Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/324

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BORLAND PAliK. 311 BOKRIS. landowners are t : Selkirk, Sir W. Gordon, of Earlston, ami a lew others. The living, of the vol. of 'j:!l, i.s in tlio prcsb. of Kirkcudbright, and in the patron, of the crown. There is also a Free church. Ruins of the ancient kirks of Sandwick and Kirkandrews still The former once belonged to the monks of lona, and was afterwards given by William the Lion to Holy- rood Abbey. Not far from the ruin is Frenchman's Rock, so called, it is suid, from the circumstance of some French pirates, who were wrecked on it, carrying off Hi. dun. h plate. The par. is about 10 miles in length and 7 miles in breadth. BOlil.ANI) 1'AKK, a vil. in Uio par. of Auchter- arder, in the co. of Perth, Scotland, G miles to the E. of Muthill. It is seated on the banks of the river . BORLEY, a par. in the bund, of Hinckford, in the co. of Essex, 2 miles from Sudbury. It is situated on the border of Suffolk, on the west hank of the river tttour. The living is a reel. * in the dioc. of Rochester, of the val. of 240, in the patron, of Frances, Countess of Waldegravc. The church, which stands on rising ground commanding a good prospect, contains a monu- ment to Sir Edward Waldegrave, Master of the Ward- robe to Queen .M.i. . The common lands in this parish are of considerable extent. BORLKY, a tnshp. in the par. of Ombersley, hund. of Oswuldslow, in tlio co. of Worcester, 5 miles to the V, ,,f Droitwich. It lies on the east side of the river Severn. BOUO, or 1!< >W, two small rivers of Ireland ; one a branch of the Suir, which takes its rise in the Blackstairs mountains, in the western part of the co. of Wexford ; and the other, a feeder of Lough Derg, rises in the pass of Moynoe, in tin luir. of Upper Tullu, in co. Clare. BOROUGH, a hmlt. in the par. of LJanclly, and hund. of Carnwalton, in the co. of Carmarthen, not far from Llauelly. Hero are extensive iron-works and coal-mines, in which the inhabitants arc principally en- liOROUGHBRTDGE, a hmlt. chiefly in the par. of Lyng, and hund. of Audersfield, but partly also in the jar. "i V ud, and hund. of Whitley, in the co. of Somerset, 4 miles to the N.W. of Langport. It is seated on the banks of the river Parrot, which is navi- gable from Langport, and is here crossed by a stone bridge of three arches. On the east bank of the river is a lofty mound, on the top of which stand the ruins of an ancient chapel dedicated to St. Michael. It was built in thi! form of a cross, and belonged to the abbey of Athelnc-y. During the civil war in tie reign of Charles I. it was occupied some time by royalist troops, and wards captured for the parliament. BOROUGHBRIDGE, a chplry. and market town in the par. of Aldborough, wap. of Claro, in the West Riding of the co. of York, 17 miles to the N.W. of York, and 208 miles from London, or 211! mi! railway. It is connected with the North-Eastern rail- way by a branch lino 6 miles in length from Pelmoor Junction. The town stands on 'the south bank of the navigable river ('re, and took its origin and its name from a bridge built here not long after the Nor- man Conquest. The great road to the north, which till that time had passed through Aldborough, was then MI it;t old course, and carried across th at this spot, r'rom that period the town of Aldborough began to decline in importance, and a new town rose up in its place. A battle was fought near Boroughbridge in l:;. :i Edward fl. and the barons headed by the Earl of Lancaster. The latter were defeated, and on the following day an attack was made on the town by t!. i;riat * ail and other noble- BMn wen Captured and afterward* 1.. headed. Varioui relics hm 1. rn discovered on the battle-field. The t..wn wiis mail,, a borough and received the <! 1 time i *.!_'. whi'ii it wasdi-i: M Ad. The town con- tains some good modern houses, and has a market-place. The principal business is the c . carrying trade by the river, and the hard ware trai latter, however, l>cing of less importance than fort Tho ancient bridge was of timber, and its place hat filled by a handsome stone structure. In the i formerly stood a column, 12 feet high, a cross. It has recently been removed to j and is of the Doric order and fluted.- , perpet. cur.* in the dioc. of liipon, wort! patron. of the Yicarof Aldborough. Tho church it fated to .St. James. The Inib :.JWel have chapels in the town. There are ' fant schools, and a small library. are tho throe massive stones or obelisks Arrows. They are blocks of ragstone range: north and south, the centra! one, which isal. in height from the ground, being distant 20i > pno end of tho lino and 3GO feet froi;. is set 6 feet deep beneath tho surface. '11 of antiquarians have not yet led to more than a bable conjecture that they are nt have considered them Roman and other ments. The neighbouring town of Aldhuivi. . Roman station Intrium, and many Roman ant , have been found here ; among them some fir., pavements. The market is held on Saturday, for the sale of cattle and shi < i u> held MI 28th April, and tho 23rd and 24th O< for hardware, held on the 22nd June, haa much clined. BOROUGH r'EN.or BORolc.ll 1 I.N YILI. ext. par. district in the lib. of !' of Northampton, 5 miles to the N comprises an area of about 3,130 acres grass and arable land, tho prop. Eardloy, Bart., and lies on the north side of ' Newborough. BOROUGH GREEN, a hmlt. partly in Ightham and partly in that of Vrutham, 1 tham, lathe of Aylesford, in tho co. of Kc tho N.E. of Sovenoaks. BOROUGH CHKKN. 8 (lairs,' bridge. BORRAS 110 VA 1 1. or I ! VTiA > in the par. of Wrexham, hund. of i of Denbigh, North Wales, 3 miles to the ! ham. The Chester and Shrewsbury near it. BORRAS-RIFFRE, or BWHAS-Iill in the par. of Gresford, hund Mbigh, North Wales, 3 miles : BOIIRIS, a par. in the b: Queen's County, in the prov miles to the W". of Ath; contains tho market town of M ii. r.oJiUIS, orBORRIS-miiONT., a vil. in the I Clonygoose, bnr. of East Idr. prov. of Leinster, Ireland, 17 miles to the ! or 1!) miles by railway, and 07 miles from I

railway. It is a station on the . 

and Yxfnrd biainh ol'the(ii railway. It i~ mar the i rivulet, within iewnf Mount and tli White Mountain, v pictures.iiie aj.pi 1 :: the town, court-house, in which jietty sessions are_ lit, and small hai i is a i " - a Roman Catholic school-house, a dispensary, and two Chu schools, supported by Mr. Kavanagh. Ii a fine old mansion in a spacious and park, a great resort of pleasure parties i summer, is tho seat of the Kavanughi, in M'Muri and who 1: The house stood a siege by tin Irish in 1842,1 defenders repulsed two assaults in 1798. 1 co. (