Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/164

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164 I;K. being built in ;' a handsome structure. The. 1-house if now occupied as a National * no has been built i gate. The pan ' vestiges t fortresses, an.l mi: rlTfifirt modern th" latter arc loogh House, Creagh, L*ki Tho m.irket, which is clii 'in and pi hold on -M -Hi '. 'V, and I'.iirs for the sale of cattle' OH Vhit- IV, Illl'l to BAU.I.N'SI'IT II. K. :. i. in the bar. of Courcpy's, in the co. of < . Ireland, 8 miles to the t li i:i.i"ii. It lies on the coast, not far from Kin- sale harbour. A ]. "lice force is stationed hrrc, an>! session-) arc held unco a fortnight. Tin re is a house and a 'li-; : ;irs are held on the lit anil : .-r. It A 1. 1. IN I'KM 1'I.K, a par. in the bar. of Clonmahon, in the co. <if < 'a van, pr-iv. of Ulster, Ireland, 6 miles to the S. of Cavan. Tho living is a vie. united with that of Kilmore, in the dioc. of Kilmore, Ardagh, and Elphin. BAI.I.IN'I iiMl'I.K. a jar. in the bar. of Imokilly, in the co. of Cork, prov. of Muustcr, Ireland, 7 miles to the n. It is situated at a short distance from the nioirh of Cork harbour, and contains (.'1. town. The living is a rect. united with the Lisgoold, in tin 1 dim-, of Cork, l"ss, am . i .1 .1 M I :.M I'M:, a vil. in the bar. and co. of Cork, prov of 5Iu; !, '1 mills from Cork. BAI.I.I a vil. in the bar. of Carbury, in the co. of Sligo, prov. of Connaught, Ireland, 8 miles to the N. of SI P.AI.I.IVIT.MI'I.K. n par. in the bar. of Lower Kil- namanagh, in the co. of Tipperary, 7 miles to the N.K. of Tippci-iry. In this palish is Dundrum House, the oat of Viscount Hawarden. The demesne contains above 2,000 acres, nnd is finely wooded. Tho living is a roct., of the val., with annexed to it, of 629, in the dioc. of Cashcl, Emly, AVaterford, and Lis- more. BALLINTEMPLE, a par. in the bar. of Arklow, in the co. of Wicklow, prov. of Lcinster, Ireland, fi miles to tho N.W. of Arklow. It lies in a fertile district at the confluence of the river Dcrry with the Ovoca. Gold and copper have been found In i< in small quan The living is a rcct. in the dioc. of Dublin, Olcndalagh, and Kildaro, of the val. of 101, and in the patron, of W. Brvan, Esq. From the higher grounds there is a beautiful prospect over the valley of tho Ovoca. I'. U.l.lNTol'.F.l;, a par. in 'the bars, of Carra and Burrishoole. in tin- OO. of Mfyo, prov. of Connaught, Ireland, 7 mile-, to the S. of Caxtlnbar. It is situai a mountainous country to the north of Lough Carra, and is vi i e, comprising within its limits 32,475 acres. Tho hill called Sli, ve llohaan has an olc of nearly 1,300 fuel. A casUe is said to have been built hero at a remote ].. iio,l, which was the bin tin- 1 the .site was founded, in 1216, an abbey i.l' l' i 1,1, ]-. by C.ith.'l ( r which some tin The liviu. united with that of Drum, and appropriate to tho vicars i.lin. i; M.'.IN I Hl;i;i;, apar. in the Kir. of Castl, ivairh, in tho CO. of Rosrnmmon, J.IMV. of C.ii: ") miles to ; I 'astlfnngh. It lies on ' bank of the river Suck, and rompriscN bog. Limestone of pinl quality is olit :ine<i lin . The living is n i with two of of Kilinoiv, Anlau'h, aii'l Klphin, in tli Miolic Near 111' ill.-ii,'"', i.;i tie agO III :. llllt it it i.uilt in t: : t size,

at earh of its uni;lis, ; was

. < 'I'vp moat. It was cnptu
I in Mil by

tho ( i 1'i-tty .-' - . A fair is held for t: August. 'J -of the gentry in |:.I.I.INT(M!l-:i; r.AKoNY, M)l;l

ei'iiimon, in lh" prov. of I land. Ballinto ! on the N., K., anil S. ],y tin rivci SI 'Mion, wiii. h M p.u:.'.,'- i: 1 Lon2 ford, and on the W. by the b,ir. of !! I of Xilmoro and Tern

those of Kilglass and Itoosky. South Bal-

ls across the central part of il, .>g on Lough Kca in the cast, aii'l by tho barony of Hallvmoe. It cuni.iir^ tie Boscommou and Lanesborough, tho pars, of Kilg^l .'I Roscommon, with portions of CIooS^H kert and Kilhriile. These baronies extend over an are* of above 84,000 u- Il.M.I.INTOGIIER, a vil. in the pai and bar. of Tiraghrill, in the DO. of Sligo, pnn naught, Ireland, G miles to the S.E. of Sligo. Math.n is established here, and fairs are held inJam^H Juno, Juh% October, and December. BALLUTTOY, a pai. in the bar. of C'ary, and Antrim, in the prov. of ' N.W. of Ballycastle. It is situalid in a hill;, on the north i i tho county, and i::< ludeij^l Carrickaredc and Sheep islinds. The village - the foot of Knocksaghy Hill, one ol in the district. Kot far off is Cro conspicuous for a oonaidcnDlo * distance. The Causeway is about ^ miles to tl Under tho basalt in tho hi . un,l. thin is abundance of exi building stone. Agriculture and tho t; tho principal employments of the people. W, r spinning yarn are also carried on. A coastguard I is established at Port Ballintoy . Tin 1 i v : ' the val. of 31(>, in the dioc. of I Dromore, in the patron, of tin hi.-hop. teriuns and Iloman Catholics have ruins of tho castle of Dunsevcrick. one (' the " the island, stand on a rock on tin Head; and those of MacAlli n the at the otli rend of the parish. 1 >l in J ! niber, and October, for the s-a BAI.LINTKA. a vil. in 1 bar. of Tirhugh,in the co. of Iionegal, i id, 6 miles to the S. of Donegal. ' near the coast oi Hay. The and unint- the deme.Mi Hall, with fine groves, rue;

lake this din :

I'lillins." The ],;irish clmrch i- in tin- M ilso a r.hapi-l of the N". I'd ir" In 1,1 01 IT, March. .M.I-, ' I'.MJ.lNViMIKl;, :. par. in the bar. to the i coast ot which run iil,'] mi.MIe ol the ] ni- . The li-. ' 1 l!AI.!.ITn|;K. ;, vil. in tic i, in the co. of Kil.lar- , I leland, 7 mil ' "Mill. Il i in! "I ' v. It is a clean and pleasant village, 1 chiefly by ineinlii is ol th. They have a 1 in 1707, founded in 1726, at which lluike was once a pupil, a