Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/44

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AGHXAMOLT. AGNES, ST. ruins of Aghnamadlo Court, tho old scat of the O'Egans, the I Itlanc Castle, and the ami, at c hurch. Alill X A MOLT. See AKXAMI-I.T. AGHKAMULLIN.prAUaHNAMtrLLEN, a par. in ir. of Cremorne, in the co. of Monaghan, prov. of r, Ireland, 3 miles to the 8. of Ballybay. It includes the' vil. nf Uullytruin. There are many lakes in the pariah, the 'principal being Loughs Eagigh, Avean, Chan- aml I'.tllytrain. A large port of tho land is mountain and bog. Grieve Hill, also called Bunnanimma, rises to the height of 886 feet, and is six miles in circuit. Lead and slate have been found. Numerous bloaching- mills have been erected on a stream flowing from Lough Eagish, which lies 8.E. .i .iill, to Ballybay Water. A largo number ef persons are employed in the t! i-mills at Cricre and Laragh. Tho living is a rect. in the dioc. of Armagh and Clogl >:)9, in the patron, of the bishop. There are many souls in the parish, the chief of which are Mountain Lodge, Lough Bawn, Chant inc. AGH'iWU:. A(, HOLD, or AGH-UAILL, a par. in the bar. of Shillelagh, in the m. of Wicklow, prov. of Leinster, Ireland, 6 miles to tho N.V. of Caniew. of the surface is mountain and bog. Hero is a police station, and potty sessions are held once a fortnight. The living is a rect. united with the vies, of llullinacuff, -in, and Liscolman, in the dioc. of Ossory, Ferns, and Lcighlin, vol. 600, in the patron, of tho bishop. There was formerly a i in this place, of which tin-re are some ruins. Stone crosses are also to be found hero. ! VI'.Y, a par. in the bar. of Coleraine, in tho co. l.-rry, prov. of UUt'T, Inland, 7 miles to the"l on ll.inn.

M the Agivey rivulet joins it, after a course miles from Carntogher, where it rises. It was formerly a grange or i.vt. par. difiziot, contained within tho parish _'hadowoy, und formed port of tho possossi the l/.>nclon Ironmongers' Company, In ISil, u light wooclt 11 l'ii-. of 6 arches, and 203 feet in length, was erect i-amis! the road from New town Lamagavy to llallymony. A few remains exist of an - hoase, founded here at the menccmcnt of tho 7th century ; and a cemetery, with toinlis of the Cannings. The soil is fertile, hut not cultivated. Coarse earthenware is made from clay . Ironstone, nnd traces of coal and lead, are also found. There is no church nor chapel. A cattle r, under a very am-ii nt charter, granted to tho tnnnlr of ' i tnshp. in tho par. of in the 1. 3 miles to the E. of Carlisle. AUUSII, B -ir. in the bar. of East Musketry, in the ro. of Cork, prov. of Munster, Ireland, 10 miles to rk. It lies between the rivers Lee and former (lowing north, and tho hitter south of it. The land is good, mostly arable, with a large extent of pasture, and some woodland and bog. The living is a vie. in tho dioc. of Cork, Hoss, and < in the ]. , The church is in ruins. is established hero. Tho par. contains I acres. The Irish word ayliih, or tgluk, signifies a h, and is Then- are similar forms in tho Gaelic and Welsh. M-II. a par. in the bar. of Magunihy, in f i nd, 6 miles to tho X . V . of Killam. y. It issitnatnl on tie rier LHP . Most 1 wi 11 iill. I. '1'h. i. is some bog, and a quarry of good building-stone. Tho living is a vi. . in the >: val. ' covered ru old church adjoin tho new one, which wa -IIMAKTIX, a jKir. in the bar. of oil the ! t in i' notary, . in the pitron. of the I IICT U no rhiip-h. < irandisnn Caulk- is in this parish, which was erected by tho Duller*. AGLISH, a par. in the bar. of Carra, in the co of Mayo, prov. of Connaught, Ireland. It contains the market town of Castlebar. The living is a rect. in the dioc. of Tuam, Killala,and Achonry, united with Breafy and 3 others, val. 665, in the patron, of tho bishop. Set CiBTLBBAA. AGLISH, a par. in the bar. of Decies-within-Drum, in the co. of Waterford, prov. of Munster, Iri ! 