Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/168

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BALLYCLUG. 168 BALLYDEHOB. It L) pleasantly situated on the small river FinnoT, a branch of the Blaekwa: tone is abundant. The living is a vie. in Ihodioc. of Cork, Cloyne, and ROM, of tho val. with ' : I 'nimdowney of i '. .Iron. of th" . cted in 1830, and has a square tower with pinnacles. Tho glebe-house, a hand- some wax liuilt by the present inciiiubont. " ig a squ of Ballyclough Castle still standing, 71 1 into a residence. Mount N d seat of the Lysaghte, is in decay. The scenery i.t' the neighbourhood in very pleasing, and there are several gouts; the principal is Longuevil!c<, the resi- dence of Colonel Longfiela, situated in a fine spot on tho banks of tho lilaekv. 10 is a police station. Fairs are held, rhi' :' 1 pigs, on Hosier Monday, 21,-t .Inn.', .nil August, and 19th September. BALLYCLUG, a par. in the bar. of Lower Antrim, in tho co. of Antrim, prov. of Ulster, Ireland, 10 miles to the N. of Antrim. It lies in a fertile and cultivated district, to the E. of the Main Water, and includes part of the town of Ballymona. The district formerly be- 1 to tin- I rilann. Tin- living is a rert. in tho dioc. 'own, Connor, and Dromore, of the val., with tho cur. of Kirkinriola, of 212, in tho patron, of the bishop. Tho Romnn Catholic chapel, greeted in 1810, is situiited at t'robilly, near tho ancient seat of thoO'Haras, whirh has been rebuilt. There are several schools, and a eharity of 20 per annum, bequeathed by Col. O'Hara in 1759, for the benefit of the poor. The parish has many remains of ancient structures, Druidical, ecclesiastical, and military. Courts lect and baron are held annually, and a manorial court for tho district of "K carte" is held monthly I <-hal. Fairs for horses and cattle nre held on the 20th June and the 21st August. BALLYCOLLA, a vil. in the bar. of Clarmallagh, in Queen's County, prov. of Leinstcr, Ireland, 4 miles from Abbnyleix. BALLYCC-MMON, a par. in tho bar. of Lower Philipstown, King's County, in the prov. of Leinstcr, Ireland, 3 miles to the W. of Philipstown. Tho Grand canal passes through tho parish. The living is a net. in tho dioc. of Dublin, Glendalagh, and Kildare, of tho val. of 129, in the patron, of the crown. Tho church was repaired in 1835, by a grant of 335 from tho Eccle- siastical Commissioners. There is a commodious glebe- house, built in 1817, and several schools. Nearly one- third of the parish is bog. r.AU,Y< uXXELL, a market town in the par. of Tomrognn, and bar. of Tullaghagh, in the eo. of Cavan, prov. of Ulster, Ireland, 12 miles to the N.V, and 80 milt s from Dublin. It is situated m arthr ' of Fermanagh, on the banks of the river Woodford, which falls into Longh Erne. A convenient quay has recently been e and there is wat ance from the town to Iklturln t in one direction, B Ballinamore in tho other. Tho town was the reign of James I. by 1 It consists principally of two streets, and contains the parish el handsome eonrt-house, in which quarter aii'l petty ses- sions arc held, a bridewell, and a dispensary. A i force is sta llyeonnell House, a mansion in a &rgr and well-wooded < ! : ho river, oc the i I castle. Friday is tho market day, and fairs are held every month throughout the in V BALIAl ( IXXF.IJ,, a vil. in tho bar. ef Carbury, in the c~i. of Slip". from Sligo. It stands on v, e.-:t coast BALLYCONNICK, a ]>nr. in the bar. of Tlargy, in i V. > ! to tl ml. Thi' livin:- 'ghmon, in the dioc. of Ossory, 1-Yrns, xir. of Dramcreehy, and lir. of I'.HM. ii.i-i rofln. in the CO. of Kerry. j,i v. i.t M For civil purposes this ] hisselton. The . in tho dioc. < to tho N.W. of Listowel. is considered part of the is a vie. unit Limerick, Ardfert. nn-. I 1 . U.YOMH..K. v-iln.AUT,: l'.AI.l.Y< i iK. a par. in the bar. the co. of Antrim, prov. of Ulster, Ireland, 2 tho N. of Ballyclare. It is situated on the Water, which fo'mi:. mbon Tho living is a ] with that easton, in tho dioc. of D >r, and Ih BALLYCOTTOX, a vil. in the par. bar. of ImokUly, in the co. of Cork, prov. o! Irehind, 5 miles to the S.I'., of Cloyne. It is seat tho coast of St. George's Champ 1, on a : after the village. Two small islands lie at the B of the bay, on one of which is a lighthouse ~ 1850. The light is at an is tho chief occupation of the people. The liv pcrpet. cur. in the diuc. of Cork, Cloyne, and the gift of tho bishop. IIA1.I.YCOWAX liAIIDXY.ono of the 12 ban* subdivisions of King's County, in the prov. ot'Leifj^H Inland, situ.v imrthi rn ]>art of tho OO^^H bounded on the X. by the bar. of Kilcouraoy and W^H of Westmeath, on the K. by the bar S. by the bar. of 1: I ,.> :.,. *. > . th^^^l Ganycastlo. It contains the pars, of Killiride, Lj^^H and, part of the par. of Durrow, and tha^^| of Tullamore. Tho area of this bar. is al< a considerable part of which is bog. BALLYCOWAN, a xil. in il.e har. King's County, in the prov. of Loin from Tullam .rand canal passes throug! !.YU;AH;HY. a hmit. in the ; . in tho co. of Antrim, prov. of I C miles from Belfast. BALLYCROGUE, a par. in tho bar. and co. . low, in the prov. of Leinster, Ireland, 3 n of Carlow. It is on the banks of th living is a rect. forming part of ti town, in the dioc. of Ossory, '. BALLACROY, a hmlt.' in th. and bar. of Erris, in tho prov. of Coin 12 miles from the new lino of road b. and the Mi: BALLYCDLTER, a par. in the bar. c.t co. of Down, prov. of Ulster, Ireland. '> miles ' N.E. of Dov iity of Lou. of Strangford. The district is ferti! Lead has been obtain, d here. The living is a the dioe. of Down, Connor, and Dr. I. I ho ehllleh i with a tower and spire. Ynn lioir qii-K in tli are several schools, and four i in 1832 by Lady Sophia Ward. Three < still i seat of Lor i.i.M rMr.r.i;. a vil. in ti.< and bar. of i .in the Ixiinster, Inlind. .'i miles t'r ;

residence is Ballycumber lloise. Call! on the nd the 1st i BALLYCURRAKT, a in the bar. of] in the -.. of Mini The livii: rk. ( 'Ii.yn. iTany II..11-.- is - i'.AI.LYHHIliil!, n vil. in t' skull, _ A", of Skihl,, i. on. It in i on the coast nea- nnd in the i . usary i a poll.