Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/308

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BLOOMSBriiY. 298 BLOX11A.M lll.i M i.M>HI KY, a par. included within the borough usbury, London, about 1 mile t' 1'aiil's. I' : t of the adjoining par. until IT'!", when, "ii thoorection ol -e's church, id constituted an independent parish by authority of parliament. Its ]m- -nt name. Bl- Inn v, is'supposed by some to be a corruption of Lonies- liiny, the name of a hamlet anciently standing mi the the srtc of the Mews until the v, li.n they w. re burnt down; ,1! md, lord of the manor in the reign of Henry III '1 lie par. contains the British Museum (which (louts (li t), Bloomsbury-squaro n.illy culled Southampton-square), I;- WoDurn^square, Tomngtou-squarc, and parts of Bedford and Brunswick squares. Bloomsbury-square has a statue/ of Charles James Fox, by Westmacott; and uire has one of Fnnci.i, Duke of Bedford, by the same artist. These statues arc j |osite of Bedford-place, facing each other. Coward 1 .-<, belonging to the Dissenters, is situated in Tor- rington-square. The north side of Bloomsbury-square was formerly occupied by Bedford House, which was il by Inigo Jones. The living is a rcct.* in the of London, of the annual val of 700, in the rd chancellor. The church, which was one of the 50 churches appointed by Act of Parliament in tho reign of Queen Anne to bo built within the bills of mortality, stands in Hart-street, near New Oxford- It was erected from designs by Hawksmoor, at a cost of 9,790, and was opened in 1731. It was George, in compliment to his majesty, King ^'0 the First, whose statue surmounts the : The architecture is partly of the Tuscan, partly of the Ccrinthian order; but the steeple, an extraordinary structure, is an imitation of tho tomb of Mausolus. Tho other livings are Christ Church, Woburn-ni and Bedford Chapel; the former of which is a perpet. cur., of tho vol. of 500, and in tho patron, of the T of Bloomsbury. In Bloomsbury-street, besides Bedford Chapel, are the French Episcopal chapel and the new Baptist chapel, a large and handsome structure 1 in 1848, from designs byj. Gibson. The cliari- endowments of the parish consist chicBy of the

i in almshouses, which have a revenue of about

380 per annum. Bloomsbury is tho head of a County .ind contains the court-house and a nk. Bloomsbury-square was originally called .uare, in honour of the Earl of .Smth- ampt 1 a mansion there, which was taken down in 1800. Lady Russell spent her hist days in it. Among the residents in tho square have been Sir Hans Sloane, the founder of the British Museum ; Richard Baxter, the eminent divine; the poet Akenside; Judge and tho elder D'lsraeli.whothere wrote tho " I'm of Literature." Sir (Samuel Romilly, Sir Thomas Law- o, Lord Tenterden, and Lord LoughboroiiL I in Great Russell-street. Among the inn institutions located in this district are tho liusscll Litc- i, established in 1808 ; the Corporate m of <->ns of the Clergy ; the Royal Literary Fund ; the Institution. -c. Soame .1 -, born in 1704, and Theodore Hook in 1788. KI.i ii iRE-IN-TYRLEY, a tnshp. in the par. of Dray- -1 tales, hund. of Pirchill, in the co. o: of Drayton. It lies on tl. i , and includes the hmlt. of Sandy-lane 11. ad, and part of the limit, of Hookgatc. Some histori tcrest attaches to Bloie II. .;h in this township, a. the scene of a severe conflict during tho wars of tho Rom*, in which Lord Audlcy, commanding the Lane . force*, was defeated and slain, with a largo cumber ol Cheshire i lighting on the same side. The .1 by the Earl of Salisbury. The 1 attli took place in the year 1459, and was commemorated V a wooden cross set up on tho spot soon afterwords, hud years later, the cross having been thrown

ected on a etono pedestal by tho lord o:

the manor. BLORE, or BLORL KAY, a par. in the northu of the hund. of Totmon.ilow, in the o.. of St8 miles to the ' Ashborne is ill pott It is situated on the west 1. contains part of the chplry. ol rect.* in the dioc. of Lichfield, of the val. of 1 in. of O. Shore, Esq. Tin < him h a t-i St. liaillioloni. w. Ii contains several monument-; and l-rax* - family, who had formerly a seat 1. which now stands u farmhouse. The pan produce about 17 per annum. Ti our of Tutbury, in the dm h r.I.(AVIcK, HIGHER and I U par. of North Meob, hund. of palatine of Lanca i ire seated near the coaM, at t Hibble. BLOWTY, a tnshp. in L-adin, f Mathnifi 1, in the co. of Moiitgoni'

. tho Vf. of Lhxnfair.

BLOXHAM, a par. in the hund. of Bluxhia, co. of Oxford, 3 miles to the s. . own. It is watered by a sma! ranch river C'hcrwcll, and contains the chplrie-. of Bloihu Milcombc. The living is a vie. in of the val. of 290, in tho pa 1 Fellows of Eton College. Th 3t. Mary, and is a I of architecture, with port ; and hiter periods. A < hurch is su)ipo<ed to bin erected not later than the th but the present buildii only n fewi the earlier structure. iU beautiful spire, 195 feet high, which is i of the most graceful in England. that it was built by Cardinal dercd by most authority The 1 spacious edifice, but son width. Tho chancel ia unv. church, though there are B"j former structure to be found in it. is adorned with singular sculpt Judgment. The specimen of tho transition p< Norman merging into early porch is an elegant specimei There are chapels in the vill: and tho Wesleya: entrance of the villas grammar school, but which tho middle classes, sons < Boys are boarded and cdu> year. It is managed by a 1 Uxford, and is nearly full. ' children have been built in ornament to the village, as w< have an endowment of 20 a > endowment* amount t 300 annum, being cliii lly I 1 "f thai which, under dee: into t 1 P*^ and liridi^es, another tor tip- (or tho common t . ' the causeways and BLOXHAM, en Ml.uXlH'! Flaxwell, parts of K to the N. ot SU-aford, its post town. in the dioc. of Lincoln. of Digby united to it, of '2l'>, in Hit- pJttoii Right Hon. R. A. Nisbct. 1 tary. Bloxliam Hall is the principall BLOXHAM HI NM.I H. oni sulidivisions of the co. of Oxford, shire; on th.- K. by the hund. of Bar' of Ncr and on the W. by tho hund. of Dorch<