5 miles to tho S. of Cappoquin. Il cunlains the vil iierstown, and is bounded on tho west by the ri. -r Blackwater. Tho land is generally good, but there is a large surface of waste, and also of bog. The living is a vie. included in the union of Affiine, in the dioc. of v, Waterford, and Lismore. There is an endowed chapel at Villierstown, and several schools an J in tho parish. Here are remains of Bewlcy Abbey, and of a fortemt. 1 l. King John. AOLLSHCLOOHAKE, a par. in tho bar. of Lower Omiond, in tho co. of Tipperary, prov. of Munstcr, Ireland, 4 miles to tho N.K. of Bomsokanc. It lies at tie upper einl of Lough Derg. It contains much bog and waste land, with limestone of good quality, for Imililing purposes. The living is a in t. in the dioc, of Killaloe, Kilfenora, Clonfert, and Kilmaoduagh, and is liy the Archdeacon of Killaloo, with whom is also the patron, of the perpct. cur. AGLISHCOUMICK, or LISCORMTJCK, a par. in tho bars, of Chinwilliam and Coonagh, in the CO- <! i irk, prov. of Munster, Ireland, 2 miles to the S . of Pallas Groan. The living is a rect. forming p uion of Ballybrood, in tho dioc. ot < a-.ln-l, Kmly, and Lismore. The old parish church i in ruins. .I.ISHDRINAOH, or Mil.lMIHl;ll>l in the bar. of Orrery and Kilmoi ]>rov. of Munster, Ireland, 3 miles to the .v V ville. The htnd is good, purtly anilili , Init i liiell posture. Tin- livinir i rect. in tho dioc. of < 'ork. ; and Cloyne, val. 221, in tho putron. of t There is no church, only some slight traces of the ancient one. AGMONDES1IAM, Buckinghamshire and Hertford- shire. iS' AMEIL-IMM. AGS A1W8, a par. and market town in thohund. of 1'yiler, in t he co. of Corn wall, 8 mil. I X.X.XV. i ro, und 267 miles from London. Its ancient name was Breanick. It is situated on the coast of Channel, in tho midst of scenery wild and pii-tun It is of a very rich and important mining district. The houses are mostly cottages, and tin ir inhabitant H workers in the mines. Tin racier of the rocks is granitic, ami they am rich in mineral*. At one time, tin was the only ininei In i' It was this metal forwhich thePhcenician li visited this ]rt of tho coast, before tho Clu ; Tin ].rinci|ul mine, after yielding a very large supply, is at length exhausted. Copper is now t i of the mines. The principal mine, which i- n im. 1 1 Towan ( Hi nig a work or pit), is 150 fathoms in depth, ami i- worked by 800 n re named South Vheal Towan, Wheal Charlos, West Pink, and Polpcrro, the la>t two being tin mines, ami 1'oli.erro. the exhausted one. There is a pier-bin M or t n vessel*, v hi'-h ran only i nt> r it at lii.:h water It was ilartieil :i ml improved M It is a Sub-| There H a lali;e trallie with IreLiml ami Wales in slat, ami < oal. Is nro 1 fishery, which was comim in >1 in St. Agnes' beacon is formed li ii nt fa, and consists ot a mass - .ii.l ipiait/. It is Mtiuited nonmit of a rock, rising iiJi (iei aborethi ofthi'M.i. liming tin l-'i.neh revolutionary war, this 1 in readiness to transmit the n constantly expected. Tho rock on which it ht'iml-, was an important centre of observation '.in the- triu'onoim trieal survey of those islands. There are shell bed* of recent origin, lying