Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/424

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BUGBROok/:. 414 BULOAMP8. 8. of Nuntwieh. Tlicre arc so r tlir poor, v BUGBBOOKE.a ],.ir. in the hund. of Nob. in tin' CO. "1 N'oithamptot to th" S.V. of t town. It is Ml on a braiu-h of tin in er X,M, over which is a susp- : bridg", ami i- ' l.y tV N rth:inipt,.ii and liorough branch oi tin I."ii<l<'ii and North-W, i , ami tin- I iiaml ,1m Walling passes along ih Th, living is a reel.* in the dim-, of Peterborough, of th" annual i 1711, in tin- (lift of th.- K- v. Dr. Harrison. The. church is nu undent building, in vm ; dedi- cated to St. .Michael. Jt contains a. line M n i n iind a sculptured octagonal font. There is a chapel for Baptists in tin- village. The parochial charities produce about 20 a year. This parish belongs to the Duchy of Lancaster. BUGLAWTON, a chplry. and tnshp. in tho par. of Astbury, huud. of Northwich, in tho co. palatine of Chester, near Conglcton, iU post town. It i.; situated on the river Dane, near the North Staffordshire railway. Some of the inhabitants are engaged in the ei ! tore. The living is a perpot. cur.* in the dioc. of Ch worth 160, in tho patron, of the Rector of Astbury. Tho Wesleyans have a chapel in the village. The vat, i of a mineral spring here has been found useful in cases of scurvy. IH'OLEY, a hmlt. in tho pur. and lib. of GUlingham, in the co. of Dorset, .5 mil' - t" the X W. of Shai'tesbury. BTJG8WOBXH,* tnshp. with Chinlcy, in th. of Glossop, hund. of High Peak, in the'co. of Derby, 3 miles to th.- N.W. of Chapel-en-le-Frith. BUGTHORPE, a par. in tho wap. of Buckr,, the East Riding of the co. of York, 7 miles to the X. of Pocklington, its post town. It is watered by a stream, a branch of the river Derwent. The' living is a vie. in the dioc. of Peterborough, worth 111, in the patron, of the Archbishop of York. The church is dedi- cated to St. Andrew. BUILDWAS, a par. in the Wellington div. of the hund. of South Bradford, in the co. t t ,nl- - to tho N. of Much Vinlock. 11 E. from Shrewsbury, and 7 S. from Wellington. The parish is inter-, et. 1 1,- the Severn Valley and Wenlock branch lines of railway, which meet ut Buildwas Junction station, threc-qi, of a mile from the church, on the opposite side of tho ii. Tli.! village is situated nt the S. foot of the Wi. kin, on the banks of the river Severn, which i crossed by an elegant iron bridge of one arch, - from a design by Thomas Telford in 1796. Its span is 130 feet. The living is a don. cur. in tho dioc. of LichJcld, worth ->->, in the gift . t V. Moseloy, Esq. The church, dedicated to tho Holy Trinity, was built in 1720. It is a ston.- building, with a v turret. Near the church is the handsome erected in 1856, and presented to tho parish by v. Mosi ' lie lord of the manor. There ar. rituhk. Ix-iictactions for the foot amounting to t a year. On tho 8. bank of tho Severn, nearly oj the bridge, are tho ruins of tho abbey f..r which this was celebrated. It was founded by Hog. r do '". Hisho], r , in 1135, for m< Cistercian :iue at the of 129. The 'owmcnts of the nbbe;. then given to K <l ]'., -is. t Ami' Brandon, Duke of Sullolk. The Mtiuli.'ii "t 111.- imma-tery was one of singular 1- on three sides by gentle wooded hills. Tho rail: list of the walla of tho abbey church, which was a i '.an style, with a " ; transept, and tower are n< use, also in a good state of preservation. has n gro ; ^tern end of the church is man- ivy. Itiiildwas Park, formerly tie I-',, i 1. 1. NV.IK-VN-.M I'.uilth, in the co. of nock, South Wai,-,, 11 miles to nock, and 172 miles from London. It is situated on t! river Vye, which In re separates the counties ..t Kadnor and 1 --< -I by a of six arches, built in 1770. Th, V> l"i this place is Z/<"it" '. It was the t-: .-ted probably by the Normans soon aft. Coni|iiest. The castle ami lordship wen- held :r time by the fnniiy of Do Braose, ami .-nl.,i i|iient: the crown. Th" last si Wi Mi with English coni|, and tin- deal): took place in th" neighbourhood of Buillh. Tho inha- bitants of the town aeijuii- <1 the . of brajU^M Jlnallf, or "traitors of Builtli." in refusing to receive Llewellyn. ing from his Eng- lish pursuers. The Cwm Llewellyn, where the unhappy prince was slain, is about 3 miles from this pla town has two principal streets, and is irregularly built It has a market-house of recent erection. Builth is the scat of a Poor-law Union and the head of a County ' ion pool-house. The ( stands on a fertile spot, in the midst of very pictt and romantic scenery. Near tho town are some i springs. The living i- cur. in the dioc. i 1's, val. 100, in the patron, of Thomas Thomi The church, rebuilt in 1/93, except th, citted to St. Mary, and contains a i th, Lloyds of Towoy. who lived in the ivigu of i Kli/abi -th. There are chapels belonging t" the Ind dents, Culvinistic and Wesl- , and lists, and a .ml girls, cndowi 1752 by Th ird, which has a i 60. Th'i olh.i eharilie- arc: of trifling value, town was nearly destr Some slight remains of th, an. i.-nt castle exist tho banks of the river. Trout are abundant in Monday is the in. r'airs ore tho 27th June, tin- -Jnd ( Ictol Itril.TH Hl'XDRED, 01 hunds. divisions of tho co. of Brecknock, South ' in tho northern part of tin- X". and E. by Radnorshire, on th" S. 1, Morthyi- :;i,d 1', nkelly, and on th, W. by of Carmarthen and Cardigan Alltmawr, Builth, Llanafaufawr, i dewi-Abergwessin, Llanddewircwm, Llaml hangel-Abcrgwcssin, Llanfihangclbryri[ gammarch, Llangauten, Llangynog, Llanwrthwl, LLinwrtyd, Llanyir. lU'lTTLF, n par. in the co. of Kirkcudbright, land, 4 mi;, ii> station on the I'ortpatrick railway. The par. is situ: on the const of tho Solway Frith, on ti 1'rr Wat. r, and contains the vil. and port of '. Th" land i-- fertile, ami the inhabi; agriculture and fishing. !' of the I'rr, i ' -ng-rag 1 . and Douglases, and now I Murray of Brought', n. A vitrified foi: 1 and talc, an- found i- nd iron ore is abundant. Th, li is in th" ],r,-b. ,.)' Kirl."i!.lbri.;ht, and i I'.l l.i::;lD(.r. n tyth I. n, in lie . ',. of " i Wilt.. I The living is u reel, united with that .1 Wilton, in tht There is no <-h I'.I'I.MV, a hmlt. in the par. of In lieltisl, v.hi, h is a station on t i H railway. r.ri.l AMI'>.'a hmlt. in th.- ),,ir. nf Ulythbur^ of Blything, in the co. of Suffolk, :i mill rth. It is pleasantly seated on the imr Blyth not far from the East Suffolk section of t! i railway. Thi - battle in which Panda, King of Herein, defeated and sle* Anna King of East Anglin, and his son, in 664.