Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/398

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BBOADWOOD-KELLY. 388 BlKK'KI.KSlty. . 'i, and Drimpti.n, with Blackdown i other Inn i > Table M. Tin living u a vie.* in the dioc. of Salisbury, "f tliu val. with the cur. of Blackdown an- nexed, of 558, in the patronage of the bishop. The church, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, is an ancient in the Gothic style, with square tower. The In- idcuts hav '-re. There is a free school, endowed by Robert Smith in l~'2~>, (lie income of which ia about 23, and some other charities producing about 18 a year. In this parish are the two hills familiarly known to mariners as the Cow and Calf, the i rising to tin- bright nl '.MO and the latter to !l-' BROAD V( H 1 1 >-K KLLY, a par. in the hund. of Black Torrington, in the co. of Devon, 6 miles to the E. of II athorieigh. The living is a reel.* in the dioc. of r, val. 238, in the patron, of the llcv. J. Hole. The parochial charities arc of small amount. BROAD WOOD-WllMIKi;. a jar. in the hund. of Lifton, in the co. of Devon, 6 miles to the N.E. of Laun- ceaton. The Thistle Brook, which falls into the river Tamar, runs through the parish. The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Exeter, of the val. with that of Week . rman's annexed, of 148, in the gift of the Dean aptor of Bristol. BROBURY, a par. in the hund. of Grimsworth, in the co. of Hereford, 10 miles to the W. of Hereford. It i . situated in a hilly district on the banks of the river Wye, abounding in striking scenery. The living is a reel, in the dioc. of Hereford, val. 180, in the j nf thu Rev. X. 11. 1). Newton, incumbent. The church is dedicated to St. Mary. There are some charities of small value. BROCKAGH, a vil. in the bar. of Dungannon, in the co. of Tyrone, and prov. of Ulster, Ireland, not far from the western shore of Lough Neagh. BROCKAMIN, a built, in the par. of Leigh, hund. of Pershore, in the co. of Worcester, 6 miles to the W. of Worcester. BROCKDISH, a par. in the hund. of Earshain, in the co. of Norfolk, 3 miles to the S.W. of Harleston, and 6 E. of Diss railway station. It lies on the border of Suf- folk, on the banks of the river Waveney. The living is a reel.* in the dioc. of Norwich, of the val. of 327, in the patron, of W. France, Esq. The church stands on a bill, and is dedicated to SS. Peter and Paul. It is an ancient structure with square tower, and has been re- cently adorned with new windows and a handsome font. The parsonage is a commodious residence in the Eliza- bethan style, situated near the church. Blomefield, i nl the History of Norfolk, was rector of Brock- dish. There is a chapel belonging to the Wcsleyans, and a National school. The parochial charities are worth i 1 7 per annum. Near the village is Brockdish Hall. BROCKENHURST, a par. in the hund. of New Forest, Lymington div. of the co. of Hants, 4 miles to the N. of Lymington. It is a station on the London and South- Western railway. A village existed on this spot before the time of the Norman Survey, in which it is called Eroctite. The parish is crossed by the Boldre r, and contains much fine scenery. The living is a perpet. cur. annexed to the vie. of Boldre, in the dioc. The church ia a very ancient building, and though several times altered and repaired, exhibits still the Norman style ; it has a curious old font. In the churchyard are an oak and a yew of very large size. There is a free school, endowed by Henry Thurston in 1745 with an income of 24 a year. The principal seats in the parish are Brookenhurst Park, containing fine old tree* and beautiful scenery ; ami Y~atcombe House, or Brockenhurst Lodge, in which John Howard, the phi- lanthropist, long resided. Near the village is a heath, called Sway Common, on which several tumuli and entrenchments are found. i ', a limit, in the par. of Wctheringsett, huii'. i Suffolk, .'i mil- - to the ^ ^ m:,' is a perpet. cur. am '" > : Wetheringsett, in the dioc. of Norwi. h. Near the village is Brockford Hall. BROCKHALL, a par. in the hund. of Nobottlo Grove, in the co. of Northampton, ! miles In tic ntry. i.'Hidiin and Noith-W.