Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/244

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BELMULLET. 234 BELSTOXE. and impropiiator. The principal residences in the par. t Il.ill, lUven.sIlat, and the Orange. At the i naive and rich seam of the -al is worked, belonging to the Marchioness of Lou l.Mri.l.i.T, a. vil. and seaport in the par. of Kil- iid bar. of Krris, in th n.v. of .light, Ireland, 40 miles to the N.W. of Itallina. KIMS, between the boys of Broad D on the N. ana . connecting

li.- Muile.-t peninsula with the main-hind. The in-

fohing, and partly in rn trade. There is a convenient qua; warehouses. ISehiiullct is a police station, i a Poor-law Vi.i-.n, and of a coastguard district. The principal re.-sidi-nco is Biugham Castle. Fairs are). the: l.Mli of each month. r.KI.l'KH, a chplry. and market town in the par. of Dufficld, and liund. of Appletrec, in the CO. of Derby, 7 miles to the N. of Derby, and 139 miles from 1. by the Midland and North-Western railways, on the former of which there is a neat and commodious station. It is a pleasant district, on the banks of the river Dorwout, which is crowed by two bridges, one of three arches, built in 1795, in the town, and uuot two arches, lower down the river. Helper contains ubove 10,000 inhabitants, and is now one of the busiest and most thriving towns in Derbyshire, being second only in population to the county town. It has risen to its present importance since the year 1777, up to which time it was only a small village, whoso inhabitants were mostly em- ployed in naUmaking. In tlxat year a cotton factory was established here by Messrs. Strutt. The manufacture rapidly extended, and before the breaking put of the American civil war was carried on in five mills, giving employment to above 2,000 hands. These cotton-mills inspected by her Majesty and the Duchess of K. nt in 1S32. Belper is also the seat of very extensive estab- lishments for the manufacture of hosiery, both of silk and cotton. Four or five thousand persons are engaged in this manufacture, who work mostly in their own homes, to supply the firms of Messrs. Ward and Co. and Messrs. Brotteo and Co., who have very extensive hosiery warehouses, and carry on a large export trade in gloves, stockings, vests, and pantaloons. There are machine-making establishments connected with Messrs. Stmtt's mills. Other important branches of industry are the manufacture of nails and of brown earthenware. Coal is found in small qu. the town. The town is irregularly built, of several streets, chiefly of modern erection, intersected by tl 1 Counties railway, which passes through the c le town, and divides it into two districts elcsiastical parishes. Many pi with garden and orchard grounds, adorn the i bourhood, and many of the houses are built of The town is lighted with gas, and well supplied with

by the new water-works company, c.s

1860. It is a polling place for the county c!> petty sessions are held weekly. Bd| - eelofn Poor-law Union, comprising 35 parishes and t i and of n County Court district. The living is a ] cnr. in the dioc. of Lichfield, of the val. of 240, in the patron, of : itfield. Tho church is dedicated to St. Peter. It is a spacious edifice, capable of holding 1,400 persons, in the perpendii-u arrhi- ha fine Kwcr .-unnountcd by pii- and stands on a hill overlooking the town. It was iitnry grant in 1824, at a i more than 12,000, and contains a fine organ, built ley ds, AS also a peal of six bells of cast -r, Yi'-kers, and '

r.f which it is luiilt (HunL'i'ihill

i-e, it it f:iid. .-' inning to d Anor tod in

i'U.- lli.i, which now forms one of tin

pnri- ! which is a ; 150, in the al'- patron, of the tiuwu anil i: : l,i. -lil'.-M. The

church, erected by John of Gaunt, i

inUMud is i -uiiday -school. Tin-re are eixi ouVplaccs of worship, belonging ; Unitarians, 1'riuiitivc Methodist.-. hundred . '. Than large school lor ' two other schools. The chari; include the revenue of several ulmshouses, 07 per annum. Tho town has a library, and workhouse, whi. h latter is a handsome tho Elizabethan .style, situated em tin At the distance of i mile from the town bund had a park and mansion here. Bridge seat on tho river, is the residei. family. The neighbourhood abounds in mil "one, lead ore, limestone, ic., which an worked. Tho market is held on Saturday, a th. l^th May an ' ictober, for the and horses, and a .statute fair on the 1 hiring servants. I. I'll, a hmlt. in the par. of AVhilwcll, of Scaredule, in tho co. of Derby, 10 miles to Chesterfield. BELSAY, a tnshp. in the par. of Bolm in the co. of Northumberland, 9J mile Morpeth, and 13 N.W. from Newcastle. It i on the turnpike road leading from Newcastle to Ji near a small river, a branch of the Blyth. The consists of one handsome terrace of stone hc.ust piazza in front, called the Arcade. It has a school muster's residence, built at tho charge Monck, Bart., and wherein 1 ' n-e is by tho vicar of the parish on N Hall is a modern mansion, in lecture, the seat of Sir ' the manor. It stands in a plea. 1 - :i, neai remains of an old castle win t the U dleton family from a remote period. f>- present representative of that family, is descez the mother's side from the grand-d The village is a meet for the mds. BELSFOED, a hmlt. in t of Coleridge, in tho co. of Do BELSTEAD, a par. in the hund. i : of Suffolk, 4 miles to the S. V. o! The Eastern Union railway runs thu and has a station at Bentlcy, abnr of the village, which is a small straps living is a rect.* in the dieec. of N 370, in tin patron, of the Kev. E. J. Lock Tho church, dedicate el to St. Mary, contain! a tho memory of Admiral - rcgist 'iiging to tin

ley the i

the hund. e in the co. . a .-!' th" N Itia v into I- is a Bcrp carried on ley some of th- " in the <i of tin- l.'e -, . II. I . . in the- mixed -V manor, und cli lonmv. ' : INGE, a limit, in th.' jar. of i