Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/426

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U BUNCEANA, the I'!. liV 111 wap. ill, Ml tin 1 S. by til. Map.

ami tli" ;iin.-ty of the ritv of

. and "ii tin 1 V. liy the wup.. 1. 1 ( 'laru and jfalli- It i Miiprisi i tlir following pars : Aim , liosaall, Ilmnd-by, liiilim r, Cr.iiki-, I i imbc, I' Iby, I i i'^wold, I 'ost on, ilaby, I ' iti -II- liii-^ii x , I l'|" r Hi In i -! y. II' H- iiy, lliintinL'ton. llntt"iis-. inbo, Harton-in-the-Forest, Mvtoii-ii|i<>n -Swale, N. wtui Mn Fork), Osbaldwiek, Ovirton, Sip nil - Mutton, Skelton, Stillingtoii, Stiickton-Mi-thc-l nsail. Sutton-on-the-Forest, T> tri:i_'t"ii, Tli<iiiii!iiil>y, Wart- hill, Whenby, and Wigginton, with parts of tlmsool' llar- ton-li'-Sli' a, llovin;,'hani, l,-:iry. .-. ionr, in the city of York. Thr wap. cxti nds HMT an II i 115,670 u< i lU'l.MKU, a par. in tin- wap. (.f tin- same : Xnrth Hiding of the eo. of York, ii miles to tlir S.V. ,.f Now Malton, its post town. It is situated nn UP- '. side of the river Derwent, not fur from tlir Xortli brunch of the Midland railway, .'uid contains the chplry. of Hcndcrskclf und the tnshps. of Buhner and Welbiirn. The living is a rut.* in the dioc. of Y'ork, val. .'i'J">. in the patron, of Karl Fit/.william. The church in dedi- cated to St. Man'. Castle Howard, Die noblo scat of the Earl of Carlisle, is in this parish. BULXKSS. ,V,,-I!OMSS, Westm BULPHAX, a pur. in the hund. of Ilaislahle, in the co. of Essex, 6 miles to the S.K. of Ki.ntwood. The living is a reel, in the dioo. of II

Tll<- I'll"

dedicated to St. Mary. BULVKKlirniK, ST. JIAKY.a par. in the borough i if Hustings, rape of Hastings, in the co. of Su.- miles to the . of Hastings. It is situated close to the sea-coast, and is crossed by the Brighton and E Coast railway. I !l"L WKLL, a par. in the northern div. of the wap. of Broxtow, in the co. of Nottingham, 4 miles to the N. W. of Nottingham, its post town. It is a station on the Nottingham and Mansfield branch of the Midland railway. The pur. is intersected by a small stream, a i of the Trent, and contains tm- limit, of JI- hill. Cotton printing and lili-aching, and the inannlae- tures of laci- and hosii r. an nirrieil on here. There are also brick and linn 1 kilns, malt-houses, limestone quarries, and corn-mills. linlwull is ithin the bounds of the ancient Forest of Sherwood, und took its mime from a spring called "Bull Well," still (lowing. The living is a reel. in the dioc. of Lincoln, vol. 450, in the gift of tin- Ki-v. ( 'harles 1'adley. Thr rluin h, which U on an elevated spot, is a new building with square embattled tower, and is dedicated to B The i'-vans, Primitive Methodists, and Baptist chapels in the town, and there u> a grin, endowed with 18 per annum. The oilier pai iliarities produce about 11 a year. In the manor of I'.ulwcll the custom of Borough English j whi' to tie' youngest son. l;ri. |i'K. ,i pur. in the hund. of Corby. in t! 1. 1 Northampton, 6 mill s to tho Ji.W. of ( lundle. YYansford is its post town. The living is a reel.* in 'rlx iroiiirli, nf tho val. of 336, in the Tho chiin h, which is jmrtly in the decoi-ated aini partly in tin- ]" i| !,.. . with a tower and sj i: Mdr'- miirkable elegance, is dedicated to St. Nicholu- i.-.sts for the jKior an, ", ].< r unniiin. llnlwick Hall is the prim ipal maiisinn. KI'Ml'.iillAI.I.. a hmlt. in HP 'A'ii klow, prov. of Mun : ll:iltingl:i- i seated ..ii the river Slaney. lil'.MI.IN, a ].ar. in tip- bar. : Ireland, I'. 1 Mules to ; Koscommon. ! iwn moun- tain*, and contains much limestone and bog. It iip part of the t iwn of > >n ti Kilmorc, Ardngh, and Klphin, of tip' annual val. with those of Kiltrnslaii and I. nniti'd, of ,'JISl, in the patron, of tip- bishop. lir.Ml'sll.AI) 11 HI, K IN. ., par. in the hund. of Freshwcll, in tip' i tin- S. W. .f - Suffolk and ' living is a I -ter, worth 17-1, in the ] : Tho church i i to St. Ainln some charitii s of trillii I'.r.MI'STKAH SI l.i i. in the ! id, iu tip miles to : Haverhill, it i p-t town. Thu living is a vie. in the . "f tip- val. of i'J-Jli. in tip' putron, of the : "or. The chiiK Ii is ded. 1 1 i harities. including

"ii by Ann C"l.-, amount i

111'NAWi:, a vil. in . of Argyll, S. ..tlainl, Ij mill s t i the N. of lineiarv. It is seated at the foot ot I'., n Crnadian. on l.o.h I'.live, when Awe falls into '. inhabit: lly i mployed in the irtm-woxfefll the Lorn Furnace Company, and the salmon : This spot was the Bruce' a victory o> r tho MacDougalls in tho year 1448. ll'ie is a ten l:r.HHASNA, a vil. in the. par. of I i Corkaree, in tip oo. of We.strni ath, prov. of LeajHI Ireland, ti mile, t" the N. of .Mull;- I' I ' N 111 ' I,' V, a par. in the lirst div. of tie Imnd. of Kddisbury, but extending also into the higher div.

<i. of Broxton, i

to the X.W. ot Xantwii-h, and 3J porley, its post town. It is int. rsi -et. d by the Chester sal Crowe section of the North- '"ay, und lit Chester and Nantwich canal. Bees' this parish, are railway stations. 'I extent, containing the chplry. of Burwardsley (in B^H ton hund.), und tip tnshps. of Alpraham, Beast nury.Calveley, llaughton, Pcekfurton, Hii. Tilstone-Fcai ancientlyt" llir,h Lupus, by whom it was i Bunbury family. A col;- Hugh d about the revenue at the liissolution of i'lS. Tip mains of tin- buildings, but the sit. church. Sir 11 nub was a lammis soldier of tl: Edward III. and Kichard II., and disli especially in the invasions i i monarch. 'I ' -ur. * in tl Chest, r. worth 117,in the gilt of the M merly . is ib-dieati d to St. Bunilacc. It handsome edifi' . . in thc]T| sunnoiinted by eight pinnacles. It lias two chap. Is, called Ui of which, built in 1.V.'7 by Sir K. ' b, adorned with i 1 timings. The church has also a tii Sir Hugh Calveley, with li in annmir, '. inoniinienls t>. was an admiral in command at I lion of the Armada. lit 1 in 1601. The churcl able damage during the < 'iul War, l)i iim party . : church tl: ;it liurwa 1 i] ton, the livings of whii ' ill t! i there al bio endowments oonsjsl dii. ily <>f tho , and 07 Thomas Qardener, in 17 A noted wake is held on Bunbury Heath, ' '}' 1'. I 'N( I; AN A. a vil. in the par. of Low of Innishowen, in ruv. of I, Id mil. , to the S.W. . t ( n-donagh, nnd
