Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/422

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l;n KNALL-CUM-BAGXAI.I.. i:ri)i:.rx, ST. flows t.i the W. of the par. The living is a. reel.* in tlir di-ic. of Lincoln, val. 231, in the (fill of Lord Monson. The church is cL-di, it. d t.. St. Margaret. '% an i ndowment for BUGKNALL-CUM-BAGNALL, n jarochialchplry., in the northern div. of the hiuid. of 1'in hill, in the Co. i (ford, near Stoko-upon-Ticnt. Xewcastle-uinlei- is its post town. It is situated mi thr L. side of the Trent, and contains the tnshps. of Bagnoll, Buck- nail, Eaves, and I'bb.-rlcy. ISucknall was wpurutud from the par. of Stoke, in 1S07. Tin- inhabitants are i -mjiloyed in tin' mini's and manufactures of the district. Thi! living is a n-ct. in the dior. of Lichtield, val. with tin- fur. of Dagnoll annexed, 'JOO, in the j.atron. of tli" llcv. E. Fowy.-, ineiiiiilii lit. Tin: church is '1. i M.iry. There is a small bc-cpn st fur education. l:r< KNT.I.I.. IT IllCKXILL. a jur. in the Stow div. of the hund. of Purslow, in the eo. of Salop, but > t> 11 ding also into the hund. of Wigmorc, in the co. of Hi n ford, 3 miles to the X'.K. of Knightoii, in Radnor- shire, its post town. It is situated on the small river Ony, n branch of tin- Ti nn , and i.s a station on the Knighton section of tho Central Wales railway, and in- i hides tho tnshps. of Buckton and Coxall. The living is a vie.* in the dioc. of Hereford, of tho val. with tho cur. of Buclitnii of 332, in tho gift of the r and Wardens of the Grocers' Company, Lon- don. The church is dedicated to St. Mary. There are charitable endowments worth 18 a year. This par. is in tin. honour of Tutlmrv, in the duchy of 1. l.rcKM.I.L, a par. 'in the hund. of Ploughlcy, in 1, 2 miles to the X."V. of I jvost town. Thi living is a reel, in the dioc. of Oxford, in tli" Lilt "t the Warden and Fellows of New Col- logo, Oxford. The church, which exhibits the Norman les of architecture, is dedicated to - ler. It contains a monumental brass of the date 1638. The parochial charities produce about 10 a year. The chief residence is Bucknell House. Traces of an ancient village exist here, which was destroyed by tin- Danes earlv in tho 10th century. BVCKI:"M: WAl'l-XTAKi:, one of the G wapg. or subdivisions of the East Kiding of the co. of York, I'niinded on the N. by tho wap. of Pickering Lythe, on tho E. by the wap. of Dickering, on the S. by the wap. of Harthill, and on tho W. by tho North Hiding. It contains the pars, of Acklnin, Birdsall, Bugthorpc, I Kl , i,f tin- al. of 330, in the patron, of U. K. 1). Sli Tin- church i.s dedicated to All S Niai the village an- l!:n kworth drove and Uuckworti Settringtan, Sin rl.urn, Skirj>eiibeck, Sledmerc, Thorpe- rthorpe, W> s;..v.-, Wetwang, Wharram 1'cre v, Wharraiu-le-Sirect, Wintriiigham. Viddinghain, and the ext. par. district of Kirkhani. The wap. com- prises about 106,100 a . I'.rcKS ti'KKKX, a hmlt. in the par. of Kudgwick, hund. of West Eoswrith, rape of Arundi 1, in tin- co. of Bni - v BrtKSHAW, a hmlt. in the jar. of Holwcll, which was formerly a detached part .f tho hund. of ][..i. - (home, in .nicrsi t. but under tin v included in the co. of Dorset, i mill - t . the s i:

tishp. in the parochial chplry. of K

di.strict of Islandshirc, in the co. of N'orthnn miles to the N. . It is near tin- s, i-i . a-t and the Newcastle and lii-rwick railway. BI'CKTi >N, a tn.-hp. in tin- par. of Iliir -knell, hund. lulii'ire. in tin- CO. 1. 1 Id n ioi-d. !' mil. .night"ii, in Kadnoi-hin. It is neni I tnshp. in tin par. of llridliiii;ti-n. waj>. Hiding of tin i 0. "t Vurk, :i ' -.1' Hiidlintr;. r tin- I li Head. BUCKWORTH.a ].ar. in the bund, of ].. iL-htm.. il.intingdon, 7 miles to the N.W. of JI " Ii: :oottown. The living in a reel in the l;l DI;I;(i()Ki:, a par. in tin; Snitterlnl.l bund, nl liai'lii -hway, in tin- CO. of Warwick, 1 in tli. W. 1. 1 ' '.n. It im aides tho limits, of IIaiuj)ton-on-tln--llill, l.ittli -woith, and 1 N.. rti. n, and is crossed by the Oxford and Birmingham i railway, and tin- Warwick and Birmii ing is a vie.* in the dioc. of W- : l!7ii, in the j. of W. K. Wood, Esq. The church, . Mi. h n !. is an iinpn tending biiildini.', ^ ith s.jiia], and tiled ro.,f, but contains some ) lined-glaia windows and several nioiiunniits ot the Donner tainily. Hamilton is a 1; -' hoola. There is a free school, endowed in 1701 by .1. Marston, with an income ol C'xi per annum. ' 1 tln-rehaiital.l" endow nn nts for the poor pi ll.j a year. The princijoJ resni the seat of Lord Dormer, who is lord of tin- manor. BUDBY, a tnshp. in the par. of Mdwinstowc, waji. i Bossotlaw, in the co. ol im, '1 milestotln N of Ollerton. BUDDIXGTOX, a limit, in the jar. ot l!i . of Bury, in tho rape ol Anindel, in the co. of S-.. 4 miles to tl . s. ,,i r, : BUDDLE HII.I., a hmlt. in t hund. of Curhamjiton, in tho co. of Somerset, ;i mil^^H tho"V. of Miiiehi-ad. It is t-i ad d in a beautiful country, mar the Bristol Channel. BUDDLES, a limit, in tl - I'.t.r. hi.. Kingslow, and bitln- of St. Augustine, in tin- co, of i 2 miles from i Bl-DDLKSI.'ATK HTM Ml,. .linn I the Winchester div. of tin .injiton, si 1 partly in tho northern and partly in tin parliamentary divs. of the- co..and bounded on tin the bunds. Of Wnarwell and liait- n the ] by those of Mitc-ln Id. , i and Kawley, .,n tin- S. b; hund. of Maunabridge, and cm the W by tl King's Somboiim. It is sejiarated irit lower portions. Tlio upper e<mtains the pars Crawley. I.ainston.l.ittl. ton. Little Soml.oiun. Stoke-(h:irity, Wecke. and Wonston, ith jiar of St. l-'aith. and King's Soinbourn. The lower c- tains the j- .pton, Ilurslc y. e Tin- entire bund, exti-nds ov r at' j;riii:, uruKHAM, or isriiKiiAVi-ix, a ,:- and small seaport in the jiar. and hund. it Strati i. of Cornwall, 2 mill s to tin- W. of Si wn. and 15 miles from 1-aun. -.-Ion. I . u tin- shore of a small shallow bay of the sac and is r- s a bathing-place. The hi subordinat'-to 1'ad-tow. and only admits ves burthen. It is liable to bo choked with Kind, mlatis Inr. in ininn n-e ipiantities. The sand if iid by the inhabitants and .-i nt inland n,r ma- Tin busini-ss of the plan- was greatly jirom. I i i.hstrin-tion of tin- Hud" c-.nial, which is u'l is the village with L: was undertaken in IM'. 1 . A small i carried on. The living is a in ; ", in the patron, of Sir T. M. A Hart. The well-known ISude light took its : this village, in which its iimntoi. Mi. n. tJunn;. sided. lU'llI-'..r..ST.,a in the hund. of I. 1 .. ofllevon. : ' intotheb'i u tin uiwall, -1 mil"^ to tin X. of I'lym is, ],..,! town. It is siluati-d in a beautiful c.ninti- tin- banks of the iii i Tamai.just IM low its eontl with the: Tavy. The Tavistock branch ol Iii von railway passes a little to tin The village: is nearly t.. Saltash, where tin- Tamar is crossed by a ferry. The 1 cur. in tin- d ; I Mxcter. vul. with t! knowle annexed, ia, in tho gift of tin