Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/436

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i;ri;ynvni)i>. 120 bridge. It in an old town, and was fonnuly one of the possessions of the abbey of Dunfcnuliuu. It wag raised into a royal burgh in l.)i;s. 'I In- trade of tho port wu very considerable in the 17tli <( ntury, and 12 ports were subordinate to it. In 1(101, u General Assembly was 1. which tho Covenant was ti (1 by Jain, i VI. The town was afterwards for- tified, and was twice besieged and taken, first by Crom- will, and .(in ntly by tin- Karl of liar. Tho dis- trict is hilly, except next the sea, rising at 1> urn-urn Hill, northward, to the height of nearly 700 feet above the level of tho sea. Limestone and freestone are abundant, t "ing numerous fossils harbour, formed by pier, is at tin- western extremity of the town, and is one of tho best and safest havens in the Frith. There is a regular Bt- to Granton, on the 8. coast of the l-'ritli. Tin- t..wn h;.-i two principal streets, which aro purallcl, and run K. and W. Tho inhabitants are chi. lly engaged in tho ii.-lr the coasting trade, shipbuilding, and the neighbouring distilleries. There are an excellent dry-dock, am. place, a townhouse, a gaol, and baths. The government of the burgh is vested in a provost, 2 bailies, and 10 councillors. It ia contributory with two other towns to Kirkcaldy ia returning one member to the imperial parliament. The revenue of tho burgh in about 1,020. The living, vol. 186, is in the presb. of Kirkcaldy, and in the gilt of the crown. Besides the parish church, erected about 1590, there aro in the town pla< worship belonging to the Free Church, the United Pres- byterians, and the Episcopalians. There are burgh and parish schools. Some remains of the old fortifications still exist. Dunearn and the neighbouring hills exhibit basaltic columns and other distinct evidences of volcanic action. At the V. end of the town is Kogsond Castle, situated on a hill, and built by the Dunes in thn l.'nli century. A lighthouse was erected on the eastern pier in 1846, which has a fixed light, visible about 8 milrs off. A fair is hold on tho 10th July. Tho par. extends about 2J miles in length and the same in breadth, and is bounded on the S. by the? Frith of Forth, and on the other sides by the pars, of Kinghorn and Abordour. The town, at the census of 1801, contained 381 houses, and had u |..i]iul:ition of 3,140 persons, of whom 642 were .1 at school. BURNTWOOD, a limit, in tho par. of St. Micha. 1, Lichficld, hund. of Offlow, in the co. of Stafford, 3 miles to the W. of Lichficld. Thu South .Staffordshire railway passes near it. Tho living is a pcrpet. cur. in the '!.--. of Lichneld, val. 78, in tho gift of the Vicar . 's parish. K.ices take place here ia tho month of Octet KCIiXT YATES, a hmlt. in the tnshp. of Clint, and par. of ttipley, wap. of Clan >. in tin; Vist Kiding co. of York, 1 mile from Ripley. BUHl'HAM, a par. in the hund. of IVling, raj* of Arundel, in tlie to. of Sussex, 2 miles to the N Arundol, which is a Rtatiou on the London, Brighton, Smith Coast railway. It is pleasantly .situated 071 tin 1 1-'.. siii <ii' tin' river Arun. Tin- living is a vie. in tin dii.c. df Chichcstor, val. iU">, in tho ]>ati..n. of the dean and chapter. The church, which is chiefly dedicated to St. Mary. I'.l'UiJA, or BUItRAY, a quoad tnera par. joined to ijuirtt, in tho par. of Bros- . Scot- land, eompris in g the islands of Ka-l liiirni, ViM llurrn, nnl Papa. I'.l'KKAlH >V ., Northumberland.

