Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/455

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CAERGELIOG. 445 CAERPHILLY. I CAERGELIOG, a tnshp. in the par. of Llandderfel, fiund. of Penllyu, in the co. of Merioneth, North Wales, i miles to the E. of Itala. CAKIIGWRLE, a tnshp. in the par. of Hope, orEstyn, lund. of Maylor, in the Co. of Flint, North Wales, 11 ) the S. of Flint, and 186 miles from London. It ted on the W. of the river AJen, a branch of the Dee, not far from the Chester and Shrewsbury railway. flv vil. of Hope, a mile off, is a station on the Mold iranch of the Chester and Holyhead railway. It has iiijectured that this place was an outpost of the -tation at Chester, which was the headquarters >f the 20th legion. Traces of Roman roads have been i ibserved, and Roman relics found in the ncighbour- I mod ; and the name of the tnshp. is easily derived from

Lleon, signifying " camp of the great legion."

>n a strep and rugged rock are some remains of a jliritish fortress, which was called Hope Castle, and con- ivith which is a tradition of a visit of Queen after it had been captured by Edward I. Caer near this village, is another British fort. Wat's .SSCH the parish of Hope. Caergwrle is a borough rated by a charter of the Black Prince, and is Loverncd by a mayor and two bailiffs. It is contributory rvith six other towns to the borough of Flint in return- ing one member to parliament. Limestone is quarried lor burning at Caergwrle Hill. Cattle fairs are held hero [>n Shrove Tuesday, the 10th May, the 12th August, and h October.

HEN, or CAERRHUN, a par. in the hund. of

Usaf, in the co. of Carnarvon, North Wales, 4 miles to UM S. of Conway. Llanrwst is its post town. It is situated on the banks of the river Conway, and extends ever an area of 13,402 acres. It was the site of the Koman station Cuiioviuin, the foundations of which are btill traceable. Many interesting Roman remains have md, among which is a brick inscribed " Leg. K." In 1801 a villa was discovered, and in 1824 a pot- ('ry v,-ith good specimens of highly ornamented ware. traces of copper and manganese have been found in this (parish. The living is a rect. united with that of Llan- Ixxlr, in the dioc. of Bangor. The church is dedicated to lit. Mary, and stands in a pretty spot near Caerrhun JIall. There are several chapels for Dissenters in the parish. The charitable endowments are worth 5 a. R-ear. Caerrhun Hall is the chief residence. CAERLANRIG, a district 16 miles long and 6 broad, formerly in the par. of Cavers, but now in the recently erected par. of Teviothcad, in the co. of Roxburgh, Scotland. CAERLAVEROCK, or CARLAVEROCK, a par. in ,Jie co. of Dumfries, Scotland, 6 miles to the S.E. of .Dumfries. It is situated in a fertile district on the coast of the Solway Frith, between the river Nith and Lochar "Water, and contains the small ports of Glencapel and Kelton, and the vils. of Bankend and Quay. It is chiefly interesting as the site of a castle, the massive and pic- turesque ruins of which stand on a level spot on the E. fide of the Nith. It was besieged and taken by Ed- ward I., in 1300, and after many subsequent sieges and captures, was finally taken and, dismantled by .Crom- well. In 1357 it was the scene of a terrible tragedy, which has furnished the subject of one of the ballads published in the " Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border." This castle was the seat of the family of the Maxwells of Nithsdale, who are still proprietors of the district. There are'remains of an ancient chapel dedicated to St. Columba, and of a castle. The living, worth 177, is in the presb. of Dumfries, and in the gift of the Marquis |0f Queensberry. There are several free schools, and ,some charitable endowments founded by Dr. Hutton, a native of the parish, and first physician to William III. and Queen Anne. He died in 1712. The annual pro- duce of the charities in nearly 200. The par. extends about 6 miles in length and between 1 and 2 miles in "jreadth. CAERLEON, a market town in the par. of Llan- ittMck, lower div. of the hund. of Usk, in the co. of Monmouth, 21 miles to the S. of Monmouth, and 148 miles from London. It is 3 miles from Newport, which is a station on the South Wales railway. Caerleon is situated on the N. bank of the river Usk, which here receives the Afon Lwyd, and is crossed by a stone bridge of three arches of modern date, built near the site of an ancient one of wood. This place, the name of which is British, and signifies "camp," or "city of the legion," is of very great an- tiquity, and possesses no ordinary interest by reason both of its legendary and historical associations. It was one of the most important cities of Roman Britain, and the metropolis of that division called Sntdnnitt Sccttnda. At different periods of the Roman dominion it was variously named Isca Lcgioitis Secttndie (the second legion being at one time stationed here), Isca, Colonia, and Isca Silurum. It contained a great number of public build- ings baths, temples, amphitheatre, &c. and was strongly fortified. Several great roads connected the city with other important towns. The British way Akeman Street ran from hence to Bath ; the Via Julia Maritima to Neath and St. David's ; and the Via Julia Montana to Abergavenny and Monmouth. Caerleon became famous as a seat of learning and for its religious houses. It has a high place in the Arthurian legends as the metropolis of Wales, under the " flower of kings," and as the burial-place of that national hero. It was long the seat of an archbishopric, which was founded, it is said, soon after the introduction of Christianity into the island, and was removed by St. David to Menevia, from that time called St. David's. Its last archbishop was Dubricius, who distinguished himself as an opponent of the doctrine of Pelagius. A castle existed here at an early period, which was probably of Norman origin, and became the seat of the princes of Wales, lords or kings of Gwent. In 1171 this castle and the town were taken by Henry II., who deposed lorwerth ap Owain, then lord of Gwent. The latter retook it after two years, and it remained in the power of the Welsh until their final subjugation by Edward I. Caerleon is now a town of small importance. The houses are chiefly old and irregularly built. There are two main streets, and till lately an old market-house, supported on four ancient Roman pillars, which are now placed in the crypt of the new museum. Some of the inhabitants are employed in the iron and tin-plate works. Many cinders, the refuse of ancient smelting-furnaces, are scattered in the neighbourhood. The parish church of Llangattock, dedicated to St. Cadoc, stands in the town, and greatly needs a thorough restoration. It is partly in the early English and partly in the perpendicular style. There are chapels belonging to the Baptists, Wesleyans, and Primitive Methodists ; a free school, founded by Charles Williams in 1724, for 50 children of both sexes, who are clothed as well as educated, the income from endowment amounting to about 800 per annum ; National and infant schools, and almshouses for widows, which last are about being sold for the benefit of the pensioners, as they are in ruins, and have no repair fund belonging to them. The charitable endowments of the town produce altogether about 830 a year. Petty sessions are held in the town. There is a museum of antiquities. Por- tions of the walls of the Roman city, which stood a little to the S. W. of the present town, still mark its site, now mostly covered with orchards or corn-fields. The walls are 12 feet thick. The amphitheatre generally called King Arthur's Round Table is plainly traceable, includ- ing an area of 222 feet by 192 feet. Many interesting Roman relics have been discovered, consisting of altars, pavements, columns, tiles with the inscription "Leg. H. Aug.," remains of baths and aqueducts, and coins of various emperors from Augustus to Valentinian. Some inconsiderable ruins of the castle and monastery still exist. St. Aaron and St. Julian, natives of Caerleon, are said to have suffered martyrdom here in the reign of Domitian. Near the town is St. Julian's, the seat of Lord Herbert of Cherbury. A market is held on the first Monday in every month. Fairs are held on the 1st May and the 5th September. CAERPHILLY, a market town in the par. of Eglw-