-t.-in i lilwaypaasos through it. On the wc.s: i the parish are the II. .man way, Watling Street, and U Junction < The living is a roct. in the dioc. of Peter' tin val. of 238, in the patron, of T. li. Th-nitui'. The church, which is old, is chiefly in tin Ni.nna: early English styles, and is dedii I 1 ' : r and Paul. Brockhall Park Li the seat of the Thorntons. TJfl mansion stands on high ground, commanding a plouoH view. It contains a good portrait i 'I 1: '.he conspirator, by an unknown hand. I'.UOCKHAM, a vil. and parochial chplry. in the par. of Bctehworth, hund. of Reigate, in the co. of Surrey^H miles to the E. of Dorking, and 2 S.W. of Bctehworth railway station. It is a beautiful and impn.iv lage, in the vicinity of Box Hill and BI The living is a perpet. cur. in the dioc. of Winchei^H val. 80, in the patron, of Colonel Qoulburn. Christ Church is a nent structure in tho Norman style, with 10 is a chapel belonging to the Baptists. r.KOCKHAMPTON, a tythg. in the par. and hu of Buekland Newton, in the co. of Dorset, 3 miles to N ;.!:. oi'Cemo Abbas. UK 11. .MITON, a hmit. in the par. of Bishoj . hund. of Cleeve, in the co. of Gloucesti to the N. of Cheltenham. It is joined with the of Southern BBOOKEAMPTON, a tythg. in the par. and lib. Havant, Fareham div. of the co. of Hants. I'.Ki icKII AM1TON, a par. in the hund. of Gre; in the co. of Hereford, 6 miles to the N. of Ross. 1 situated on tho banks of the river Wye, not tar from Id r, ford, Ross, and (' luaii'-h ..I Western railway. The living is a perpot. < dioc. of Hereford, worth H, in the patron. <; and chapter. The church is dedicated t" the 11 Trinity. Near the village is a Roman camp. BROCKHAM 1T( >X, a chplry. in the par. of Brom- yard, hund. of Broxash, in the co. of 1 1 niilei to the E. of Bromyard. The living is a cur. in the djofl of Hereford, and in the patron, of J. Barnaby, Esq. Tlfl principal mansion is Brockhampton House. BROCKHAMPTON. fire HKOOKHAMPT.'- shirc. BROCKHOLES, a tnshp. in the par. ol hund. of Amounderncss, in the co. palatine of Lancaitaifl 2 miles to tho E. of Preston. It is united with i BROCKHUBST, a hmlt. in the par. ot Monk's l hund. of Knightlow, in tho co. of Warwick, ."> miles to the N. of Rugby. It is near the London and Xorth- BK( )CK l.KUANK, a tnshp. in the par. of ' ward of All' -I >> < w > nt, in the co. <>l ( 'u land, 5 miles to the S of Wilton. It lies near Brockle- 11, and is joined with Stoneraisc. BBOCKLEHUBST, (II.H. a limit, in the par. Mousewald, Amiandale distiict in tli- 00, : to the E. of Dunr BR(i('l!.l->r.V, a ],ar. in the cast di Yarborough, parts of Lindsey, in the co. of Lini 6 miles to tin N ,i'-t'T, Shellield, and l.iiicoln-h:!- par. includes the hinlt. of I.ii. i and ar. lib. of Newsham, t i which was site of a monastery of tho Gilbertine m-iler. aliout the miildle of tho twelfth century. The living is a icct. iutlie dioc. ol' l.ineln. of tie t t!>< ! ,il of Yrborough. The church is dedi- All Saints. Brocklesbv Park, a heautilul il. un-n, , is the principal seat of tie Yarborough. The mansion contains a picture gallery, erected in 1807 from designs by Tatham; and in the park are a chapel and mausoleum, built soil; r, situated on a tuim; building of the Doric order of an hiti ctmv, with a dome.' The lati! Prince Consort was entertained at this seat OB his way to Grimsby in 1849.