Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/280

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];INSTKI>. 270 i, LITTLE. The founder and his lady were interred there. The living in a, rcct. in the dioc. of Winchester, vol. 80, in ..f the bishop. The old church, which was very small, was taken down and rebuilt upon an enlarged r 1844. It is dedicated to the Cross. There in a National school, m ctcd in I'.in- . Cottage is one of the numerous villa rcsid "which stud this delightful coast. Quarr Alil y I ! the scat of Admiral Sir Thomas Cochrane, Bart . handsome stone mansion, recently finished j and M an in COUM of erection. .Mm l-'i, inm-. i <l of the manor and chief landow i IHN.STKII, :i jar. in the hunJ. of Alton, Alton div. of the co. of Southampton, 4 miles to the E. of Alton, its post town, and 7 S.W. from Farnham. It inclu.l. hmlts. of Issington, AV, !.. Vstcotc, and Whi ; 1'art of the land is laid out in hop-grounds. The Ul- lage, which is a place of some importance, is situated 1 J S.W. from Bentloy railway station. The living is

i vic. annexed to the perpet. cur. of Kingslcy, in the

dioe. of Winchester, of the joint annual val. ot 465, in the gift of the dean and chapter. The church of the Holy Cross is an ancient structure, with a low square i , surmounted by a spire. The Primitive Metho- dists have a chapel hero, and there is a parochial school supported by voluntary contributions. The parochial charities amount to 2 a year. Lord Sherborne is lord of the manor. BIN8TED, a par. in the hund. of Avisford, rape of Arundel, in the co. of Sussex, 3 miles to the W. of Arundel, its post town. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Chichestcr, val. 150, in the patron, of the Earl - . wburgh. The church is dedicated to St. Mary. 13IXTON, a par. in the Stratford div. of the huna. of Barlichway, in the co. of Warwick, 4 miles to tin V. of Stratford-on-Avon, its post town. It is situated on the banks of the river Avon, over which is a bridge. In the Saxon times this parish formed part of the domains of the abbey of Eveeham, and in Domesday Survey it is called Jleniiitone. The manufacture of needles and fish-hooks is carried on here, and thero are several ox- e quarries of limestone for paving. The living is a in the dioc. of Worcester, val. 140, in the patron, of the Marquis of Hertford. The church is dedicated to St. Peter. There is a National school, and the chari- table endowments amount to 4 a year. BINTKKE, a par. in the hund. of Evnsford, in the co. of Norfolk, 1 mile from Foulsham. Recpham is its post town. It is situated on the river AVcnsum. The living is u reel. , to which that of Hemelsthorpe is an- '1, in the dioc. of Norwich, of the val. of 402, in the patron, of Lord Hastings. The church is dedicated to St. Swithin. This parish has the enjoj-ment of charitable bequests producing about 47 per annum. BIUBECK-FELLS, a tnshp. in the pars, of Orton, Crosby-Ravcnrworth, and Shap, the first being in East ward, the two latter in AVcst ward, in the co. of AV, st- morehind, 4 miles to the W. of Orton. It lies in n. wild hilly country, watered by a small stream, named the township, which fulls into the river Lune. The Lan- caster and Carlisle railway posses this place. Tin town- ship shares the benefit of a free school at < < wed in 1733 by George Gibson. KIRCH, an extensive vil. in the tn- and par. of Manchester, hund. of Salim-d, in ti palatine of Lancaster, 3 miles to tin B of which it forms a suburb. The living is u r-ct. in the dioc. of Manchester, val. 160, in the gift of Sir .1 V. II. An^in, Bart. The church is dedicated to tit. James. Hull is the principal resid- I'.l l.i II. i . hj.hy. in the par. of Middh ton, hund. of Salford, in the co. palatine of Lancaster, not fiu Middleton. The living is a ]n i|--t. c iir.* in tin d Manchester, val. 150, in the gift of the l:.-ct.,r ot Mid- dleton. The church, erected in 1828, is detii Hi I:' 'II, a hmlt. in the par. of Wnrrington, hund. of V ' I' il.y, in tin- co. palatine of Lancaster, not far from AVurrington. BIRCH, a tnshp. joined with Lythe, in the j_ Ellesmere, hund. of I'iinhill, in the co. of Sal KIKi'lI, a tnshp. in the par. of Basehurch. 1'iinhill, in Uio to. of Salop, 7 miles to BIROHALL. * BIRCHOL T, K, I;IK< lIA.M-i I.I IIK, a hmlt. in the ci.] ley, and pur. of Huddcrsfield, wap. of A: itling of the co. of York, 2 miles to the N. 1 Huddcrsfield. BIRCHAM, GREAT, a par. in the 1 don, in the co, of Norfolk, 7 mile:- ham AVestgutc. Rougham is its post town. '1 is a rect. in the dioc. of Norwich, of the n in the patron, of A. Hamond, Esq. Tin cated to St. Man-. BERCHAM-NEWTON.apar. in the hund. of Sir. don, in the co. of Norfolk, close to Great Itirchun. living is a rect.* in the dioc. ot f the with that of Bircham Tofts annexed, irntron. of the Marquis of Cholni> is dedicated to All Saints. BIRCHAM TOFTS, a par. in the hund. of 8m don, in the co. of Norfolk, close to Great Bir< living is a rect. annexed to that of Bir in the dioc. of Norwich. The chiu -. Andrew. BIRCHANGER, a par. in the liund. the co. of Essex, 2 roues to the N 1 ford, its post town. The On n rail* near it. A hospital was founded hero by de Newport, in the reign of John, which was 1 the Dissolution at about U2. The living is the dioc. of Rochester, of th, of the Warden and Fellow .- The church is dedicated to St .M B1RCUER, a tnshp. in the par Wolphy, in the co. of Hcrefoi Leominster. Itirclnr Common is illairc. BIRCHES, a tnshp. in the, pur. of < hund. of Northwich, in tin miles to the E. of Northwich. BIRCHET'S GREEN, a small vil. i. Wargrave and Hurley, in the co. of !! 1 1 Reading, and 4 from Twyford station Western railway. It is situated on a com adjoining the beautiful demesne oi i ;<trt., and enjoys an extcnsiv> rounding country. BIRCH, GREAT and LITTM , div. of the hund. of I to Dn s. W. pi ' its port! fortress formerly existed hen , of whi, h tl na. The living is a rect.* in ter, val. III)'.', in Die patron, ot ti li.-Oi church of I I..IIL.; hoi n in i ^ amount to 2. HIRClIINdTliN', u par. in tl; tine, in the co. of V. of .Margate, its Pst town. I and is a n living i-- a j., ip, t rur. annexed to tl; cated to All Saintv I: towi-r and spire, and 1. l.einu of tl. I, and -pcs, of Qoex. The old mi 1 into u fann-hoi. i ill founded and endowed liy Ann . i 1"" mt of about 40. r.lKMI, I.1TTI.K, a par. in the uj , low, in the ,., , i ll.i- the S ( ,f Hen-ford. Ross is its post ! is a rect. in the dioc. of Hereford, of the vL o