Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/186

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BAXGI.I.V. 176 I'.AXGOR. very limited. The ' 1 salmon fisheries ore carried on with belonging ti it is now competed, The number of -, to the port ia about 116, which are almost en ;c<l in tho coasting and colonial trade. Tho jurisdii -lion uf the port of ids to tho fiillovvi: - : -lluckie, Cul- len, Garmouth, and Fraserburgh. The living, whii h is of tho val. of 19 chalders, or about i Fordyco, and in ' of the rjirl of S, -alii 1.1. The kirk ia a large edifice with a very handsome spire, lately lini.shrd, and was erected in 17UO. The other places of worship are chapels belonging to tl; ilians, I; 'iiiau Catholii : ., Independents, and Wesli y;ni -M< th.'dists. There is an acad"iny sni>iM)rtod Ity tin- corporation, a scientific institution, and a good library The p of the burgh is vested in a inrillors. Under the Reform i', mil' forms, with Macdi:!! 1 , ;i town on the east bank of the Poveran, one parliamentary burgh, contributor)' _;in in returning one member to parliament. It contains, according to tho census of 1861, 1,259 inha- bited houses, with a population of 0,780, distributed into 1,718 separate families. Tho revenue of the municipal burgh is 'J.V>. A r is published in the town, called the lianfihire Journal. Xcar the town, and within view from the bridge, is Duff House, a modern mansion in tho Roman <: u a plain in tho midst of a large and 1 ik, on tho banks of the river, tho seat of the Kurl of Fife. It is built of freestone, and adorned with elaborate sculpture. It contains a valuable and interesting collection of pictures, including many portraits of eminent persons. Banff Castle, of whicn the fortress walls and moat remain, was the birthplace (1613) of James Sharp, Archbishop of St. Andrew's ; his father was sheriff-clerk of the county. James Macplur- son, the famous robber, was imprisoned and executed at in 1700-1. When at the place of execution, ho played on his fiddle a lively tune, which he had composed m tie prison. The town suffered to a serious extent from tho floods of August, 1829, when some of tho lower grounds were covered with water 1 i feet clecp, nnd many houses were undermined and washed away. Friday is tho market day. Fairs are held on tho '(th January, tin- first Tuesday in February, the first Friday in August (old tylo anil the Friday before the 22nd November. BAHQLEY, a lib. in the tnshp. of Fozcley, in the par. and hutid. of Tamworth, in the co. of Stafford, 3 miles from Tamworth. BANGOR, a par., city, borough, nnd market town, in the bund, of Uwch-gortai. in tlirco. of Carnarvon, North Va'. N'.K. of Carnarvon, and 238 miles by railway from London. It is situated on the north coast of tho county, at tho head of tho bay of Bran- mans, nnd at the entrance to the M> :i.ii Strait, and is a station on tho Itolyhead railway, which is rarried across the strait by tho great Britannia Tubular Bridge, i r from the city. This place has existed from early period ; but tho precise time of its foundation is not known. It is the oldest sec in Wales, except Llandaff, its first bishop having been appointed about A.I tinned tho privileges of the bishopric, Id' d to its endowments. The original cati ws de.i'.ri'yed in 1071 by the English army, and w rebuilt till after 1102, when contributions were ma l!i it purpose at a synod at West- When King John invaded !!. ;'y, in 1211, he captup bishop at the altar, an : ntof a roatlyfrom the wars in

igns of John nnd Henry III. Kdward I. i

the endowments of the see, and granted further privi- lege*. Tho cathedral was "y.i dm ing the inaction under "wain Glyndwr, and lay in ruins

v a century ; licing then restored by Bishop Dean.

la'tly of one long street in 11 )>. autiful va otli by rocks 1, and is di- ." f'Mniiation of tho Holyhcud railway many new res: e been bailt, and tho city has grown in population and j perity. Its situation near the sea and the mountains, t line views, and the beautiful scenery .: hood, make it an at . The 1 Bcaumaris, the Isle, 01 '-, range of mountains, an i the Mi : more t mon interest. Within - i Uingor are I skto quarries of Llandogai, tho property of the 1'ei which employ above 2,000 lianas, and yield u groti annual revenue of 250,000. The princip city and port depends on tin M inin. s. There are several manufactories, in which various articles, usefu mental, are made of slate; but th. produce of tho mines is exported .shipping places, the chii f of vh:i h is IVi city contains a market-house, assembly rooms, a several banks, and some good hotels. The bop three others, is contributory t" i .unai-voii in DO* member to parliament. It comprises within its limits. which nearly coincide with those of the p . habited houses, with a population of 6,7H"i, an . ,nling to the census of 1861, against 6,338 in 1851, showing am increase of 457 in the decennial period. It is the sett of a County Court district, and of a Poor-law l"i, Union house is about half a mile from dioc. of Baugor, which is in the pro comprises Carnarvonshire, >! and part of Montgomcr}*shirc. It includes tin two uca- deaconries of Bangor and Merioneth, and ul >viit 1 'M l*nc- fices. The living U a vie.* in the dioc. of Bui with the chapclry of Pentir, which is an 800, in the putrnn. of th. ] ishop. It consist - vidcd moieties, shared by two incumbent in receipt of all the tithes of the pariah, i ro called vicars. Tho cathedral isdi-i St. Deiniol, or Daniel, by whom it was founded; and a portion of tho building is appr^pn parish church. It is u plain a cross, with a low towor at the west end, and ii chiefly in tho perpendicular is 233 feet in length, and Mi feet in breadth th: transepts. The in I. but r. contains a few monument*. The those of the two princes, Aj> ( yuan and ( twain (JwyMoU In tho library is preserved the mii^ ; Anin. a curious folio volume of the year 1 itlipdrai has been recently restor. d, and a handiximc stained window placed at tho east end. Th" lii-h<>p'a palm stands near tho cathedral. Ann n^ the Hijihofa of Bangor have been Hoadly, Shei! Randoljili, and llethell. 'i'his diocese v united with St. Asaph by order in council, I 'i i i n: liut the an-aii'.-i ment was anna Stat. 10 and 1 1 Viet. c. 108. Arrangem made to build two new chun-hes in tliis Jilace ooe ]ier. the other in Low. ccntly commeiii -i I, and is in the geometrioe.'

' ture. The parish luis nl

purposes, b> . vicars into twodistriets I'pper and IXIW.T. with 1'entir shand jointly by lioth. The pojiulati liowi i '-Mi-ding to Hie l:i 5,*7*i I'ppe:-, 8.966; 1'. ntir, 953 total, grammar school was established lure, in 1 ti , wliieh lias a revenue from nt of about .380. It has two scholarships in Jwu , < Ixford. There are also three National echooli one Wesleyan, and OIK 13 Baptists, Independents, lioman Catlml h vans liavi- <-liaj>els In ie. Annlmshousc fMr six men iMimded by lii.-hop llMwland-i in tlie 17th century, ie of which is now i.'li;. In 1809, the Carnan ry was founded OB ."ii)th anniversary of tin- accession of K .ted into an infirmary. Near Castle, the fine seat of the 1'. in, ants are m unc residences in the From Garth Point is a forry to Anglesey,