteries, one of the Domini- can order, the other for Crutched Friars, being founded here in the 13th century. Tho Irish burnt tin' town in 1308. In 1315 it was taken and plumb-red by Kd- ward Bruce and the Soots. Early in tho lath century a military governor was placed here, and in l.iOli the Earl of Kildarc erected tho castle, since called White's Castle, after a proprietor of that name who extended it about 70 years later. Tho Irish under O'Nial got pos- sewion of it in 1M-H, )mt it .-i- soon n-tak. -n !--i ihi- juir- liament. Tho town consist-, i lii.-lly ol twos: , east side of tin 1 river. The principal hii.~im^ of tin- place is the . .in ti nl.-, wlii' h is earned on to a largo ox- tent. There is a court-house in tho market |K<i. . 'I h. y gaol is near the town on the ( 'arlow road. J'art of the ancii nt rastle i-- into barracks for oavalry. A ttm li'.-|.ital and a di.-] citobhshed, and there an two banks. Athy was inc. T- porai. d I;. H I. ,in Kll.'l, the style of the corporation being "the soven i^n, bailiils, DM liur- goates, and iv o| the borough of Athy." The government of the town i- l.y a modern Ai t vestal in commissioner*. Till the t'nion, Athy i. tin mil two to the Irish parliament. It was then chisod. The .summer assi/.es and the <|uait'-r at Christmas and Mid-iimner aie h- Id In-re. sessions are ln-1.1 weekly. Tin- town is a station. It is the seat iw I'nioii tains the Union workhouse. Tin- liiniri-a union, t prising tlic nvo pars, ol St. Mi h > 1, M .John, . Churchtown, and Tankardstown. Tin lirst lour tho vie. of St. Nicholas, which is joined to th vie. of Tankardstown. Tho val. id' the living, wh in the di'"'. of Dublin, < ilembilagh, and Kilda and it is in tho patron, of the crown and tin an alternately. Then' are two Koai.m Catholic and chapels belonging to tho Vcsloyans and tho i viuisU. Scarcely any traces are left of the old n tones. Of White's Castle there is the square Intensive ruins of Woodstock Castle, 1290, and of Kheban Castle, probably founded in I same century, stand on the west bank of the river. moat of Ardskull, an ancient earthwork of rude struction, ia on elevated ground about 3 miles : Athy. Tuesday and Saturday are the market Fairs arc held OH the 17th March, tin- L'.'ith Apii 9th June, tho 25th July, the 10th October, an December. ATI,()V, n chplry. in tin par. of Bradbome, bund, of Appldrec. in the co. of Derby, -1 miles to I X.E. of Alhbournc. It is situated in a pleasant dil trict on the river Dove, and from a lofty hill, Magger's Bush, not far from the village, i prospect. Tho living is a porpet. cur. in t Li.-hlicld, of the al. of illS, m th. patron, of Uakover, Esq. ATI'AK, I '.irdiL'anshire. .S'/r ALTAI;. ATT'.VN AI ill ' y in tin- bar. of Fassod in tho co. of Kilkenny, and jiartly in tin 1 mallagh, Queen's County, in the prov. land, '2 miles from Dunow. It is in a 1'eitiJ on tin- river Nore. The living is a vie-, united with f Aharney, in the dioc. of Ossory, I Lcighliu. ATTENBOROUG1I, a par. in i n div. i the wap. of Broxtow, in the co. of Nt!int. -b -uu, U to the 8. W. of Nottingham, its port town. It is ted on tho west, in bank of the river Trent, imnn above the junction of the Knvash with it, and on odgo of I rby.-hiro. Tho Midland Counties runs through tho parish, and has a station at Eaton, which is > miles to the N.K. Chilwdl Toton are hmlts. of Atteuboroneji. The manufacture is carried on in the village, employing i thirty frames. The living is avic.' inthedi I the val., with the cur. of I'.ian it. of i'.'.")!}, in Die |iatron. ol U.S. Koljainh. . K-q- church is dedieat. d to St. .Mary. an- I -m- i houses, and other charitable endowments, amounting I ill) IHT annum. Chilwall Hall is the juii d'-nee. This village was the birthplace (1G11), ot . ton, fiiend and son-in-law to ( Iliv. r ( 'lomwell. ATTKKI1Y, a tnshp. in tin- par. ot Hisln.p's No in the wa]i. ot Aslacoe, parts of Lindsey, in the . Lincoln, ,H miles to the V. ,,f Market Kasi-n. It close to tho course of the old way called Ermine .' '1 In- charitable levemn > of the low n-hip amount to 1 ATTi:i;i'l.ll I K-i rjM-DARNAL, .". chi'lry. in' Ml div. of the V. and Tickhill, in the V. st Killing of th. co, IO. of Shellidd. It is situated in. r lion, and takes its name from a |..fty dill' 1 village overhanging the liver. Tho Sheffield and 1 and the Kolln lhalii railway, a stnnt'd in L847, put through the chplry. Itcont limit, of Carbrwik. The jmpulation are CIIL' i::- d in t manufacture of cutlery and other biam-hes ol tin : It was at Att'lclitVe that the lirst of cast HU'cl were pioduced. The beautiful coal called Cannd is obtained in tbi- district. The! ing is a p. tp. -t. cur. in the dioe. ,,t Yoik, val. i'lsO, i lie iiatron. of the Vn ,u ol ShellieM. Th. r. is an alj