Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/166

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BALLYBOGHILL. 150 r.AI.I.VrAllIU;. 12th century. A fair is held on the 2.5th September, for the Bale of cattle. BALLTBOOHILL.I pur. in tho bar. of West B.-U- rothery, in the co. of Dublin, prov. of Leinstor, Irolitml, 6 miles to the' N. of Swords. The living is a vir. united with the rect. of Clonmethan in the dioc. of DubLin, Olendalogh, and Kildore. There is a police station in the village. BALLYBOUOH, a vil. in the bar. of Coolock, in the co. of Dublin, prov. of !. in^t< r. Ireland, close to Ihiblin. It is seated on the coast of Dublin Bay, on tin- north side of the city, at tho moutli ft tin Kallyhough rivulet. A vitriol factoiv i, i in the village. BALLYBOTJQHT, a par. in the bar in the co. of Kildare, prov. . Inland, -J to the 8. of Ballymorc-Kustace. The living is a if. included in the union of Jialh-more-Kustacc, in the dioc. of Dublin, Glendalagh, and Kildare. A large circle of stones is found hero, supposed to be of Druidical origin. BALLYBOY BAKOXY, ooe of the twelve bars, or subdivisions of King's County, in the prov. Ireland, situated in tho centre of the co., and hounded on the N. by tho bar. of Ballycowan, on tho E. by tin of Geashill, on the S. by Queen's County, and on tho W. by the bare, of F.ghsh and Garrycastlo. It com- prises tho pars, of llallyboy and Killoughy with tho town of Frunkford. The area of the bar. is about 32,400 acres. BALLYBOY, a par. iu the bar. of Ballyboy, in 1 County, prov. of Leinstcr, Ireland, 15 miles t" tin- V. !' Portarliugton. It is watered by the river Silvi r, ami contains tho market town of r'rankl'oid. There is a large extent of bog in tho parish. Tho living in a vie. funning ]>art of tho union of Fircal (or Kgliith), in the dioc. of Meath. 1'etty sessions are hold once a fortnight. Fairs are held on the 1th May and tho Gth December. BALLYBOYB, n, par. incorporated with Ballynias- canlun, in the har. of Lower Dundalk, and co. of Loath, in the jirov. of Leinstcr, Ireland, 3 miles to tin K. of Dumhilk. I !A I , I . VBRACKAN, a par. in the bar. of West Offaly, in the fi. of Kildare, prov. of I,cin~ter, In-laml, (> mills to the S.V. of KiMare. It is situated on the cast hank of the river I!!irrow. The living is a net. in tho dioc. of Dublin, (ileml:il:ii:h, and Kildare, o| the val. of 131, in thc> patron, of the Maii|iiis of Up :;heda. HAl.l.Vl'.KA/.II., a ].ar. in the har. of Shell, im.e, in the i lord, prov. of Leinslcr, Ireland, (i miles to the S. of New Itoss. The living is a cur. united with the vie. of New Ross, in the dioc. of Ossory, Fern 1 1 in. BALLYBRENN A N, a par. in the bar. of Forth, in the co. of Woxford, prov. of Leinster, Ireland, 5 < t>. the S. of Wexford. It lies at the southern end of 'pi Haven. A castle fojlllerlv , iM.d In IV. The living in n n .1. in the dioc. of Ossory, ]' lin. val. filii, i,, the patron, of the bishop. The chinch is dilapidated. Tho chief residence is Ballyhn Castle, whieli belong to the Karl of I; alhdown. r.Al.I.Vr.KI'l 1 l!Al;i)Y, one of the twelr* Lars, or subdivisions of I. .ty, in the prov. < bounded on the N. l,y tin ' IT. of i: L -]i.h, on the E. by (Jin. I,'* C..unty. on the S. hv the nli.-k, nd On the W. by th :t har. Bnd the co. of Tippei.ny. It contains the ]ir. of ISirr, Kiiinitty, l,etterlm,:i. comroe, and Seiikiei m, with parts of Airham-on, C.,r- liilly. tva. The area of tho 1 ar. . lt.I.I. I i vil. in the par. of IHVI, nnc! bar. '( I'ortnahinch, in (,' : .,^t, i . ml -I'J miles fnmi Duhlin. In this vil. is the fan <,f 1'lnnir.i, a spot BO naim d in i in the n i-n ot ({men Kli/a) , the -il of Kssex. and the Irish, under ' and :' :fby the xi.tors. Tin ^ats in the neighbourhood. A police station is established, and petty sessions arc held . fortnight. The ( I'Dempseys had a castle r.Al.l.YI'.lM I I 1 ' 'N. a halt in tin King's County, in the prov. of Leinster, Ireland, 1 from Edend. BALLYlU.i'iMMKI.L, a vil. in the bar. of Idrone, in the co. of C'urlow, prov. of Leinster, Ir