i; iiuN, , r r.iMHMiKAN, * m-hp. in IK

(.!' I! To ward, in tho co. of Northumberland, Smiles to tin- N.I', nf Now. -:!-. It is sitnat. the coast anil the Newcastle and Berwick railway neighbouring coal-works and quarries give employment i;l;.l.S. a tnshp. in tho pur. of -by St. I.iw- rence, East ward, in inorcUnd, 1 mile pplcl.y. i ! A]i]ileby : h.-iM- crowfc-d this tnshp , and to have given rise to its namo, which U uppood to be a corruption of " borough v, ItriCKr.l.l.-i I .M-( nV.T.IM,. a unit-d tnshp.ii the par. of Bedale, and wap. of Ku.-t Hang, in the Nortl of the co. of York, near B. d r.UiKKl.ToN, a vil. in th. ^iil, in thcco i.f Perth, Scotland, 7 miles to the N E. oi Perl in a hilly district i ! ay and the Midland Junction railway, l-'.eiis aro held on the flrtl .v in July and November. BUKRKN, a'vil. in the par. of Abbey, and bar. Burrcn, in the co. of Cl i 22 miles to th id about 1 Dublin. It is seated on the coast oi small harbour, and carries on a thriving coastii The oysters obtained near this place are of BUKHEN BARONY, one of the 11 barn. . visions of the co. of Clare, prov. of Munstei , situated in the nor i the CO., and in the N. and W. by Galway Kay, . n th. K. by (lalway and the bur. of 1m -biquin. and on tho & vH .in- the pars, ofj^^l Carran, Drumcrechy, Gleninagh, Kilconiey, Killcanjr Killonaghan, Kilmoon, Nonghaval, OughtmonM^^H liathbomey. It extends over an area of about 74 I M acres. 1;1T;UIN<;IIAM, atnshp. in tho par. of ]!.- and wap. of llanlcy, parts of Lind.-.y, in (lie . coin, 8 miles to the W. of Brigg. I ri ver Trent, over which in a ferry to Althorp. The ni^B railway station is Keadby, on tho South Yorkshn^H Tho Wosleyans have a chapel in the village. B^H making is carried on to a considerable ext. nt. BUKRINGTON, a par. in the hund. cl North Taw ton with Winkley, in the co. of Devon, 8 miles to tin S. W. of South Molton. Chuhnlcigh is its pott tOW^H lies near the river Taw and the North Derail 1*3^1 The living is a vie. in 1 1 . in tho gilt of the liev. .1. Buckingham, in. church is dedicated to frmity. ' some charitable bequests for tho poor, producing abov 3 a year. BURKINGTON, a par. in t! the co. of Hereford,4 miles to the 8. W. of Lndln- wardine, in tho co. of Salop, is its post ; > n. 1 1 in situate* on the banks of tho riv. i thi Shrewsbury and Hereford niilv. ; ;.ing vie. in the dioc. oi II. i. (, val. il-i(>, in the pat tho lord chancellor. Thu chuix-h is <1 ci. om. BUERINQTON, a parochial chplr)-. in ti, Hi. nt-with-Wriiigtun, in tho co. . the N.K. ..i Axbrid;'.-. Wrington is its post town. .1 at the 1'.. .t .'f the Mondip Hills, and tho hmlt. of Langford. In the side of the hills is a . called Burringi places being 250 feel high. Two remark: here, each of which, when discov. i number of human -k.-i- another iM. :n. the windings of whi not hi . i r ot the i. cur. in the dioe. of I lath and in the gilt of tho inhabitants. Tho church, d. to the Holy Trinity, contains a h with the arms of tin ' i eiiutiful sen . n-work. l"he charitable endowfl .if tin -it t.. 18 per annum. nri;i:iscAi;i;A. a par. in the bar. of Cam, ia 0, prov. of ( '..nnaught, Ireland, 10 milci I in a l.-i: on the (astern side of Lough Carra, and was the lit a ( inn. lito monastery, founded at a very early per and of which some ruins remain. The living is a r in tho dioc. of Tuain, Killala, and Achonrv, ul. v those of Italhhane ui - unitid. '- ]>al seaU are Moore Hall. Tower Hill, and Ou There is a good mineral spring in tl. BURRI8HOOLE, iir. in the bar. of liurrisb" in th. .naught, Ii