Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/194

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l-l UAKMSl'i.v 8herborne,Snitt' i li' Id, Wolverton, and Wroxhall. And in tho Stratford div. Aston Cantlow, Bidford,lii]! Binton, Exhall, I ialford-Prior's, Old Stratford (with tho town of Stratford-on-Avon), Temple Graf- ton, and Wixford, with parts of Arrow and Wolford. iniiid. extends over a space of about 100,000 BARLING, a par. in the hutid. f Kochfori, in the co. of Essex, 4 miles to the 8.E. f Kochl'ord, its post town. The living is a vie. in the dioc. of Rochester, of the val. of 230, in the patron, of tho Dean and Chapter Paul's, London. The church is dedicated to All BARLINGS, a par. in the wap. of Lawress, parts of Lindscy, in the co. of Lincoln, 6 miles to the N.E. of Lincoln, its post town. It is situated on tho west bank of the river Langworth, a branch of the William, and contains the tnshp. of Langworth. In the middle of the 12th century Ralph de Haya founded an abbey hero of the Premonstratonsian order, which was removed to Uxeney, and took that name. Its value at the Dissolu- tion was 308 per annum. Its last abbot was Dr. Mackerel, who, under the title of Captain Cobbler, headed an insurrection in favour of the " old religion," and was hung in March, 1536-7. A single arch and part of a wall are all that now remain of the house. The site was given to tho Duke of Suffolk. The living is a perpet. cur. in tho dioc. of Lincoln, val. 55, in tho patron, of T. T. Drake and C. Turner, Esqs. The church is dedi- i to St. Edward. BARLOW, a tnshp. in the par. of Hopesay, hund. of Purslow, in the co. of Salop, 5 miles from Bishop's Ca-tl.-. BARLOW, a tnshp. in tho par. of Bravton, lower div. of the wap. of Barkstone Ash, in tho West Riding of the co. of York, 3 miles from Sclby, its post town. The living is a don. cur. in tho dioc. of York, val. 30, in the igift of G. II. Thompson, Esq. BARLOW GREAT, a chplry. and tnshp. in the par. of Stavclcy, in tho hund. of Scarsdalo, and co. of Derby, 4 miles to'tho N. W. of Chesterfield, its post town. Little Barlow is a hmlt. of this tnshp. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Lichiield, of the val. of 95, in tho patron, of tho Rector of Stavcley. There is a small en- dowed free school. BAKKBBOUOE. Set BARXBUBOH, Yorkshire. ].l;Ml;V-i'N-THE-MARSH, a chplry. in the par. f Howdcn, wap. of Uowdcnshire, in the East Riding of the co. of York, 4 miles to tho W. of Howden, its post town. It lies on the cast bank of the river Ouse, a little below the junction of tho Derwent with that river. Some of the inhabitants arc employed in the manufac- ture of sacking. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of York, val. 30, in the patron, of the Vicar of Howden. The chapel is dedicated to St. Helen. The Wesleyana have a chapel hero. The charitable endowments, which include n small school, arc of tho yearly value of 106. Barmby has two mineral springs, named St. Peter's and St. Helen's Wells. BABMBY-ON-THE-MOOB, a par. in the Wilton- Beacon div. of the wap. <>f Harthill, in the I of the co. of York, 2 miles from Pooklington. Yik i-. its post town. It was formerly a market town, and vod the grant of various privileges. Tho living is a vie.