i miles from Myshall.

BALLYBRGOD. a par. in the bar. of ( the co. of Limerick, prov. of Minister, I to tho W. of 1'a It lies in a ei -. wi 11-culth v, a little to the mirth Camoge, a branch of the Maigue. llasalt m. surface of the district, and constitutes the n lofty Ballybrood Hill. Limestone also occurs, i quarried extensively for agricultural uses. The is a rect. in tho dioc. of Cashel, Kiuly, Lismore, of the val., with four others, of 641, patron, of the bishop. The church, en is in the early Knglish style of archil' tower and spire. Hallvbrood Bouse and Mount 1 arc the principal residences. Here is a Fairs are held on the 12th June and the llth I HAI.LYBUNIAN, or IIAI.MT.AN YAN, a the par. of Killehenny, and bar. of Iraghticnr. tho CO. of Keny, jJiov. of Minister. Ireland, '.I i the N.W. of Listowul. It is seated in a very ; s])ot on the coast of a bay at tin month of Shannon, and is become a favourite bathing pla tho village, on tho north, is I Hill, : line of dills between Ballybunian and Kil. < >nly I of tho most pictuieMMie and n in nkablo There are many caverns and passages some of them of considerable extent. The I isabont 70 feet in height. points, and on tho summit of the dill's are the castles of Doon and Ballybunian. A salmon 1 is established lure. BALLYBUBLY, a par. in tin- bar. of Shille and co. of Kilkenny, in tho prov. of I ; miles to the 8. of Kilkenny. The living in tho union of St. ( 'aniee, Kilkenny, in the dioc. i Ossory, Ferns, and Lcighlm. BALLYBUBLY, a par. in the bars, of Wan and Lower Philipstown, in King's ( 'ountv . in of Leinstcr, Ireland, fl miles to the N.K. ot Tin It is situated in a fertile and highly cu: on the north side of the Yellow rivi r. I'll, iir.ii.>! canal passes near tho village. Tin limestone, which is quarried for buildim.-. road making. The livim 'idalairh, and Kildare, of 1 1 .1 . Vakely, Esq. The churc h, w . Mi, contains a monument to sons* ^^H Wakely family. Biillyburly lion . is the -iat of the Wakelys. Ti: I'.AI.M ' AIIANK. a p,r. in >ble^B 11 County, in the eo. of Linn st. r. Ireland. I mil. - 1" the N the river Maijuc. Part of the parish &| and marshland, and ll.. i, are large quarries of lin The living is a rect. in tin- dioc. ol and Aghadoc, val. fills, in the gift of the bishoi church i I hi- i ail*. I'.allyeahane Castle, the iiiins of whi. ' church, M the seat oi the O'Gnuh : '"It by them at llie ' lose of the 1.1th century. H. re was all church of the Kni-'hls Templais, of which mains r.AI.I.YCAHII.L, a par. in tin and I']. per Kilnamana^h, in the co. of 'I h of Mu; od, I mil.s to the '. the parish consists of bog, and t ! The living is an impr> i in the dj. .. of Cai-hel, I'jnly. Wat The duiich is decayed. Tin- principal neat ^is^OlsUI i, in a wo J it of tin- O'Fogartys.