* in the dine, of York, of the val. of <>7, in the patron, of the Archbishop of York. The church is dedi- cated to St. Catherine. There are several cha including bequests for a school, amounting annum. There is a Wealovan chapel. An annual fair is held on the Thursday before St. Peter's Day. r.AKMKK, a par. in the hund. of Gallow,"in tho co. of Norfolk, 6 miles to the 8.W. of Burnham V :_ its post town. Tho living is a pcrpot. our. in the dioc. of Norwich, val. 5, in the patron, of T. Kcarslake, Esq. Tie Heated to All Saints, is now in ruins. r.l;MI(i, or P.AUMING, EAST, a par. in tho hund. of V , 1 iihe of Aylesford, in the co. of Kent, 2 miles to the W. of Maidstonc, its post town. It is situated in a beautiful and highly cultivated district on both banks of the river Medway, and valuable hop-grounds and fruit-gardens ; tho produce < the latter being sent to the London man bridges cross the river. There are quarries of the I called KentiA rag. The abbess of St. Helen's, Bit gate-street, hod a residence here, this place being *i tho possessions of that nunnery. The living is a I in the dioc. of Canterbury, of the val. of 598, ' patron, of tho lord chancellor. The church is , edifice with a good spire, and is dedicated to 8 garet. Remains of a Roman villa, and many i coins, Roman and English, have been found here. John Harris, who wrote a history of the i once i rming ; and hero, too, was the TOM of the Smarts, tho family to which belonged Christc Smart, the j>oet. M IN<}, WEST, a hmlt. in tho par. of ! t-t> nl, hund. of Twyford and lathe of Aylesford, i co. of Kent, adjoining East Banning. It is < north bank of the river Medway, and was once i rate parish. Tho living is consolidated with the i of Xettli -te.ld. BARMOOR, a tnshp. in tho par. of Lowick, ' Glcndale, in the co. of Northumberland, 8 miles N. of Woolor. Here was tho rendezvous of the Marchers, in 1417, with a powerful force, be! tho Scots retired, Flodden Field is not far from '. moor. The principal scat is Bunnoor Castle. BARMORE, a vil. in tho hund. of Desborough, inl co. of Buckingham, 3 miles to the V. BAKMOUTH, or ABERMAWI tl 11 1< 'I I. a tnshp. and seaport in the par. of Llanuber, hund. of Ardudv the co. of Merioneth, North Wales, 10 miles to t of Dolgelly, and 222 miles from London. It is on tho coast of Cardigan Bay, on the north bank river Maw (or Mawddoch). Lofty hills she. the north and east sides. The town id built in i gularand picturesque manner at the base and slope of the bare rock. For several mile* i the beach is a fine sand, and the view* over the bay, the coast of Carnarvonshire Snowdon range. The neighbourhood aboim scenery. About 10 miles to the N., along is Harlech Castle. Dolgelley is 10 miles to tl The road to the latter passes along the mountain lidt (which rises from the river), and afterwards throu ' leas elevated country, embracing prospects of grandeur and endless variety. < 'adi r Idris is seen i above the mountains to tho south of Dohv mouth attracts many visitors as a watering-plaoi contains a good hotel, lodging-houses, baths, and accommodations. The living is a cur. annexed to I rect. of Llonaber. There is a chapel of ease, cruciform building in the perpendicular M > 1 > . Th' pendents, and Calvinistie and Wesleyan >! ; chapels here. Tho harbour is suh Car- narvon, and is made rather dangerous icroti tho entrance to it. The vessels belongiiu ' engaged inasmall export and import trade along ie is a ferry across tin harbour, where a small low island, called Yn s-y-Ol divides it into tvo channels. Ship-building i mi in Die town, and there are large tanneries. iri put ground in tho neighbourhood abundance ot i'm 1, which is conveyed by canal ' Maw, and along tho river to Itaniiouth and Tho sea has gained on the coast, and n sidcrable tract of ground, near the town, * merly fertile and cultivated. Markets are i a week on Tuesday and Friday. The fairs art Shrove Monday, Whit Monday, the 7th October, and t 21st November. I'.AKMITOX, a tnshp. in thn par. of Hau Skerne, Darlington ward, in tho co. palatine of] 4 miles to the N.E. of Darlington. r.AKMST'lX, a tnshp. in the par. of Wa Chester ward, in the co. julatini! of Durham, 5 I tin V. of Sundcrlund. It is seated on the banks off river Wear.